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Lunar energy, moon water and charging crystals

With the rise of popularity in crystals, manifestation and moon cycles, it can be a bit daunting if you don’t know where to start with all these spiritual terms. Ultimately, we want to make it as simple as possible if you’re feeling overwhelmed, or if you need a little refresher on crystals, charging them, and harnessing the magic of the moon. If you’re thinking ‘What is moon water and why are people drinking it?’, then look no further!

So, what is lunar energy?

Spiritually, many civilisations have believed in the magical properties of the moon, with each phase having different significance and healing powers. If you’ve recently embarked on a spiritual journey, or are curious about the moon, let’s unpack what happens during each lunar cycle.

Simply put, the waxing and waning on the moon can be a reflection of our own personal experiences, with life in a continuous state of ebb and flow. The moon itself is often viewed as a symbol of feminine energy, reflection and intuitive powers, and with each cycle, we can see through goals, transformations and inner journeys. The energy emitted during the moon’s phases is not to be underestimated – many people find it difficult to sleep during the full moon, or find themselves overwhelmed with emotions. The moon does control the tides, don’t forget – so it’s no wonder it has an impact on our bodies!

The way lunar energy can be utilised varies individually, but if this is new to you, there are some ways you can make a start. A new moon is the beginning of a lunar cycle, when the moon isn’t visible, as it is completely in darkness and not lit up by the sun. This time is great for new beginnings and setting intentions for the month ahead. On the other end of the scale is the full moon (which we all know and admire!) and this is the time for reflection and deep gratitude. It is during the full moon that we can admire our hard work on our intentions from the new moon, and release anything that is no longer serving us.

Using the moon to charge crystals & make moon water

The moon during its full phase is an intensely spiritual power that many people cherish. During this time of the full moon, some people may choose to charge and cleanse their crystals. Crystals are a powerful tool in the spiritual world, since many believe in their innate healing abilities and power to dispel negativity energy or emotions. This means that crystals can become blocked or ‘filled-up’ with negative energy – imagine a bucket which becomes fuller and fuller, and negativity will spill over the edges once it’s reached capacity.

Many people believe that cleansing your crystals under the full moon not only releases those collected energies, but you can charge them with higher frequencies and energies too, to make them work most efficiently. You can do this by laying out your crystals near a windowsill, or outside (if it’s not raining – some crystals don’t like water!) during the night of the full moon. The lunar energy will dispel those negative frequencies and charge up the crystal’s healing power.

You can also use this method to make moon water. Simply leave out a glass of water on a windowsill in the light of the moon, or outside (if you’re not planning on drinking it!) overnight and let the moon do it’s magic. Some people choose to drink this water, and imagine themselves harnessing the divine feminine energy of the moon and its intuition, or you may choose to water your plants, add it to a bath or use it to make a facial or body spray.

How does the Welsh Witch harness the power of the moon?

Here at Welsh Witch, rolling with the seasons and natural patterns of life is a core part of our products. Especially because our core Wheel of the Year range is what we are so passionate about: honouring mother nature and the spectacles she has to offer. That’s why each product is left to distil over an entire lunar cycle, from the new moon, through the waxing phases, to the full moon and the waning phases, in order to harness that inherently feminine lunar energy. Each batch is then filtered through reiki-charged and moon cleansed crystals for high vibrational potions, perfect for the spiritual practitioners in your life who love a luxuriously crafted beverage made with intention and care.

Each routine and practice at the Wild Moon Distillery in Wrexham has been meticulously crafted, for a magical experience that not only tastes delicious, but honours mother nature at every step.

If you’d like to try our enchanting range of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits, you can shop here.

Happy moon charging,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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Welsh Witch’s guide to cocktails this festive season

Christmas time means party season and no party is complete without that perfect cocktail. Are you in need of some mixology inspiration to dazzle your family and friends in your kitchen or at your home bar? Or simply want to get into the Christmas spirit with some festival cocktails.

Cocktails are great way to get into the festive mood for several reasons:

  • Flavour Variety: Cocktails offer a wide range of flavours and ingredients, allowing you to create drinks that are tailored to the theme or season. The flavours can evoke the spirit of the celebration.
  • Visual Appeal: The colours, garnishes, and glassware used for cocktails can be visually striking. When you’re sipping on a beautifully presented cocktail, it can instantly make you feel like you’re part of a special occasion, which enhances the festive mood.
  • Creating Social Connections: Cocktails are often shared and enjoyed in a social setting. Gathering with friends and family to enjoy cocktails can create a sense of togetherness and celebration, making it easier to get into the festive spirit.
  • Creativity: Making cocktails allows you to get creative in the kitchen. Experimenting with different ingredients, garnishes, and presentation styles can be a fun and engaging way to express yourself and set the mood for a festive occasion.
  • Versatility: You can adapt cocktails to various themes and seasons.
  • Memories: Cocktails can become a part of the memories associated with a celebration. When you have a signature cocktail at a special event, it becomes a symbol of that occasion and can trigger fond recollections in the future.

