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Welsh Witch Gift Guide: 5 Christmas Present Ideas

potions and

With Christmas approaching faster than you can say ‘December, already, really?!’ you best believe we are ready to help you out with the best Welsh Witch gift guide to make your holiday season easy as pie. In order to give you the magical festive season you and your loved ones deserve, we’re counting down 5 of the best witchy gift ideas for those magical humans in your life.

In this post, you’ll find these gifts to tick off that tricky gift recipient, or for your co-worker’s secret santa:

  1. For the Classicist: Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin
  2. For the one Who’s Hard to Buy For: Welsh Witch Spiced Rum
  3. For the Perfect Stocking Filler: Welsh Witch Spirit Baubles
  4. For the Witchy Decor Lover: Welsh Witch Gin & Tonic Candle
  5. For the Indecisive One: 3 for £95 Welsh Witch Spirit Selection

Whether you’re a proactive festive prepper and like to get things ready months in advance, or if you’re a last minute laid-back type, you’ll love our gift options all the same. Our products have shined this year, meaning we hope they’ll make your friends and family shine too when they find them under their trees. We’ve been working really hard to spread the Welsh Witch love this year, therefore, were proud to announce we’ve won 5 awards this year for our magical potions. So you don’t have to just take our word for it!

Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty; whether you’re looking to buy for your gin loving sister, a tricky mother-in-law, a rum connoisseur uncle or if you just feel like getting yourself something nice, let’s see what takes your fancy:

  1. For the classicist: Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin

welsh witch original dry gin

Our award-winning Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin 

So, let’s start with our iconic and first-born Original Dry Gin. We will always have a soft-spot for our classic and unassuming, unfussy and crowd-pleasing London dry gin. If you’re buying for someone who sits snugly within the venn-diagram of classicist and gin lover, look no further. This is your potion: award-winning, juniper-led and all ready for your preferred mixer, it’s almost too easy. Pick up one of our Welsh Witch Original Dry Gins and let its signature taste do the talking.

  1. For the one who is hard to buy for: Welsh Witch Spiced Rum

welsh witch spiced rum

Our award-winning Welsh Witch Spiced Rum

The spotlight product at the moment is a great alternative for anyone who isn’t a fan of gin (we can’t imagine how, but we won’t judge!). Our Spiced Rum recently won a Gold Medal in the The Spirits Business: Global Luxury Masters, so it’s an excellent Welsh Witch gift guide pick. Its classic yet innovative flavour boasts a nostalgia of Wales. The main flavour inspiration for this spirit is the Welsh ‘bara brith’ tea loaf. This tipple is perfect for pairing with mixers, or enjoying neat, with a whisper of whisky to end the taste journey. You can enjoy our Welsh Witch Spiced Rum solo, or you can enjoy one of our prepackaged spirit + mixer potion bundles so your recipient is drink-ready as soon as they open their gift.

  1. For the perfect stocking filler: Welsh Witch Potion Baubles 


 A perfect stocking filler for a loved one; they’re practical and adorable! Pop one of our Welsh Witch Potion Baubles on your tree as a magical surprise for the festive day, or perhaps pick a Potion Bauble for your secret Santa. We have three of our delicious award-winning spirits. We have the Original Dry Gin, Beltane Edition Gin and Spiced Rum in three different festive decorations to choose from. Each potion bauble is filled with 10cl of one of our magical tipples, making it a perfect taster for one or two drinks if you’re not sure which full-size bottle to go for.


  1. For the witchy décor lover: Welsh Witch Gin & Tonic Candle

Welsh Witch Gin & Tonic Candle 20cl

 If the person you’re buying for isn’t a huge lover of alcohol or they don’t drink: fret not! We have a perfect option; the Welsh Witch candle collection. Scented with dreamy botanical and cocktail inspired scents, you get all the joy with none of the hangover! These look perfect on a witch’s alter, in your living spaces or to use for meditation. We have several different scents, so there’s certain to be one for your gift recipient! We think these smell good enough to eat (though we don’t recommend that!) so we won’t judge if you nab one for yourself too!

