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Get to Know our Magical Wheel of the Year Spirits

With Spring now fully and truly underway, what better way to relax than with a delightful tipple in the sunshine?! Pop open a Welsh Witch spirit, brew a magical potion and let us spellbind you with a little bit more about our story and how the Wheel of the Year spirits came to be.

What is the Wheel of the Year?

First things first, we have to understand what the Wheel of the Year is and why it inspired the Welsh Witch to create her beautifully brewed spirits. Taking inspiration from Welsh folklore and Celtic pagan traditions, the Wild Moon Distillery focuses on the cyclical nature of life and the changing of seasons. Divided into 8 sabbats, the Wheel of the Year focuses on celebrating presently and honouring the nature of a turning wheel and continual death and rebirth.


The Wheel of the Year sabbats

Yule – 21st of December

Unlike a traditional calendar year, the pagan Wheel of the Year begins in Midwinter, celebrating Yule during the shortest day of the year, the 21st of December. Yule celebration precedes Christian ‘Christmas’ celebrations, but the two certainly share similarities, many of which are adapted from original Pagan traditions. Gift giving, decoration with natural botanicals such as holly and pine, fires, and feasting on delicious home-cooked food with loved ones are long-standing Pagan ways of celebrating Yule. This is often a time of reflection, conserving supplies and being mindful yet optimistic of longer days to come.


Imbolc – 1st of February

The sabbat succeeding Yule is Imbolc, a tradition celebrated on the 1st of February. Dedicated to honouring the goddess Brigid, Imbolc is believed to be tied to the time preceding lambing season, where the fertile nature of Brigid and lambs in the womb of their mothers are developing. This sabbat is very prominent in celebrating rebirth, the coming of spring, new life and light. Our Welsh Witch Imbolc Gin is inspired by the poetry loving, smithing goddess herself. Laced with an abundance of blackberries, which were berries sacred to Brigid in healing and prosperity practices. Shop Welsh Witch Imbolc Gin.


Ostara – March

Up next, we have the Ostara celebrations, the festivities of which involve marking the spring solstice arrival and the abundance of blooming flowers and plants. Usually around the 20th of March, when the days sees an equal amount of daylight and darkness, the celebrations again focus on rebirth and growing. Traditional activities include decorating and painting eggs (which are a physical symbol of fertility and new life), as well as planting seeds and crops, and honouring nature. Our Welsh Witch Ostara Gin is a spirit adorned with sweet, fragrant violets, to honour the blooming of spring flowers after the dark period of winter.

Our Ostara Edition Welsh Witch Gin – shop Welsh Witch Ostara Gin here


Beltane – 1st of May

Our Welsh Witch herself is a Beltane baby, a celebration on May 1st which is the midpoint between the spring and summer solstice. Bonfires are abundant during Beltane, celebrating the fire rituals which are believed to be protective for the coming months. The fire is also symbolic of fertile soil and land, and thus will bring prosperity going forward. Our Welsh Witch Beltane Gin is very symbolic of these fire rituals, with fiery notes of cinnamon, along with floral notes of rose to honour this time of fertility and femininity. Shop Welsh Witch Beltane Gin.


Litha – June

Also known as midsummer, Litha is celebrated on the longest day of the year, around the 21st of June. The peak of the solar year sees Celtics and pagans celebrate this warmth of the sun with many taking to festivals to see the sun rise on the longest day – such as at places like Stonehenge. Traditions of Litha are all about honouring fertility and the Sun during this sabbat – it’s a great time to be outside and soak up all that magical energy. Our Welsh Witch Litha Gin welcomes the sweet and fragrant elderflower into our delightful tipple, the Elder Tree being sacred to the Mother Goddess in the fertile summer months.

Our magical Litha Edition Welsh Witch Gin – shop Welsh Witch Litha Gin here


Lammas – 1st of August

Up next, we have Lammas, which is celebrated on the first day of August. This is known as one of three harvest festivals, and is associated with crops, wheat and abundance. This time of year is filled with crops, wildlife and enjoying feasts with loved ones. Of course, this time denotes the darkening of the days and is celebrated as such, with thanks given to the cyclical nature of days shortening and lengthening, and so on and so forth. Baking bread is a very common tradition during Lammas, while doing so reflects on gratitude for the abundance of crops.


Mabon – September

Celebrating the autumn equinox, Mabon takes place around the 21st of September. Similar to Lammas, it is also treated as the second harvest festival, where crops are enjoyed, feasts are had. Loved ones get together and communities gather to enjoy the fruits of their labours. It also signifies the beginning of storing this abundance of crops to use for the cold winter months before the rebirth of spring the following year. In today’s world, it’s often a time for reflection and gratitude; in a similar theme, Thanksgiving builds on Mabon traditions and coming together with lovely food and drinks.


Samhain – 31st of October to 1st of November

To end the Wheel of the Year cycle, we close the wheel with Samhain, which takes place on the 31st of October to the 1st of November. Traditionally associated with Hallowe’en, this time was originally associated with wearing handcrafted masks to ward of harmful spirits. This time is also still associated with bonfires, acknowledging this season of ‘death’ (in that crops are less abundant and leaves fall from trees), and feasting with family and friends and enjoying this time of turning inwards for darker, colder weather.


The nature of cyclical seasons


Our divine collection of Wheel of the Year spirits is set to expand soon!