Cocktails offer a combination of flavours, aesthetics, and social engagement that can enhance the festive mood. They allow you to be creative, set the tone for your event, and provide a sense of celebration and indulgence that can make any occasion feel more special.

Five festive cocktails to get you started

We are lucky to have some very talented friends of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits with a flair for creating that perfect tipple. They have created some memorable holiday drinks recipes from our range of potions and elixirs.
A BIG thank you to @thejuniperpixie for creating some memorable holiday drinks recipes from our range of potions and elixirs to get us into the festive spirit.


The Holly Jolly Christmas cocktail

✨60ml Original Gin

✨30ml Elderflower Liqueur

✨100ml Clementine Juice

✨Topped up with ginger beer

Pour over ice. Garnish with pomegranate and a sprig of thyme or mint.



Chocolate Rumtini

✨50ml Yuletide Rum

✨50ml Bailey’s Irish Cream

✨15ml Chocolate Syrup

Pour into a shaker and shake together. Shake over Ice and serve in a Coupe and garnish with a Sprig of Mint



Chocolate Orange Espresso Martini

✨50ml Welsh Witch Yuletide Rum

✨50ml Espresso

✨25ml Cointreau

✨10ml Creme de Cacao

✨5ml Simple Syrup


Pour into a shaker and shake together. Serve in a chilled martini glass and enjoy.



Witched Brew

✨60ml Pomegranate Juice

✨30ml Cranberry Juice

✨15ml Maple Syrup

✨60ml @welshwitch_craftspirits Vodka

Pour into a shaker and shake together Garnish with orange.



Wrexham Mule

✨50ml Welsh Witch Lammas Vodka

✨Crushed ice

✨150-200ml ginger ale

✨Few dashes of ginger bitters

To garnish


✨Splash of grenadine

Pour the vodka into a metal mug, julep tin or tumbler. Load up ¾ full of crushed ice, then fill to the top with the ginger ale and stir gently to combine. Add a few dashes of ginger bitters.

Serve with splash of grenadine to add the Wrexham fiery red colour and finish with a squeeze of lime and the wedges on top.


Winter Spiced Pear Cocktail

✨60ml Samhain rum

✨30ml pumpkin syrup

✨Juice of half a lemon

✨One egg white

Shake together with no ice first, then add ice and shake again into a martini glass.


The Chocolate Orange Rumgroni

✨50ml Yuletide Rum

✨50ml Campari

✨25ml Cointreau

✨25ml sweet vermouth

Pour into a shaker and shake together. Serve in a heavy glass with a clementine slice



You can shop our whole range of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits here.

What’s more with our multi buy offer you can get any three of our craft spirits for £95. Which means it’s even easier to try the full range of Welsh Witch festive cocktails.

If you decide to try out any of these cocktails, don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy

Sometimes life is hard enough, without having to deal with negative energy, people who don’t have your best interests at heart or toxic relationships. While these things are less than ideal, there are ways in which you can protect yourself from that negative energy and self-preserve your own wellbeing. Today we’re going to be talking through some simple activities you can do which help to reduce these negative scenarios impacting you. The more you practice these, the better you will get at deflecting these feelings and it’ll be like water off a duck’s back – you’ll breeze through and feel like you won’t be giving anyone else power over your feelings except you.

Make peace with what has hurt you

We’re coming in strong with something that isn’t necessarily easy. That being said, it’s vitally important that you do some digging into who and what has hurt you in the past because otherwise this will continue to negatively affect you and your state of wellbeing. This may not be a job you can tackle on your own, though, and you may need the help of a therapist or counsellor if you’re dealing with sensitive subject matter. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help tackling these things.

Decompress when you need to

Life has its tricky moments, that’s for sure. So don’t be afraid to take some time out of a scenario where you need to clear your head. For example, you may need to step away from a discussion to prevent it becoming a heated argument. You may have got some bad news and you need some time to process it and come to terms with it. It’s important that you take this time to do so, otherwise it may come rearing its head later and catch you off guard. If that happens, it’s okay too, but making sure you aren’t burying any feelings is a good way to not let them overwhelm you. Take the time you need to do what’s best for your wellbeing.