  1. For the indecisive one: Welsh Witch 3 for £95 Magic Selection Box

welsh witch craft spirits

 Now, it’s impossible to go wrong with a selection of three of our award-winning spirits. This is an excellent and more luxurious gift option for someone who is a fan of craft spirits. Our 3 for £95 selection box allows you to choose any three of our Core Collection or Wheel of the Year collection spirits for £95, with a saving of £13 and a gorgeously displayed box of premium tipples. Now, the hardest part is choosing which ones!

Welsh Witch Gift Guide: Which Will You Choose?

Whatever you pick from the Welsh Witch storecupboard, we are sure your recipient will love it; and, we totally won’t judge you if you end up keeping it for yourself, we won’t tell! Our award-winning spirits are sure to bring some magic into your homes this festive season. All our products are handmade at our warehouse in Wrexham, Wales. Made with locally foraged and high quality botanicals they true to our Welsh roots and traditions.


Are you an early festive prepper or last-minute gifter? Whichever you are, share a little Welsh Witch magic this year; we have something for everyone!


We can’t wait to see your festive trees this year with your Welsh Witch baubles; be sure to tag us on Instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits and share your magic gifts!


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How to Celebrate Samhain & All Hallow’s Eve

how to celebrate samhain - welsh witch

how to celebrate samhain

What is Samhain?


To learn how to celebrate Samhain, we must first understand the celebrations’ origins. Samhain (pronounced sah-win) is the pagan celebration from October 31st to November 1st and is the Celtic pagan tradition from which modern day Halloween stems from. The two holidays are not the same though. Both are celebrated differently and by different people. The Samhain festival celebrates the end of the harvest season. It is also known as the festival of the dead, honouring those that have passed. Often, Samhain rituals involve fire, as it is the fourth of the four fire festivals within the Celtic Pagan year. The other fire festivals being Imbolc, Beltane and Lammas. With Samhain, comes darker evenings, more time for introspection and cosy times ahead. It is a time to retreat inwards, reap the harvest from the year prior and plan for the cold months ahead. Samhain is also known as the Witches’ New Year, so it is a great time for planning a fresh start and cleansing the past year.


How to Celebrate Samhain?


There are many ways to celebrate Samhain. Individually, people choose different methods of celebrating, so it is important to celebrate in a way that feels genuine to you.


  • Offerings for The Dead


Some choose to celebrate with a ‘Dumb Supper’, also known as a silent supper. A meal in which no words are spoken, and a place is laid in offering to the dead. Some of each drink that is consumed on the table is poured into a cup in a spare table space. This is repeated with some of each of the foods that are served. Once the supper is complete, the food is then placed outside for the night. It is left as a spiritual gift to those that have passed. Since the time of Samhain is when it is believed the boundary between the living and dead is weakest, it is thought that communication with the dead is stronger during the Samhain festival.


  • Practice Fire Rituals and Mindful Lighting


Similar to the traditions on Bonfire Night, Samhain can be celebrated with fire. Lighting a fire, candle or a spell cauldron or incense is a good way to honour the dead and celebrate the passing of the summer season. If you don’t have the space for any of those things, making sure you have ambient lighting or conscious lighting choices in your home is a way to be present and grounded in the festival. If you’re looking for a new candle, our Welsh Witch Candles are an excellent witchy addition to any altar.


how to celebrate samhain - fire rituals

Light a bonfire or candle to help celebrate the fire rituals associated with Samhain


  • Embrace the Changing of Seasons


Take a walk in nature during the Samhain festival and be mindful of the changing colours, the dying vegetation and appreciate the cyclical nature of Samhain and the end of the summer season.

Forest bathing is a great way to connect with nature and be present in the death of one season and the change into another: take off your shoes (if you want to connect directly with the Earth) and wander around a natural area and ground yourself to the earth. If it is allowed and without disrupting the nature of the location, gather a few items to create a nature mandala in the forest. Arrange items however you like in a circular mandala pattern and appreciate the process of life and rebirth in both nature and spirituality. This helps you to connect deeply with the surrounding environment and again reinforces the cyclical processes in the Circle of Life.


how to celebrate samhain

Take a walk in nature, admire the nature surrounding you or make a natural mandala out of fallen leaves and flowers

  • Journal or Meditate on the Past Year


Since it is the start of the Witches’ New Year, it’s a good time to reflect on the year passed. Spend time writing about your journey over the past months. If you feel like it, practice a meditation where you invite in your past and future selves in. Invite them to discuss the goals you wish to pursue and what you’ve learned this year. If it helps, using a divinity tool such as a tarot deck or oracle cards is a good way to discover further steps you can take to reset.


