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The Wheel of the Year – Creating Magic

The Wheel of the Year is our guiding star here at Welsh Witch Craft Spirits. Passionate about our belief in the magic of nature and the healing power of the earth, the wheel of the year defines the seasons and an abundance of beautiful ingredients to create our hand-crafted spirits.

Having a true understanding of the Wheel of the Year is and why it inspired the Welsh Witch to create her beautifully brewed spirits is the purpose of this blog.
Read on to find out more…

What is the Wheel of the Year?

The wheel of the year is an annual cycle, based on nature and the sun’s transition through the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn & winter.

The Wheel of the Year delves further into the seasons, highlighting solstices, equinoxes and the midpoints between them. These become the 8 sabbats of the year, celebrated by modern pagans with festivals and rituals.
The Wheel of the Year focuses on celebrating and honouring the nature of a turning wheel and continual death and rebirth.


Our very own Welsh Witch, Jade takes her inspiration from Welsh folklore and Celtic pagan traditions and ensures the Wild Moon Distillery focuses on the cyclical nature of life and the changing of seasons.

Why is nature so important to Welsh Witch?

The seasonal sabbats reflect the seasonal flow of nature. Some aspects of Witchcraft say that the spiritual higher realm and the psychical lower realm connect their energies at sabbats.
This energy is at its height during each sabbat and the ingredients we choose for each of our drinks is inspired by the season ensuring the magical energy of the Wheel of the Year is intertwined within them. The energy and high-quality ingredients we use in each of our drinks is what makes them truly magical.

By using the magic in nature, and seasonal ingredients, each flourishing at different points through the seasonal calendar, we can create something beautiful – born out of our love for the local landscapes and the beauty of nature.

However, it is not just the celebration of nature that makes our craft spirits what they are.

They are also infused with the Welsh spirituality of our founder, the Welsh Witch, born under the season of Beltane, the Celtic goddess. It is these magical roots that inspires Wales’ Finest Potions.

Welsh Witch Wheel of the Year Range

We currently have 5 magical spirits which celebrate the first five sabbats, with more coming soon…

  • IMBOLC BLACKBERRY GIN – Honouring the Imbolc celebrations, this juniper led blackberry gin is earthy, award-winning and true to Welsh heritage. Celebrated on the first days of February every year, which marks the halfway point between the winter and the spring equinox.
  • BELTANE FLORAL GIN – Made using reiki infused rose water, this Beltane edition Welsh Witch Gin honours the sweet and spice seen in Beltane fire rituals. To celebrate the birthday of the Welsh Witch, we have crafted this gin inspired by all the elements and magic of Beltane.
  • OSTARA FLORAL GIN – Inspired by Ostara, the maiden goddess awakening in the celebration of the arrival of spring and an expansive new energy. Ostara gin takes inspiration from the spring flower violet for a more floral gin
  • LITHA ELDERFLOWER GIN – This Litha Edition Welsh Witch Gin welcomes the elderflower. The Elder is sacred to the Mother Goddess and is often called the Witch’s Tree, the Elder Mother, or Queen of the Trees. It is protective with wonderful healing properties.
  • WELSH WITCH VODKA – Welsh Witch Lammas Vodka is an elegant crowd-pleaser using Welsh mountain spring water. Inspired by the celebration of Lammas, marks the seasonal turning point of harvest and the first grain which is the starting point of high-quality vodka.

What does the future hold…

You’ve joined the Welsh Witch family at a genuinely exciting time as we complete our range of Wheel of the Year drinks.

We will be creating the last few potions needed to complete the Wheel of the Year range over the next few months, creating many more magical moments for you to experience.

If you’d like to learn more in depth about some of the pagan celebrations throughout the year, our Witch’s Journal blog features some posts on how they are celebrated and how you can get involved!


Shop all our Welsh Witch spirits, including our Premium Dry Welsh Gin, Welsh Witch Spiced Rum and new Welsh Lammas Vodka here.

Love & light,
Welsh Witch HQ x