Learn to master your emotions and reactions

Often, we come from a place of reaction, rather than response. That can make for emotional outbursts and blurting out something which may make everything worse. Especially when it comes to talking about our feelings; it’s a common reaction to get defensive and standoffish as a way of preserving ourselves. Mastering our emotions is a key way to not letting negative energy effect is and bring out our unhelpful coping mechanisms. A healthy way to navigate a discussion with a friend, loved one or a stranger, is to calmly approach the topic with open-mindedness. Try and both understand where both sides are coming from, and do so from a place of compassion. Not only will this make discussions much more productive, it helps protect you from being brought down by negative energies.

Meditate, exercise, cleanse your space or journal (or all of them!)

Have a space where you can outlet your emotions; negative, positive, the works. Having this outlet is a way to balance those feelings you may have. This outlet will be different for everybody; some people prefer to diffuse those negative energies (picked up from themselves or somebody else) by doing a vigorous workout. Somebody else may prefer to meditate and undertake a visualisation where all of the negative feelings are dissipating and being replaced with love, joy and contentment. Another method is to cleanse those energies with reiki healing, using crystals or having a holistic healing treatment. These are of course not for everyone, but trying something new can never hurt; you may enjoy it! A tried and true practice for protecting yourself from negative energy is by journaling your thoughts and feelings. Having a notebook to put down those thoughts without holding back is a way to remove those thoughts from ruminating in your mind and plaguing you. Once they’re down on paper you’re free to forget about them, to no longer let them bring you down or negatively impact your wellbeing.

Remind yourself that you are full of magic

Now, we know this sounds a little cheesy, but run with us for a moment. Sometimes we all doubt ourselves, right? We all have moments where we feel less than enough. But in order to protect ourselves from negative energy (which may be of our own doing!) is to remind ourselves just how magical we are. You don’t have to be fancy with this, it can be as simple and as regular as brushing your teeth. While you look in the mirror while brushing your teeth, say to yourself “I am worthy, I am loved, I am enough.” You can get as creative as you want here, you can make them specific to a goal you’re working on, an anxiety you may have, and so on. A good way to remind yourself is by making mini affirmation cards or post-it notes in places you frequent a lot, such as on a mirror, or by your kettle. Just little reminders of your inner sparkle and the magic you bring to the world. You could even print out our monthly affirmation cards from our Instagram page @welshwitch_craftspirits.

We are here to remind you how special and loved you are, but despite all that, sometimes negative energy still happens. The important thing is to remember that it will pass and better days will be on their way soon. We hope these have been a useful guide to protecting your energy and ways you can look after your mental wellbeing.

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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What makes Welsh Witch Craft Spirits different?

Welsh Witch’s award-winning distillery Wild Moon is a family run business which has been creating spirits since 2019 and currently has 3 of our spirits recognised and awarded by the Great taste awards amongst other awards bodies.

Based in Wrexham, North Wales, the distillery was founded by Jade Garston, inspired by Welsh pagan folklore and a passion for converting high quality natural ingredients into drinks that create magical moments!

Turning that passion into award-winning craft spirits

What makes Welsh Witch different is a distinct connection with Mother Earth in all our processes and a distilling process charged by the moon.
Enchanting drinkers with our natural flavours and premium taste, Welsh Witch is the world’s only distillery to be charged by the moon.

Each bottle is allowed to mature over a full moon cycle, the spellbinding perfection of Welsh Witch is conjured from nature’s purest offerings plus the most magical resource that Wales has to offer – its water.

We take our inspiration from the Celtic Pagan Wheel of the Year which celebrates the seasons, each bringing an abundance of beautiful ingredients to make our hand-crafted drinks.

The Witch behind the magic

It is in fact Jade, the Welsh Witch, at the core of what truly makes Welsh Witch different. Jade, one of the UK’s few female distillers, carries out the entire process from start to finish.
Since making potions as a little girl, she has turned her love of botanicals into a magical line of products which ooze magic and warmth.

This means there is high quality control, small batches of botanical goodness, and an underlying passion for luxurious spirits and ingredients. Each stage of the process – from label designing and branding, to bottling and hand-waxing the corks – requires finesse and expert craftsmanship.

However, the magic she creates is more than simply about the care and attention she puts into it. Her spiritual beliefs that further enrich the process.

Being a Witch is a spiritual alternative to help navigate modern life; it not only centres around nature, but is deeply rooted in being kind, present and true to yourself. In short it is about happiness from within.
It’s this magical outlook and set of beliefs that makes Jade and Welsh Witch crafts spirits so special.

“I’ve always been a deeply spiritual person. From making potions in the bath using garden foliage, to collecting seashells and intriguing stones from the beach. As I grew older, I started collecting healing crystals, using tarot & angel cards and it became a part of life and my love for witchcraft grew stronger.

Sharing Jade’s proud Welsh heritage and personal beliefs

Welsh Witch is more than a drinks brand, it’s Jade’s passion brought to life and allows her to share a magical way of life with the world.