  • Host a Community Circle


Connecting with others is a good option on how to celebrate Samhain. Creating your own community circle or finding one in your local area is a perfect way to meet new people and celebrate together. Write intentions together and burn them as a group. Similarly, discuss your highlights of the year or share tips on how you each celebrate Samhain. Getting together is a great way to celebrate any Celtic Pagan festival. Grab your nearest and dearest, or meet new people by hosting a circle online!

Cook some earthy, nutrient rich food, and serve drinks or premium botanical spirits to connect with the natural elements. Our award-winning Welsh Witch Spiced Rum is a perfect addition to any festive celebration, with notes of cinnamon and orange paying homage to the fire rituals and the inspiration stemming from the traditional Welsh bara brith tea loaf.


How to Celebrate Samhain: However You Decide Best!

However you choose to celebrate Samhain, remember to be mindful of the religious and spiritual significance of the yearly event for many. It is important to be respectful of tradition and remember that everybody may choose to celebrate slightly differently. If you choose to drink, do so responsibly and respectfully. If you wish to view our collection of premium award-winning botanical spirits, you can do so here.



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Moon Charge Your Life – 5 Ways to Use the Lunar Cycle


moon charge your life

Want to learn how to moon charge your life? Keep reading to find out more! During the creation process of our Welsh Witch Craft Spirits, we understand the power of the moon and her phases being a sacred part of everyday life. We take the lunar cycles into account – we are the Wild Moon Distillery, after all – it’s only fitting we use the moon’s power to bring forward new ideas, concepts, and creations.


  1. Learn when the moon cycles are


A key aspect of learning to live with the moon cycles is getting to know the phases of the moon and what they symbolise. Finding out the current moon phase is easy, you can simply look it up online or download an app, such as, which will tell you about the phases and what this means. It can also be helpful to know the type of moon that is occurring that month. For example, the Flower Moon in May signifies the abundance of flora at that time of year, and the Full Corn Moon in September signifies the time of harvest and introspection. Reading up about each moon and setting intentions inline with them is a great way to sync your life up with the lunar cycles.


  1. Set intentions to moon charge your life


During the new moon, at the start of the lunar cycle, it is an excellent time to set intentions, invite new ideas and start a fresh beginning. An important part of starting to moon charge your life is becoming aware and present. This is the time when you can start new projects or try out new hobbies. Always try and align these activities with the start of the new moon as this is when intentions are most powerful. This time of introspection is important for grounding and looking ahead with clarity and optimism. Take some time to write down your goals for the weeks ahead or create a vision board of what you’d like to achieve. If you can, lighting a candle is a physical act which is perfect for intention setting. Our Welsh Witch Gin & Tonic Candles are a great witchy candle for any altar.

Our Welsh Witch Gin & Tonic Candles are perfect for setting intentions

  1. Know how to release what doesn’t serve


It’s important to know what to do during a full moon to utilise the powerful energy it creates. When it reaches full moon, it is easy to feel tired and emotional, as this is when the moon’s charge is energetically the strongest. Utilise these feelings to release any feelings of negativity, relationships that are no longer serving you, or unwanted burdens on your time and energy. It’s also a great time to look at your progress on your new challenges; if you started a new project or hobby during the previous new moon, use time during the full moon to appreciate how far you’ve come.


  1. Choose what you want to charge


When creating our Welsh Witch Craft Spirits, we charge our distilled healing Welsh water with the full moon, to cleanse and purify the energy before it is used in our premium award-winning spirits. You can moon charge and energy cleanse anything you wish – many choose to make their own moon water, or cleanse crystals, tarot decks or spell jars in the full moon. If you wish to cleanse yourself in the full moon, simply sit or lie somewhere in the view of the full moon, inside or outside, whichever is most comfortable for you, and imagine the moon cleansing your whole body. You can meditate or journal while you do this if you wish. Repeat each lunar cycle for an energy cleansing ritual.

