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Mabon Rituals for Turning Inwards

Celebrated between the 21st and 29th of September, Mabon is one of the eight sabbats of the pagan Wheel of the Year. The festivities are to enjoy the arrival of the autumn equinox; this time being sacred for turning inwards and preparing for the winter ahead. Using this time to reflect after the long days of summer is traditionally what ancient Celts and pagans would do to mentally prepare for the cold and dark nights of the latter half of the year.

The restful times of the autumn equinox and winter solstice are perfect for drying and preserving the rich crops of the fruitful summer months, storing food to enjoy throughout the winter, and preparing warming foods made with seasonal vegetables and fruits. During September vegetables such as pumpkins, squashes and gourds are abundant, meaning rich vegetable pies and stews are perfect for celebrating the transition from summer to winter.

Let’s learn a bit more about the rituals and practices that are used during Mabon and see if you feel called to try any of them.

1. Feast With Loved Ones

Food is a huge part of pagan celebrations, and therefore Mabon wouldn’t be complete without a harvest feast. Gather lots of fresh produce and make a warming dish for loved ones to enjoy together. Give thanks for the abundance of food and good times spent in good company, this is always a beautiful way to bring festivity to any occasion. Maybe suggest everybody bring a plate of food which can all be enjoyed together, or go to town and make a big pot of warming stew made with seasonal veggies and fresh bread followed by apple pie; as long as you use this time to recognise the abundance and sacredness of food and its nourishment, you can enjoy a feast exactly how you feel drawn to!

2. Preserve Harvested Foods For the Winter

Preserving collected harvests for the winter is an ancient tradition followed by many before food was so easily acquired at corner shops or 24 hour supermarkets! This integral process was key to survival for many civilisations, yet it is still practiced by many pagans today in order to preserve tradition. Take blackberries for example, a delicious berry abundant in the months of August and September, but nowhere to be found outside of these months. Finding a way to preserve these blackberries into a jam or syrup is a perfect way to enjoy the abundance of summer throughout the winter months too. Spend a day pickling, preserving or making jams or chutneys with some local or foraged goods and enjoy the rewards later.

3. Reflect and Give Thanks for The Abundance of Summer

Gratitude is a huge part of pagan philosophy; giving thanks is an essential part of most sabbat celebrations. The continuation of the Wheel of the Year expresses the need for change and growth throughout the seasons. Spend a little while giving thanks for the sunshine that the summer brought, the new experiences and memories, and the abundance of life (food, wildlife, opportunities) that it brought with it. If you feel inclined, a meditation ritual with intention setting and an overarching sense of gratitude is a perfect way to honour the changing of the seasons.

4. Have a Light Ritual

Mabon is a celebration of the autumnal equinox, meaning it is a midpoint between the summer and winter solstices. This balance between the bright days of summer and dark days of winter makes up a large part of Mabon festivities: recognising that both light and dark is needed in order to complete the cycle of the year. Spend an evening during Mabon to light a candle or sit in the dark and appreciate the need for both; this can be extrapolated out into a meditation about needing both good days and bad days, happiness and sadness, in order to have balance and enjoy the full spectrum of life.

5. Set Intentions for the Winter Months

For many, the long and cold months of winter are difficult and hard to cope with. In order to make the most of these times and embracing the change, is to come up with some intentions before the shorter days set in. Make a list of some hobbies or activities you’d like to try during the gloomy evenings so it changes the perspective. Instead of ‘I have to stay in because it’s dark and cold’, it becomes ‘I get to try out x, y or z hobby during these cosy evenings’. This practice is great for maintaining your wellbeing during the (let’s face it) sometimes difficult months, as well as giving you something to work on and achieve. Maybe try out something with friends and create a craft circle or have a new hobby day – the options are limitless!


At Welsh Witch HQ, we recognise everybody is different and will choose to celebrate differently. We encourage you to embrace the rituals you feel most drawn to and that feel most authentic to you.

Embrace what feels good and leave the rest.

We hope you have a magical Mabon and we hope this time is restful, rejuvenating and brings forth prosperity and clarity as we transition into the winter months.

Love and light,

Welsh Witch HQ x