From the moment of business conception, Welsh heritage has been weaved into Jade’s business from the get-go.

Jade is very proud of her roots, she wanted to bring the cultural folklore (the Mabinogion) and age-old traditions of Wales to the modern-day consumer. Intertwined with a rich dedication to paganism and spirituality, the luxe spirits created by Welsh Witch are both a marvel for the eyes and the tastebuds.

Through her spirits, Jade hopes to bring forth more education around spirituality, witch culture and her love of her hometown Wrexham, in the beautiful country of Wales.

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Samhain Spirits – Guest Blog

Author: Lizzie Burgess

Hi lovelies!

I’m honoured to be back again to talk about the benefits of using Welsh Witch Dry Gin in our witchery practice, especially in the run up to Halloween, a time that witches adore.

It’s our new year, and with rich history celebrating Calan Gaeaf and Samhain, the Welsh (and witches world over) love to mark the occasion and celebrate with friends. But what if we want to deepen our connection to witchcraft and our spirit practice right now?

When it comes to Samhain, and Calan Gaeaf, the sort of correspondences associated with them are recognisable in other cultures and lore too:

  • Y Ladi Wen, the Lady in White, a lot like La Llorona, White Lady of Leap Castle and White Lady of Balete Drive
  • Apples in use for divination (like throwing a peel over the shoulder to see the shape of our future loved ones name or initials), for magick and for fertility, as well as goddesses like Eris and Pomona
  • Coelcerth, relating to bonfires, would be a practice of throwing a stone with your name to the fire, and after the fire finding your stone to ensure a good year ahead
  • The nights where we remember loved ones past, and the ones still with us that we wish to keep safe and blessed, and raising a toast (or saving a glass of something special) to those who are no longer with us

Overall though this is a time spiritually when the walls between realms are thinnest, as well as it’s counterpart timing in May for Beltaine, and communication with spirits and ancestors is high up on the agenda for most witches. Whether it is for recognising the paths they carved for us and showing gratitude, whether it is for closure and a turning point in our grief journey, or whether it is simply working with the energies of the world as it fallows into stillness – Samhain spirit work is no joke.

You might be being called to spirit work more if you are noticing a lot of angel numbers, if you are experiencing lucid dreams and out of body experiences, if your energy levels are high and you can feel an intensity building in the ether. As it’s also Scorpio season, it’s a great opportunity to investigate deeper your psychic abilities.

When beginning this type of work, especially if you choose to make it a ritual, it’s often advised to come from a calm and non-anxious position. You want to be cool headed and collected when engaging with this type of work, which deserves focus and respect.

And this is where Welsh Witch Dry Gin comes into play in our practice – it offers a powerful, intense and unique way to mark this season with its flavour profile of Celtic botanicals. Why not create a very special Samhain tincture to aid in your spirit work? Tinctures are known to be a powerful way of holding energy – so why not fill yours with Samhain spirit? It could be a perfect way to deepen your practice and feel more grounded during this special time.

Here’s how:

Cleanse your space energetically in a way that feels right for you; I love clove incense, but burning garden sage, using a silver bell or even visualisation may work for you.

Fill your sterilized bottle halfway with Welsh Witch Dry Gin, then top it up with New moon water until its three quarters full.

Add a selection of herbs, spices and botanicals that have special significance to you – from cinnamon to mugwort and bay leaves. The cinnamon would work with the bitter orange, but the coriander elements will pair nicely with the mugwort too.

Seal the bottle with its stopper, then bless it in whatever way is meaningful for you. I choose to sit mine with a clear quartz crystal, a piece of tourmaline, and sit under moonlight in my windowsill.

Place your tincture somewhere safe (like a pantry or cupboard), and make sure not to move it for at least two weeks.

After two weeks, strain the liquid with a cheesecloth and bless it again with whatever ritual tools you deem appropriate.

You can use your spirit-infused tincture whenever you wish – from preparing an altar to meditation or conversations with guides, this is the perfect way to honour Samhain and connect deeper into your practice. As always, use alcohol responsibly, and dispose of your unused spell items respectfully.

I hope this sparks some ideas for you to honour Samhain, as well as deepening your connection to your own spiritual presence with Welsh Witch Dry Gin!

Enjoy the season, lovelies – Happy brewing! 🔮☕️✨

About the writer

Lizzie Burgess, a secular divination Bosswitch, runs where you can learn more about divination methods, rituals and resources that help you with your growth spiritually and professionally. Lizzie is currently finishing the upcoming book “An A to Z of Modern Divination”, where they upcycle and modernize ancient divination methods for a more accessible divinatory practice.


