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Welsh Witch’s guide to cocktails this festive season

Christmas time means party season and no party is complete without that perfect cocktail. Are you in need of some mixology inspiration to dazzle your family and friends in your kitchen or at your home bar? Or simply want to get into the Christmas spirit with some festival cocktails.

Cocktails are great way to get into the festive mood for several reasons:

  • Flavour Variety: Cocktails offer a wide range of flavours and ingredients, allowing you to create drinks that are tailored to the theme or season. The flavours can evoke the spirit of the celebration.
  • Visual Appeal: The colours, garnishes, and glassware used for cocktails can be visually striking. When you’re sipping on a beautifully presented cocktail, it can instantly make you feel like you’re part of a special occasion, which enhances the festive mood.
  • Creating Social Connections: Cocktails are often shared and enjoyed in a social setting. Gathering with friends and family to enjoy cocktails can create a sense of togetherness and celebration, making it easier to get into the festive spirit.
  • Creativity: Making cocktails allows you to get creative in the kitchen. Experimenting with different ingredients, garnishes, and presentation styles can be a fun and engaging way to express yourself and set the mood for a festive occasion.
  • Versatility: You can adapt cocktails to various themes and seasons.
  • Memories: Cocktails can become a part of the memories associated with a celebration. When you have a signature cocktail at a special event, it becomes a symbol of that occasion and can trigger fond recollections in the future.

Cocktails offer a combination of flavours, aesthetics, and social engagement that can enhance the festive mood. They allow you to be creative, set the tone for your event, and provide a sense of celebration and indulgence that can make any occasion feel more special.

Five festive cocktails to get you started

We are lucky to have some very talented friends of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits with a flair for creating that perfect tipple. They have created some memorable holiday drinks recipes from our range of potions and elixirs.
A BIG thank you to @thejuniperpixie for creating some memorable holiday drinks recipes from our range of potions and elixirs to get us into the festive spirit.


The Holly Jolly Christmas cocktail

✨60ml Original Gin

✨30ml Elderflower Liqueur

✨100ml Clementine Juice

✨Topped up with ginger beer

Pour over ice. Garnish with pomegranate and a sprig of thyme or mint.



Chocolate Rumtini

✨50ml Yuletide Rum

✨50ml Bailey’s Irish Cream

✨15ml Chocolate Syrup

Pour into a shaker and shake together. Shake over Ice and serve in a Coupe and garnish with a Sprig of Mint



Chocolate Orange Espresso Martini

✨50ml Welsh Witch Yuletide Rum

✨50ml Espresso

✨25ml Cointreau

✨10ml Creme de Cacao

✨5ml Simple Syrup


Pour into a shaker and shake together. Serve in a chilled martini glass and enjoy.



Witched Brew

✨60ml Pomegranate Juice

✨30ml Cranberry Juice

✨15ml Maple Syrup

✨60ml @welshwitch_craftspirits Vodka

Pour into a shaker and shake together Garnish with orange.



Wrexham Mule

✨50ml Welsh Witch Lammas Vodka

✨Crushed ice

✨150-200ml ginger ale

✨Few dashes of ginger bitters

To garnish


✨Splash of grenadine

Pour the vodka into a metal mug, julep tin or tumbler. Load up ¾ full of crushed ice, then fill to the top with the ginger ale and stir gently to combine. Add a few dashes of ginger bitters.

Serve with splash of grenadine to add the Wrexham fiery red colour and finish with a squeeze of lime and the wedges on top.


Winter Spiced Pear Cocktail

✨60ml Samhain rum

✨30ml pumpkin syrup

✨Juice of half a lemon

✨One egg white

Shake together with no ice first, then add ice and shake again into a martini glass.


The Chocolate Orange Rumgroni

✨50ml Yuletide Rum

✨50ml Campari

✨25ml Cointreau

✨25ml sweet vermouth

Pour into a shaker and shake together. Serve in a heavy glass with a clementine slice



You can shop our whole range of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits here.

What’s more with our multi buy offer you can get any three of our craft spirits for £95. Which means it’s even easier to try the full range of Welsh Witch festive cocktails.

If you decide to try out any of these cocktails, don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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How to Celebrate Lammas

Firstly, What is Lammas and How is it Celebrated?

Lammas is a celebration on the 1st of August marking the equal distance between the summer solstice and the autumn solstice. It is representative of the time around the first harvests of the year and is a festival of all things grain. Therefore foods rich in wheat, grains and barleys are common in Lammas traditions. As we know, summer (especially in the UK) is a time producing a delicious abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, and Lammas is a pinnacle point of gratitude for plentiful crops and bountiful produce. Take a walk outside and admire all of the plants and trees bursting with colours; these summer festivities are honouring just that!