  1. Cleanse your space and items regularly


Creating a routine using the lunar cycle is a perfect way to moon charge your life and make sure your items are regularly cleansed. Set a reminder before the new moon and the full moon in order to set your intentions and plan your projects. Journaling throughout the moon cycle is a good way to keep track of those intentions and seeing how the moon’s energy affects your emotions and moods throughout the month. Tying this into the astrological calendar, you may be able to understand your feelings better and find guidance in the lunar cycles.


Using the moon is a powerful way to incorporate more spirituality and intentions into your life. Throughout much of nature there are examples of cyclical processes, and at the Wild Moon Distillery we know the important role these cycles play and therefore they have a sacred place in our hearts. Do you use the moon cycles in your spiritual routines? Let us know or tag us in your rituals on instagram at @welshwitch_craftspirits.

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Our ‘Bara Brith’ Spiced Rum is a Gold Medal winner.


Welsh Witch spiced rum is a gold medal winner! We were the only one in The Spirits Business ‘Ultra-Premium’ competition to receive a gold in this category.  What’s more we were up against some amazing brands from the drink’s world in the Luxury Masters Competition.

The award is a recognition from an expert independent judging panel, which is an incredible achievement. Made even better by coming from The Spirits Business as the leading international spirits media trade publication.


What did the judges think?

 “Orange peel, gingerbread, and lovely spice aroma. Nice spiciness, a touch sweet, very consumer-friendly. “

“Mandarin, orange and grapefruit peel, alongside some chocolate notes. Clove and nutmeg. A pleasant smelling spiced rum. The palate is smooth and the spicing is very pleasant, dry and fruity with the spiced orange, mandarin note.”

“The nose is clean and marzipan cake. ginger candid and fennel on the palate. Balance is amazing /spectacular, that’s what I want from spiced rum.”


What makes our rum special?

Our spiced rum is special, unquestionably this is due to the deep rooted inspiration from the traditional Welsh ‘Bara Brith’. To get such high praise and tasting notes which recognise the care and attention we put into creating this warm potion means a lot.

You can find out more about Welsh Witch’s win and the Luxury Masters Competition over at The Spirits Business website from here.


Best served for maximum taste

The perfect serve…neat over ice, leave to rest.

You can purchase our Bara Brith spiced rum from here and we will be releasing a limited edition ‘gold’ gift set in celebration of this achievement. More will be revealed over the coming weeks, watch out for updates on our social media or sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know – sign up here.

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The Magical Story of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits


The story of how it all began


Welsh Witch Craft Spirits was born in 2019, with the launch of our first product, the original Welsh Witch Dry Gin. Prior to this, our Welsh Witch founder Jade had been providing clients with her talents through her mobile bar hire. This was disrupted due to the pandemic, which overturned many businesses and forced owners to adapt and change. After dabbling in creating her own spirits for a while, Jade worked hard on flavour developing, licensing and branding designs to launch the Original Dry Gin into the world. 


It didn’t come without obstacles though; the December 2019 initial product launch went extraordinarily well but as we all know 2020 wreaked havoc on the entire world. The following year brought its own set of problems for small businesses and retailers alike. But we came out the other side and we’re doing what we love to do. Keep reading if you want to learn more about your favourite witchy spirits and how they’re made, the inspirations behind them and what the future brings for the Wild Moon Distillery. 


Who makes Welsh Witch Craft Spirits?


When we say small business, we mean small business. The entire process is carried out and monitored solely by Jade, the Welsh Witch herself. Since making potions as a little girl, she has turned her love of botanicals into a magical line of products which ooze magic and warmth. This means there is high quality control, small batches of botanical goodness, and an underlying passion for luxurious spirits and ingredients. Since the birth of her own little witchling in 2022, Jade sometimes receives help from family and friends in the Wild Moon Distillery, however she is absolutely the powerhouse of the mythical business. Each stage of the process – from label designing and branding, to bottling and hand-waxing the corks – requires finesse and expert craftsmanship. Through her spirits, Jade hopes to bring forth more education around spirituality, witch culture and her love of her hometown Wrexham, in the beautiful country of Wales.