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Honouring Autumn and Finding Inner Cosiness

So October is here and autumn is well and truly upon us. This lovely time of year is an important reminder to slow down and work with the seasons, not against them. Autumn and winter remind us that slowing down and turning inwards is just as important as getting out there and doing in the summer. What makes this time of year special is the cosy feeling it has and the crisp autumn air which lulls us into the colder months. Whether you’re a summer baby or a wintery Christmas lover, let’s look at a few of the ways in which we can honour this time and find our inner cosiness.

1. Getting reflective with our goals and desires

This time of cosiness and darker evenings is a great invitation to look deeper within yourself. What is it you have been working towards this year? Get reflective and look at the bigger picture: are you happy with the direction your life is going in? If not, why not? If you could relive this past year again, what would you do differently? It’s important to not be too harsh on yourself during this process. Approach from a place of kindness and compassion towards yourself; this is not meant to be a harmful exercise. Use it as a tool to prepare yourself for the winter months ahead. Is there something you’d like to try this winter? Is there an old friend you’d like to get back in touch with? Use this time to think and sink within to see the bigger picture.

2. Embrace all the cosy activities

Winter is sometimes long and dark, so why not try and make it as fun as possible? Autumn reminds us that it’s good to play and have fun. Do you remember how fun it was as a child running around in the crunchy leaves? Autumn invites you to play: set up a blanket fort with your loved ones, or carve out an entire afternoon just to read with a good book and a pot of tea. Indulge your cosy self in all the lovely autumnal activities and romanticise this time of year!

3. Invite autumn into your home

This one is a great way to celebrate Samhain too; this idea of honouring the change of the seasons and appreciating the cycle of the year. Make an wreath out of branches and autumn leaves and hang on your door, or create a garland out of dried oranges to invite the lovely wintery smell of citrus into your space. It could be as simple as lighting an autumnal-scented candle or adding an autumnal drink to your repertoire.
Hint hint, our new Mabon Roasted Apple Spiced Rum would be a great addition!

4. Appreciate the changing seasons

This one is a really simple one which doesn’t require anything other than a bit of spare time and perhaps a companion to join you. Get outside and enjoy a lovely autumnal walk! Get inspired by the changing of the leaves and let the cool air remind you that summer has passed, autumn is here and we are always in motion. Enjoy the right now, because with each passing day, everything is changing within the Wheel of the Year. Perhaps say aloud a passage of gratitude for nature and the ever-changing wonder it provides. You could choose to go deeper into this and opt for a nature meditation, forest bathing or a wild-camping night – make it your own!

However you choose to welcome this new season in, do whatever feels authentic to you. These changing times remind us how impermanent everything is, which can help us be more meaningful with each moment. Extend some gratitude to yourself for making it through another season of live and into the next; you deserve it!

We hope you have a beautiful Samhain and All Hallow’s Eve, however you choose to celebrate. May this autumn bring you abundance, joy and comfort.

Cariad a goleuni,

Welsh Witch HQ x

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A Guide To Making Gin From The Welsh Witch

Our award-winning craft spirits are made using tried and tested methods, Welsh-inspired ingredients and the knowledge of wise folklore to brew our magical potions. Not only is each spirit hand-bottled, hand-corked and waxed for that mystical apothecary style, they’re packed and labelled by hand for maximum quality every time. Each of our spirits goes through their own carefully crafted small batch process. Today we’re going to delve into the magical secrets of the Welsh Witch and share a little bit about how gin is made, and what makes our crafted potions extra special.

The process of gin making

To create our Welsh Witch Craft Gins, we use the London Dry Gin process, an age-old method which we find to be the best for our products. We start with our base of NGS (which stands for neutral grain spirit), which is what is used as the foundations of any white spirit. At this point, we mix our NGS with Welsh Water, which we use to keep our spirits packed with as many Welsh ingredients as we can. We source our Welsh water from the Ffynnon Beuno well, where it is believed over centuries to have healing powers within it. This intertwines our beloved Welsh folklore with our spirits right from the get-go.


Using the moon cycles during our crafting process

This base of NGS and Welsh water is then left to charge under a full moon cycle, with 21 litres of water charged within each batch. We do this to invite the lunar energy to cleanse and age our spirits to perfection, integrating this pagan tradition into our Welsh Witch drinks. Then comes the fun part: we add botanicals. This is the part that feels like brewing a magic potion.

Adding high quality ingredients to our vapour and boil, this is where our spirits get their unique flavours. We may add cinnamon or rosewater if we’re making our Beltane Gin, or we would add gorseflower, coriander seed and bitter orange for that unique Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin flavour. This is then processed to a stable temperature and we take 50ml of heads with the rest run through the process.

