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5 Ways to Celebrate Gin-YOU-ary


Welcome to Gin-YOU-ary!

So here we are, well and truly into our month on Gin-YOU-ary, celebrating all things gin and all things YOU! This year, we’re all about focusing on the magic of you, being authentic and, of course, gin! We are very proud of our selection of Welsh folklore and witchcraft inspired gins, so if you feel inspired too – check out our selection of premium spirits to relax with at the end of a long day!

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Our magical selection of premium tipples available all year round, not just in Gin-YOU-ary!


Here are our top ways to celebrate Gin-YOU-ary to honour yourself and find every day magic in this month!

1. Take a tech-free day on your own or with family and friends

People often get swept up in the digital worlds with social media and the internet and mindlessly scroll (we’ve all been there!). Find some time to detox completely from electronics and take a tech-free day alone or with family and friends to spend some deep quality time to think, talk, discuss, journal – whatever your heart desires. Often, we are so stimulated with information, data and opinions that it is very healthy and useful to take tech-free time to reset, recalibrate and remember our values, goals and dreams. Especially with the pressure of new years’ resolutions, diet culture and expectations to keep up new habits, take some time away from tech (and social media) if you know you have a tendency to compare yourself to others.

2. Schedule a self-care evening

Maybe you quite often schedule a self-care evening into your weekly routine or monthly one. Perhaps they work for you, or maybe they don’t. But often people think of self-care as just hot baths, a face mask and a box of choccies (all fine, of course!), when maybe you’ve been neglecting clearing out that messy drawer, putting off a tedious task that won’t actually take that long if you just do it. Sometimes self care can be doing the hard things to be temporarily uncomfortable to make your life for your future self that little bit easier – that in itself is a more important form of self care. Maybe set a reminder once a month to do those things that you put off, as a way to keep on top of them and then you can fully enjoy moments when you do have a hot bath and some chocolates without the impending doom of looming tasks!

3. Start a book you’ve always wanted to read

Spend some time this month picking out a book you haven’t gotten around to reading for whatever reason. There’s no better time than the start of a new year to pick up a new beneficial habit, such as reading often. If you’d like to continue your witchy education through reading, there’s many we would recommend: The Green Witch by Ann Murphy-Hiscock is one of our favourites; as well as Untamed by Glennon Doyle which doesn’t focus on witchcraft necessarily, but about living authentically and honouring your power. If you’ve read a great witchy book recently, give us a tag and let us know on Instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits!


What book have you been meaning to read for a while? Give yourself a chance now!

4. Make a vision board

You can do this digitally or physically! Setting visual goals for the year and for yourself is a great way to stay motivated and sit down and ask yourself what you want. Take some time on your own, or with friends, to create a vision board in your own way, to put somewhere in a high contact area. Somewhere you will see it every day. Whether that’s your computer desktop wallpaper, next to your kettle to look at every morning, next to your bed so you can look at it before you go to bed. Add beautiful things to it; add words, how you’d like to feel in this time – for example ‘happy’, ‘relaxed’ or ‘inspired’. You could add recipes of food you want to try cooking, places you want to visit – be as specific as you want. Use this as a manifestation tool to work towards your truest visions every day.


What would you put on your vision board?

5. Create some affirmation mantras to say every day

Write out some affirmations for yourself on post-it notes. This, like vision boarding, is a great way to give yourself of positive reminders throughout the day. Set them as your phone background, set a reminder every day, or journal on them if you wish. If you’re interested in some monthly goodness, our monthly newsletters contain our Welsh Witch x Emily Arizona affirmation graphics which can be used as your monthly phone wallpaper, print for your wall or keep in your purse, whatever works best for you. As long as you keep reminding yourself of your wonder, awe and strength!


And, of course, we don’t need to remind you: you can also enjoy a premium Welsh folklore-inspired botanical spirit (in moderation, of course) to celebrate ‘Gin-YOU-ary’. It is in the name! Our award-winning Original Dry Welsh Gin is perfect for a classy winter evening in with loved ones, we’ll cheers to that!