Let’s have a look at some of the ways we recommend spending Lammas (or any of August) to get the most out of this magical time of year. The month of August is usually a time of fun, good weather and embracing your inner child, which is exactly what we encourage! This is a great time to enjoy the fruits of your labour and look at how far you’ve come this year. The seasons remind us that everything is always changing, so it’s important to be present and grateful for the right now.

How to Celebrate Lammas This Year

1. Bake Something Delicious

One of the best ways you can celebrate this time of harvest and abundance is by utilising these ingredients! Try baking some fresh bread to honour grain and wheat harvests during Lammas, try out a new recipe and share with loved ones. There’s nothing better than getting together and connecting with friends and family while enjoying some home-cooked goods. Try out a sourdough loaf or a yummy stuffed tear-and-share bread or go sweet and try out a seasonal strawberry and peach pie; the choices are unlimited! Wrap up your loaf or sweet treat and head to the beach or your favourite picnic spot and enjoy a lovely outdoor feast, giving thanks to the Earth and for the abundance it provides. Not to mention, there’s nothing better than the smell of freshly baked bread, right?

2. Decorate with Fresh Flowers (Bonus Points if You Pick Them!)

This time is a perfect opportunity to decorate your sacred spaces with the abundance of nature, including flowers and floral decorations. Perhaps head to a sunflower field if you have one near you that offers a ‘pick your own’ style harvest and make extra memories frolicking through the flowers! Grab a buddy and make a day of it; that’s all part of the fun. If that’s not an option, try heading to a local florist and supporting a small business by buying a bouquet of high quality and seasonal flowers. Decorate your spaces with them and play around with some different displays. Some people love to create themed altars for the sabbats, so if you feel called to you could try that too. Use seasonal ingredients and natural items and say a little prayer of gratitude too once you’re finished. It’s also fun to save the flowers and press or dry them after you’ve enjoyed them for a while too.

3. Offer Something Back to Nature

Since we’re using this time to appreciate and show gratitude for all nature does for us, it’s important that we also give back too. Getting outside is a great way to do this, since we can really connect with the Earth when we are outdoors amongst the trees, ocean and sounds of wildlife. An offering can be anything of your choosing, as long as it is given with good intentions and you have gratitude in your heart. For example, you might choose to scatter some birdseed in your garden or set up a feeder to help your little community of birds. You could go as far as making a hedgehog house and filling it with food (hedgehogs are in great decline in the UK so this is a good one!) or installing a bug hotel to help bees and butterflies. On the other hand, the offering could be more of a spiritual one: perhaps burying one of your favourite rocks or crystals in the ground as a symbolic offering to mother nature. You could make a bouquet of dried flowers or herbs and place it somewhere in the woods or in your garden as it decays and returns to the earth. Get as creative as you like; the idea is to give thanks to Earth and repay it with kindness!

4. Honour the Full Moon(s)!

What is special about August is that we have two full moons this month, one falling on August 1st (Sturgeon Moon) as well as the 31st (Blue Moon). The second is called a blue moon because occasionally we get lucky enough to experience two full moons in one calendar month (hence the phrase ‘once in a blue moon’). This intense month of August brings with it the perfect opportunity to seize a new opportunity and watch it come into fruition with the two full moons symbolising a complete cycle. On August 1st, start a new journey or challenge, and see how far you’ve come on the 31st when we are met with another full moon. This could be a physical challenge (such as walking every day, or starting a new creative hobby) or equally a mental challenge (such as practicing meditation every day, or journaling how you are feeling each evening). The limits are endless; this is a great way to try out something new for 30 days and see how you get on!

5. Connect With Loved Ones

This celebratory time is often a time of weddings, parties and gatherings, so it’s a perfect time to connect with loved ones. Get together with your nearest and dearest, bring some drinks and snacks and enjoy long summer evenings. On Lammas you could host a dinner or garden party, where you each bring your favourite seasonal treats and discuss things you are grateful for in each other and in the world itself; not only will this create beautiful memories, it harbours a lovely sense of gratitude and positivity. If you’re looking for some tipples for your summer parties, our 3 for £90 spirit deal might just be for you if you’re looking to try our magical new Welsh Witch Vodka!

However you choose to spend Lammas, as we always say, it’s important to do what feels authentic to you. We are all about showing up authentically here at Welsh Witch HQ and that means doing what feels magical to you. Essentially, spend your Lammas honouring the magic of nature, (which is a lot of the keystone beliefs of pagan tradition!) and spend time with loved ones and use this time to be reflective of the cyclical and ever-changing seasons.

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x