Next begins the testing process of volume, liquid and ABV. This is an important step which includes cutting with water to reach that 40% ABV in order to be bottled and follow regulations. It is then once again left to rest over a full lunar cycle in order to infuse and brew that magic that is known and loved in Welsh Witch Craft Spirits.

Small batches for high quality magic

Because each of our spirits is made in small batches, it means we can check for the highest quality in each one. Our expertise means that magic is guaranteed in each hand-poured bottle, and each one comes from the wonderful brain of founder and Welsh Witch herself, Jade. Bottled in house in our Wrexham distillery, our spirits are a perfect first step into learning about mystical Welsh folklore and ancient celtic pagan traditions.

Finished with care and touches of sparkle

Each bottle before it reaches the shops or your hands is hand-finished with a cork and sealed with wax, as well as a beautiful mystical label: part of our iconic witchy branding. You can really feel the love in each drop. If you decide to give your own brewing a go, picking high quality ingredients is the best tip for making sure your spirit is as luxurious as can be.

If you’re feeling inspired, or would like to shop the range of our Welsh Witch Craft Spirits, you can do so here, where you can see our magical Wheel of the Year inspired beverages.

Or, if making your own gin seems like a big task – maybe try out some of our fabulous cocktail recipes instead, that way you can feel like a potion-maker and please your guests at the same time!

Happy mixing,

Welsh Witch HQ x

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Witch’s Guide to the Autumn Equinox

As we approach the beginning of the Autumn Equinox on the 23rd of September, we invite you today to a guide of all things Mabon, preparing for winter and cosy rituals for the darker evenings ahead. This time of year is perfect for getting your cosy on, chilling out and venturing inwards into your feminine energy.

Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do during this autumn equinox in order to make the most of the changing seasons.

Things to Do During the Autumn Equinox

Mabon is celebrated between the 21st and 29th of September, so right during the autumn equinox. This celebration comes from the changing of seasons and the equal amount of light and dark during each day. Check out our blog on the best ways to celebrate Mabon for some inspiration.

Mabon rituals might include a light ritual, feasting with friends or as simple as setting intentions for the winter months ahead.

Before we come to the end of delicious berry season, get outside and forage some blackberries, elder berries or sloes. This time of year is perfect for finding an abundance of treats in nature, perfect for baking and making into new recipes. Preserving them into jams and syrups to enjoy in the winter is a great thing to do this time of year too!

Remember to change with the seasons

With the changing of weather and the autumn solstice upon us, nature reminds us to always be in flux. Change is welcomed and encouraged in order to grow. This autumn you could try out a new hobby or craft which you can use the darker, winter evenings to refine and improve upon. If you’re the creative type, maybe try your hand at crocheting, watercolour painting or punch needling. If you’d prefer something more athletic, try a new exercise class or find some videos online of yoga, pilates or ballet.

You could even try your hand at becoming a cocktail master to impress all your friends at those Christmas dinner parties – check out some of our favourite Welsh Witch cocktail recipes here.

The cyclical nature of life and the Wheel of the Year helps us embrace and trust in the natural processes throughout the calendar year. Celtics and pagans remember that each sabbat is necessary and important in order for life to thrive. The same will come back around next year; so while we know it’s sad to see the summer coming to a close, we know that we’ll see it again soon. For now, we can enjoy the marvels of the winter months with cosy recipes, chilly Sunday mornings and the magic of Yule ahead. This change reminds us to be grateful for each moment. Practicing gratitude is a perfect way to give thanks back to nature, especially at the time of the solstice; try saying a little thanks to nature for always providing abundance and a safe space for growth.

Make some time to see the sun set

As is common with the summer solstice, witches and pagans make an effort to watch the sunset and/or sunrise on the autumn equinox. Places like Stonehenge are popular destinations to do this in, but just the act of spectating the sun setting and rising wherever you are (you don’t have to do both, pick one or the other) on the equinox is a beautiful way to appreciate the new solstice. Pagans, celts and other religions have been celebrating these moments for thousands of years.

Have you ever watched the sun set on a Solstice day? Why not give it a go?

Time to embrace Spiced Rum season!

We all know and love this time as filled with pumpkin spice here there and everywhere, but at Welsh Witch HQ this time is all about the Spiced Rum! As we’ve spent the summer enjoying our fruity and floral gins, now is the time to welcome with open arms the warming winter belter every bar cart needs! Our award-winning Welsh Witch Spiced Rum is the perfect autumnal drink, with sugar, spice and everything nice; handmade to perfection in the hills of North Wales. Pair it with a botanical cola, add into a Bara Brith recipe or enjoy neat on its own over ice, this Spiced Rum can fulfil all your whimsical autumnal drink wishes!

Wishing you a happy and healthy Autumn Equinox!