Our Welsh Witch Jade – the woman behind the magical brand


A business with Welsh heritage at its heart


From the moment of business conception, Welsh heritage has been weaved into Jade’s business from the get-go. Fighting the oppressing stigmas Wales has faced, Jade thought it was time to put it back on the map with her delicious hand-crafted tipples. Very proud of her roots, she wanted to bring the cultural folklore (the Mabinogion) and age-old traditions of Wales to the modern day consumer. Intertwined with a rich dedication to paganism and spirituality, the luxe spirits created by Welsh Witch are both a marvel for the eyes and the tastebuds. 


Welsh Witch Craft Spirits are made using locally foraged ingredients, meaningful botanicals and ritual practices to cleanse the spirits and charge them with reiki energy in the full moon. These practices are very important in reinforcing the pagan Celtic roots of the business and standing apart from competition by mindfully creating each batch and treating each product with care and attention. 


The rituality of creating Wheel of the Year gins lends inspiration from the Pagan Wheel of the Year, in which there are eight annual festive seasons all of which have their own traditions and meanings. This line of products is continually evolving this year. There are already Beltane, Imbolc, Lithia and Ostara gins on offer, so you’ve joined us at a very exciting time in our business! Sign up to our newsletter here to make sure you don’t miss out on our new launches!


A delicate and magical process


Fine-tuning a bespoke process is no easy task, but the Welsh Witch has created a distillation routine that creates beautifully finessed products every time. Years of hard work and inspiration led to the birth of the craft spirit range, when Jade began spreading the word about the beautiful Welsh folklore and traditions surrounding them. 


The core products, the Original Dry Gin and the Original Spiced Rum, pay homage to Welsh roots. The Spiced Rum is influenced by spices in a Welsh bara brith (a type of spiced tea loaf) for instance, creating feelings of instant nostalgia and warmth, among sophisticated flavours and a smooth finish. 


The fact the spirits are made in small batches allows careful monitoring of flavour infusions. Each spirit is flavoured with locally sourced or foraged high quality ingredients, such as gorseflower, violets or blackberries. Flavours are hand-selected due to both taste aspects and spiritual aspects; how they are linked to each Sabbat of the Wheel of the Year. For example, blackberries are sacred to Brigid, the Pagan goddess of Imbolc; they are a goddess plant and used for healing and attracting prosperity.  

Struggles and determination


Running any business isn’t easy, but product-based businesses have been hit hard with setbacks and obstacles during the pandemic. Not to mention, competition is fierce too, as more and more individuals take the plunge and launch their own artisan creations. 


Notably, Jade’s Welsh spirits have found a new and unlikely rival in their region: Ryan Reynolds. The Hollywood tycoon has recently invested in shares of Aviation Gin, as well as overtaking local Welsh football club, Wrexham. Jade takes this in her stride though, and hopes that the business deal will help encourage consumers to support their local Welsh businesses. We also think that any press about gin is good, so any spotlight he can bring to Wales is fine by us! Besides, you can never have too much gin, right?


Of course, running a business can be very hard work. A small business, is arguably even harder. Switching off isn’t an option, and often business hours spill over into the early hours and the work-life balance becomes askew. But that’s just what we do. While we aren’t yet running in the big leagues with huge gin companies such as Edinburgh Gin or Hendricks, we know that we have an important and special niche of magical witches, spiritual flavour enthusiasts and anybody who’s on a taste adventure. This is something we actively protect, because we’re very passionate about what we stand for, and we know others will be too. 


What are our favourites?


We asked Jade the all important question: what her favourite products are. Of course, that’s like asking a mother to pick her favourite child, but she does have a soft spot for the signature Dry Gin, as it was the first product to launch and set the wheels in motion for the magic to happen. It’s also gone on to win multiple awards at various spirit festivals, including two silver awards. 


Jade also gave a special mention to the Beltane edition gin, as the story behind it has a deep-rooted history and significance in Jade’s life, plus, she is a Beltane baby, so has to be a little bit biased! She’s currently enjoying drinking the Original Spiced Rum, and recommends you absolutely try it if you haven’t yet.


welsh witch craft spirits


What is the future of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits?


Over the next 5 years, we are aiming for the moon. We hope to take our witchy spirits global, spreading our magic across the world. The aim is to continue spreading awareness of the beauty and culture of Wales while offering a unique and luxurious experience for anyone who wishes to try one of our spiritual potions. We want Welsh Witch to become a known brand when thinking of high quality spirits and we want to adorn every gin enthusiast’s tipple cabinet. 


