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How to Celebrate Imbolc: The Welsh Witch’s Guide

how to celebrate imbolc

What is Imbolc?


Celtic pagan wheel of the year

To know how to celebrate Imbolc, we first need to know its origins and why it is an important time of year. Celebrated on the first days of February every year, Imbolc is a celtic pagan holiday in the Wheel of the Year which marks the halfway point between the winter and the spring equinox. It brings the hope of warmer weather to come, and is symbolic of Saint Brigid bringing new fertility, creativity, and the promise of spring. The patron saint of smithwork, Brigid, is celebrated during these times; both in terms of human fertility and the fertility of the land and nature becoming more fruitful as the climes begin to warm.


The Imbolc tradition is celebratory of change; the seasons and weather transforming are honoured to embrace this in-between period. We can use this time to deeply reflect on the winter time that has passed and be inspired about the future. There are many ways how to celebrate Imbolc; this is our Welsh Witch Craft Spirits guide to the pagan celebration.


How to celebrate Imbolc this year:


There are many ways to honour the Imbolc celebrations, and everybody’s way may be different – that is okay. Finding ways that attune with your values, what is accessible to you and what feels right is paramount to making the celebrations enjoyable.


Clean your space ready for the new season


Spring cleaning is an age old tradition – what better time to start preparing for the warmer months ahead than by cleansing your sacred spaces?! Ancient Imbolc traditions paved the way for the fertile agriculture and farming seasons, so people would prepare for the bountiful harvests to come by cleaning and preparing. Maybe a modern alternative would be to have a wardrobe declutter, sell, or donate old toys or books, or even deep clean your kitchen. Whatever you do, try and do it with intention – releasing things that no longer serve you to make room for better things to come.


Visit or bathe in a body of water


Brigid is known for her power of rivers and wells; so it comes as no surprise that Imbolc traditions often include water. Finding a body of water, the ocean or a river for example to bathe in (if you’re brave!) or just to visit and reflect. If the water is frozen, it is also a sign that warmer times are coming, and to give thanks for the changing seasons. Take a cold dip in the ocean and be mindful while doing so – use this cleansing ritual to shake off the dust of winter and embrace the coming of spring with open arms.


Light a fire and set intentions

Our Welsh Witch candles, perfect for intention setting

Bridig is also known as the fire Goddess. Use this time to light candles, set a bonfire or write a letter of intention and burn it. Join up with loved ones and sit around a fireplace together, set intentions for the new season ahead and connect with your community. Our Welsh Witch candles are filled with intention and handmade with love; try lighting one while meditating on how you envision this year to work out for you – what you want to achieve, what you want to feel, etc. Perhaps write a letter of your desires and dreams for this year, then burn it (carefully!) to send it out into the universe.


Be in nature and connect with others


After the cold and harsh winter months, sometimes we find ourselves having become quite solitary. It’s important to use this time to reconnect with the outdoors, enjoy the crisp air and winter sun: head out on a fresh morning walk with a friend or connect with a community group for an activity you enjoy. Finding a group of people you can speak with and discuss your goals and intentions with is a great way to build motivation for the year ahead while also bonding with likeminded individuals.



Try our Welsh Witch Imbolc Edition Gin!

Our magical Welsh Witch Imbolc Edition Gin

Enjoy some magical witchcraft goodness with our beautiful Welsh Witch Imbolc edition gin. This handcrafted gin is filled with natural botanicals and all the love and intentions of the Welsh Witch. Honouring the goddess Brigid, notes of angelica, wormwood and a delectable helpful of blackberries make this the perfect tipple for welcoming in the warmer spring weather.


However you choose to enjoy your Imbolc celebrations, well intentioned activities are perfect for this time of year. Settle in with a good cup of tea or a glass of botanical Welsh gin and reflect on the magic of the cyclical seasons, the wheel of life constantly turning, and know that things are always shifting and changing.


Let us know how you’re spending Imbolc by messaging us at @welshwitch_craftspirits on Instagram!


Welsh Witch HQ x