We hope your autumn solstice is filled with joy and magic, as we enter a new season and sabbat. Let us know how you like to spend Mabon and the autumn equinox on our social media @welshwitch_craftspirits; here you can also keep up to date on any new product launches, special offers and even giveaways. You can also shop our full range of award winning Welsh spirits here.

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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The Wheel of the Year – Creating Magic

The Wheel of the Year is our guiding star here at Welsh Witch Craft Spirits. Passionate about our belief in the magic of nature and the healing power of the earth, the wheel of the year defines the seasons and an abundance of beautiful ingredients to create our hand-crafted spirits.

Having a true understanding of the Wheel of the Year is and why it inspired the Welsh Witch to create her beautifully brewed spirits is the purpose of this blog.
Read on to find out more…

What is the Wheel of the Year?

The wheel of the year is an annual cycle, based on nature and the sun’s transition through the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn & winter.

The Wheel of the Year delves further into the seasons, highlighting solstices, equinoxes and the midpoints between them. These become the 8 sabbats of the year, celebrated by modern pagans with festivals and rituals.
The Wheel of the Year focuses on celebrating and honouring the nature of a turning wheel and continual death and rebirth.


Our very own Welsh Witch, Jade takes her inspiration from Welsh folklore and Celtic pagan traditions and ensures the Wild Moon Distillery focuses on the cyclical nature of life and the changing of seasons.

Why is nature so important to Welsh Witch?

The seasonal sabbats reflect the seasonal flow of nature. Some aspects of Witchcraft say that the spiritual higher realm and the psychical lower realm connect their energies at sabbats.
This energy is at its height during each sabbat and the ingredients we choose for each of our drinks is inspired by the season ensuring the magical energy of the Wheel of the Year is intertwined within them. The energy and high-quality ingredients we use in each of our drinks is what makes them truly magical.

By using the magic in nature, and seasonal ingredients, each flourishing at different points through the seasonal calendar, we can create something beautiful – born out of our love for the local landscapes and the beauty of nature.

However, it is not just the celebration of nature that makes our craft spirits what they are.

They are also infused with the Welsh spirituality of our founder, the Welsh Witch, born under the season of Beltane, the Celtic goddess. It is these magical roots that inspires Wales’ Finest Potions.

Welsh Witch Wheel of the Year Range

We currently have 5 magical spirits which celebrate the first five sabbats, with more coming soon…

  • IMBOLC BLACKBERRY GIN – Honouring the Imbolc celebrations, this juniper led blackberry gin is earthy, award-winning and true to Welsh heritage. Celebrated on the first days of February every year, which marks the halfway point between the winter and the spring equinox.
  • BELTANE FLORAL GIN – Made using reiki infused rose water, this Beltane edition Welsh Witch Gin honours the sweet and spice seen in Beltane fire rituals. To celebrate the birthday of the Welsh Witch, we have crafted this gin inspired by all the elements and magic of Beltane.
  • OSTARA FLORAL GIN – Inspired by Ostara, the maiden goddess awakening in the celebration of the arrival of spring and an expansive new energy. Ostara gin takes inspiration from the spring flower violet for a more floral gin
  • LITHA ELDERFLOWER GIN – This Litha Edition Welsh Witch Gin welcomes the elderflower. The Elder is sacred to the Mother Goddess and is often called the Witch’s Tree, the Elder Mother, or Queen of the Trees. It is protective with wonderful healing properties.
  • WELSH WITCH VODKA – Welsh Witch Lammas Vodka is an elegant crowd-pleaser using Welsh mountain spring water. Inspired by the celebration of Lammas, marks the seasonal turning point of harvest and the first grain which is the starting point of high-quality vodka.

What does the future hold…

You’ve joined the Welsh Witch family at a genuinely exciting time as we complete our range of Wheel of the Year drinks.

We will be creating the last few potions needed to complete the Wheel of the Year range over the next few months, creating many more magical moments for you to experience.

If you’d like to learn more in depth about some of the pagan celebrations throughout the year, our Witch’s Journal blog features some posts on how they are celebrated and how you can get involved!


Shop all our Welsh Witch spirits, including our Premium Dry Welsh Gin, Welsh Witch Spiced Rum and new Welsh Lammas Vodka here.

Love & light,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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How to Celebrate Lammas

Firstly, What is Lammas and How is it Celebrated?

Lammas is a celebration on the 1st of August marking the equal distance between the summer solstice and the autumn solstice. It is representative of the time around the first harvests of the year and is a festival of all things grain. Therefore foods rich in wheat, grains and barleys are common in Lammas traditions. As we know, summer (especially in the UK) is a time producing a delicious abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, and Lammas is a pinnacle point of gratitude for plentiful crops and bountiful produce. Take a walk outside and admire all of the plants and trees bursting with colours; these summer festivities are honouring just that!