There are also some other big dreams in the works for the next few years, so you’ll absolutely want to stick around for those! We can’t wait to see what the future has in store.  


Cariad a goleuni

The Wild Moon Distillery 

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Recipe for Welsh Witch Spiced Rum Butter Sauce

welsh witch spiced rum butter

The Perfect Pancake Addition

welsh witch spiced rum butter


Today we’re bringing you a gorgeous traditional Welsh recipe of the classic Bara Brith; similar to a traditional tea loaf. This iconic Welsh cake has got a luxurious upgrade with a recipe for a Welsh Witch Spiced Rum butter sauce to drizzle over a Bara Brith, a sticky toffee pudding, or …..your pancakes!

This easy but warming recipe is a perfect addition to your pancake day feast festive to-do list. This Spiced Rum Butter only has five ingredients too, so it’s deliciously easy while being a complete dessert gamechanger.

First off, you’ll need a bottle of our warming Welsh Witch Spiced Rum, which you can purchase right here on The notes of vanilla, cinnamon and a whisper of whiskey make this rum butter a luxurious addition to any traditional pudding or cake. It’s gorgeously simple to make and will create a feast for the eyes and the taste buds; a sure winner at any autumnal dinner party you might have planned.

What you’ll need for the delicious Welsh Witch Spiced Rum Butter:

  • 5 tablespoons of our Welsh Witch Spiced Rum
  • 1/3 cup double cream (you can substitute for a vegan alternative if you wish)
  • ¼ cup brown sugar (granulated or demerara works if you don’t have soft brown sugar)
  • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter (you can substitute a vegan alternative here too)
  • A dash of vanilla extract

These ingredients make approximately 6-8 servings worth, a perfect amount for sharing with friends and family in those cosy evenings.

The Method

What you’re going to need to do is slowly melt your unsalted butter in a pan over a low heat. Once this is melted, you can add in the brown sugar. Whisk this gently and make sure not to let it burn, a low heat should do the trick as the sugar begins to mix with the butter. Depending on which type of sugar you use, this may take a little while – but we promise the wait will be worth it. Once they have combined nicely, you’ll want to add in your double cream and whisk to incorporate. It should look a lovely golden caramel colour; now, we’re almost at the good part. Drop in a dash of vanilla extract, depending on your personal preference. Then, add in 4 tablespoons of our Welsh Witch Spiced Rum and whisk once more. The mixture should look like silky golden caramel. If you’re a fan of salted caramel, feel free to add in a pinch of salt here too, but it’s not essential.

Now the hardest part is trying not to eat it straight out of the saucepan! You can drizzle it over your dessert while it’s still warm for that sticky toffee sauce feeling, or you can transfer it to a container to allow it to cool. If you let it cool and refrigerate the sauce, it will become more of a spreadable butter consistency, rather than a pourable sauce. If you want to make it in advance, you can warm it up again in the microwave for a minute or so, stirring frequently, or by remelting it in a saucepan.


welsh witch spiced rum butter

Soul-soothing Welsh Witch Spiced Rum

We drizzled it over a freshly made Welsh bara brith for some ultimate autumnal indulgence; if you’d like to try this at home, you can find the bara brith recipe we used here. If you feel like going all out, frying each slice of the Bara brith in a little butter before pouring over the sauce will amp up the luxury factor for all the sugar, spice and all things nice.

This is a perfect soul-soothing comfort meal that is exactly what the colder months are all about. Bringing in that warmth and cosiness, you can enjoy a special celebration with friends and family or simply having a relaxing night in; that is the beauty of these chilly introspective evenings.

Our Welsh Witch Spiced Rum is part of our award-winning collection of hand-crafted spirits made with love and dedicated expertise at our Wild Moon Distillery in North Wales. You can learn more about the story behind the Welsh Witch herself in our The Story of Welsh Witch blog post, or you can Shop Our Collection of Premium Welsh Spirits.

Similarly, if you don’t want to miss out on any special offers, discounts, and exclusive launches, don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter too. You’ll be kept in the loop with our monthly roundup, including our Cocktail of the Month recipe to tickle your taste buds.

If you give our recipe a go, tag us on instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits to let us know how you enjoyed it!

With love,

The Wild Moon Distillery