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Honouring Autumn and Finding Inner Cosiness

So October is here and autumn is well and truly upon us. This lovely time of year is an important reminder to slow down and work with the seasons, not against them. Autumn and winter remind us that slowing down and turning inwards is just as important as getting out there and doing in the summer. What makes this time of year special is the cosy feeling it has and the crisp autumn air which lulls us into the colder months. Whether you’re a summer baby or a wintery Christmas lover, let’s look at a few of the ways in which we can honour this time and find our inner cosiness.

1. Getting reflective with our goals and desires

This time of cosiness and darker evenings is a great invitation to look deeper within yourself. What is it you have been working towards this year? Get reflective and look at the bigger picture: are you happy with the direction your life is going in? If not, why not? If you could relive this past year again, what would you do differently? It’s important to not be too harsh on yourself during this process. Approach from a place of kindness and compassion towards yourself; this is not meant to be a harmful exercise. Use it as a tool to prepare yourself for the winter months ahead. Is there something you’d like to try this winter? Is there an old friend you’d like to get back in touch with? Use this time to think and sink within to see the bigger picture.

2. Embrace all the cosy activities

Winter is sometimes long and dark, so why not try and make it as fun as possible? Autumn reminds us that it’s good to play and have fun. Do you remember how fun it was as a child running around in the crunchy leaves? Autumn invites you to play: set up a blanket fort with your loved ones, or carve out an entire afternoon just to read with a good book and a pot of tea. Indulge your cosy self in all the lovely autumnal activities and romanticise this time of year!

3. Invite autumn into your home

This one is a great way to celebrate Samhain too; this idea of honouring the change of the seasons and appreciating the cycle of the year. Make an wreath out of branches and autumn leaves and hang on your door, or create a garland out of dried oranges to invite the lovely wintery smell of citrus into your space. It could be as simple as lighting an autumnal-scented candle or adding an autumnal drink to your repertoire.
Hint hint, our new Mabon Roasted Apple Spiced Rum would be a great addition!

4. Appreciate the changing seasons

This one is a really simple one which doesn’t require anything other than a bit of spare time and perhaps a companion to join you. Get outside and enjoy a lovely autumnal walk! Get inspired by the changing of the leaves and let the cool air remind you that summer has passed, autumn is here and we are always in motion. Enjoy the right now, because with each passing day, everything is changing within the Wheel of the Year. Perhaps say aloud a passage of gratitude for nature and the ever-changing wonder it provides. You could choose to go deeper into this and opt for a nature meditation, forest bathing or a wild-camping night – make it your own!

However you choose to welcome this new season in, do whatever feels authentic to you. These changing times remind us how impermanent everything is, which can help us be more meaningful with each moment. Extend some gratitude to yourself for making it through another season of live and into the next; you deserve it!

We hope you have a beautiful Samhain and All Hallow’s Eve, however you choose to celebrate. May this autumn bring you abundance, joy and comfort.

Cariad a goleuni,

Welsh Witch HQ x