Let’s have a look at some of the ways we recommend spending Lammas (or any of August) to get the most out of this magical time of year. The month of August is usually a time of fun, good weather and embracing your inner child, which is exactly what we encourage! This is a great time to enjoy the fruits of your labour and look at how far you’ve come this year. The seasons remind us that everything is always changing, so it’s important to be present and grateful for the right now.

How to Celebrate Lammas This Year

1. Bake Something Delicious

One of the best ways you can celebrate this time of harvest and abundance is by utilising these ingredients! Try baking some fresh bread to honour grain and wheat harvests during Lammas, try out a new recipe and share with loved ones. There’s nothing better than getting together and connecting with friends and family while enjoying some home-cooked goods. Try out a sourdough loaf or a yummy stuffed tear-and-share bread or go sweet and try out a seasonal strawberry and peach pie; the choices are unlimited! Wrap up your loaf or sweet treat and head to the beach or your favourite picnic spot and enjoy a lovely outdoor feast, giving thanks to the Earth and for the abundance it provides. Not to mention, there’s nothing better than the smell of freshly baked bread, right?

2. Decorate with Fresh Flowers (Bonus Points if You Pick Them!)

This time is a perfect opportunity to decorate your sacred spaces with the abundance of nature, including flowers and floral decorations. Perhaps head to a sunflower field if you have one near you that offers a ‘pick your own’ style harvest and make extra memories frolicking through the flowers! Grab a buddy and make a day of it; that’s all part of the fun. If that’s not an option, try heading to a local florist and supporting a small business by buying a bouquet of high quality and seasonal flowers. Decorate your spaces with them and play around with some different displays. Some people love to create themed altars for the sabbats, so if you feel called to you could try that too. Use seasonal ingredients and natural items and say a little prayer of gratitude too once you’re finished. It’s also fun to save the flowers and press or dry them after you’ve enjoyed them for a while too.

3. Offer Something Back to Nature

Since we’re using this time to appreciate and show gratitude for all nature does for us, it’s important that we also give back too. Getting outside is a great way to do this, since we can really connect with the Earth when we are outdoors amongst the trees, ocean and sounds of wildlife. An offering can be anything of your choosing, as long as it is given with good intentions and you have gratitude in your heart. For example, you might choose to scatter some birdseed in your garden or set up a feeder to help your little community of birds. You could go as far as making a hedgehog house and filling it with food (hedgehogs are in great decline in the UK so this is a good one!) or installing a bug hotel to help bees and butterflies. On the other hand, the offering could be more of a spiritual one: perhaps burying one of your favourite rocks or crystals in the ground as a symbolic offering to mother nature. You could make a bouquet of dried flowers or herbs and place it somewhere in the woods or in your garden as it decays and returns to the earth. Get as creative as you like; the idea is to give thanks to Earth and repay it with kindness!

4. Honour the Full Moon(s)!

What is special about August is that we have two full moons this month, one falling on August 1st (Sturgeon Moon) as well as the 31st (Blue Moon). The second is called a blue moon because occasionally we get lucky enough to experience two full moons in one calendar month (hence the phrase ‘once in a blue moon’). This intense month of August brings with it the perfect opportunity to seize a new opportunity and watch it come into fruition with the two full moons symbolising a complete cycle. On August 1st, start a new journey or challenge, and see how far you’ve come on the 31st when we are met with another full moon. This could be a physical challenge (such as walking every day, or starting a new creative hobby) or equally a mental challenge (such as practicing meditation every day, or journaling how you are feeling each evening). The limits are endless; this is a great way to try out something new for 30 days and see how you get on!

5. Connect With Loved Ones

This celebratory time is often a time of weddings, parties and gatherings, so it’s a perfect time to connect with loved ones. Get together with your nearest and dearest, bring some drinks and snacks and enjoy long summer evenings. On Lammas you could host a dinner or garden party, where you each bring your favourite seasonal treats and discuss things you are grateful for in each other and in the world itself; not only will this create beautiful memories, it harbours a lovely sense of gratitude and positivity. If you’re looking for some tipples for your summer parties, our 3 for £90 spirit deal might just be for you if you’re looking to try our magical new Welsh Witch Vodka!

However you choose to spend Lammas, as we always say, it’s important to do what feels authentic to you. We are all about showing up authentically here at Welsh Witch HQ and that means doing what feels magical to you. Essentially, spend your Lammas honouring the magic of nature, (which is a lot of the keystone beliefs of pagan tradition!) and spend time with loved ones and use this time to be reflective of the cyclical and ever-changing seasons.

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x