So, the Wheel of the Year has some ties to everyday celebrations we see around the world, and many modern traditions take inspiration from these Celtic and pagan sabbats. However you choose to celebrate these events, we hope if nothing else, you can appreciate the divine beauty of this cyclical nature we see year in year out, bringing times of reflection, celebration, preparation, energy and action alike.


These cycles are such a huge part of the inspiration for Welsh Witch Craft Spirits and we hope that this has given you a little bit more of an insight into the meanings behind our luxury tipples and helps you find which one may resonate with you to try it out! We are of course always creating and expanding behind the scenes so keep your eyes peeled for future Wheel of the Year spirit releases, we have some tricks up our sleeve! We hope to complete our Wheel of the Year collection some day, so you’ve joined the Welsh Witch family at a perfect and exciting time. Shop all of our Welsh Witch spirits, including our Premium Dry Welsh Gin and Welsh Witch Spiced Rum here.

If you’d like to learn more in depth about some of the pagan celebrations throughout the year, our Witch’s Journal blog features some posts on how they are celebrated and how you can get involved!

Love & light,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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Self Love Rituals & Opening the Heart Chakra

Today we’re learning how about opening the heart chakra! What better way to celebrate Valentines Day and share the love than with some beautiful and nurturing self-care. Our busy lives often take over and we run away with ourselves, busy doing, planning, rushing onto the next thing. It’s important to take some time, especially within the theme of love, to do some self-loving! We’re going to talk through some beautiful activities you can do alone or with a partner or friends, to open up your heart chakra and spend some quality time with yourself.

What is the heart chakra?


The heart chakra is the fourth of seven chakra points in the body, with the heart chakra positioned at the middle of the spine in line with where your heart is. In itself, the heart chakra is the chakra responsible for unconditional love, for both oneself, for others and the world around you. It’s also the centre of empathy, care and loving compassion, so it’s a very beautiful chakra with a very emotional role in every day. It is a huge part of what makes us human. Sometimes it can be easy to forget that we need to pour love back into ourselves sometimes – that’s why we’re going to look at ways for opening the heart chakra. Perfect for Valentines Day

Now we’ve learned what the heart chakra is, let’s find out how we can unblock and open it!


Self love activities you can try:


  1. Show gratitude for loved ones and strangers alike


Gratitude is such as beautiful emotion that is very powerful in itself. Take some time to express thanks, whether verbally and in person, or through a meditation or journaling session, to your loved ones. We are all capable of boundless love; appreciate those warm feelings and extend your gratitude to those around, be thankful for strangers and the beauty of individuality. Spend time alone and send love to those who bring you joy and comfort.


  1. Prepare a cacao ceremony


Valentines Day is notorious for chocolate, but did you know that raw cacao has been believed for centuries by the ancient Mayans to open the heart? Cacao ceremonies are important rituals that focus on the process of preparing, enjoying, and being thankful for the cacao. This is not to be confused with the chocolates that you’ll find in the supermarket, high grade cacao is much more potent than regular chocolate, but it is excellent for you and will provide a beautiful experience. Grab some friends and a slab of cacao and have a beautiful evening of gratitude, contemplation and discovery!


  1. Eat and drink heart-opening foods


Other things known to open the heart chakra include rosewater, leafy greens, red fruits such as strawberries and raspberries. The colours to eat for the heart chakra is predominantly pink and green; green vegetables are excellent at healing. Our Welsh Witch Beltane Edition Gin was formulated with high quality rosewater, in order to help open the heart chakra when drinking. Pour a glass to enjoy with your partner, friends, or to enjoy for yourself at the end of the day.


  1. Practice yoga or simple stretching


Yoga and chakras go hand in hand, don’t they? You very often hear of people chatting about chakras when complicated yoga moves are involved. But, it doesn’t have to be difficult, and you don’t need to be a contortionist to get the heart-opening benefits of yoga. Just sitting cross-legged, breathing, and focusing on your breath is a form of pranayama yoga. It’s all about being mindful. If you are able, try out some simple poses if you like; but remember that it doesn’t need to be perfect. Take some time to feel your body moving and notice how it empowers you, focus on your breath and this will cultivate self-love and self-care, just by simply stretching and breathing.


  1. Meditate with light, crystals, or gentle music


If you know anything about crystals, you’ll know that rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love. It comes as no surprise then, that rose quartz is an excellent crystal for opening the heart chakra. Combine some crystal work, with candles or gentle music and there’s a self-care evening worth staying in for! Lighting your space with candles or incense is a great way to make things cosier, more comfortable and invoke feelings of peace, calm and love. Maybe grab a journal or list out all the things in your head that you love about yourself; remember how magical it is to be unique and what it means to be you. Find out Welsh Witch candles on the shop, if you’re in the market for a divine smelling new addition!

Our Welsh Witch candles ready to add some magic to any evening!


However you choose to spend Valentine’s Day, whether you’re spending it with just your beautiful self, perhaps a fur baby, a partner, or with friends, it’s important to remember how loved you are. We all have a special place in this world, and having an open and flowing heart chakra makes that unconditional love pour out even easier. With an open heart chakra, you’ll find yourself filled with compassion and adoration for even simple things, something which we need now more than ever. Make sure you take some time for yourself this Valentine’s with some self-care; no matter how small – because you are worth it too!


Welsh Witch HQ x


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How to Celebrate Imbolc: The Welsh Witch’s Guide

how to celebrate imbolc

What is Imbolc?


Celtic pagan wheel of the year

To know how to celebrate Imbolc, we first need to know its origins and why it is an important time of year. Celebrated on the first days of February every year, Imbolc is a celtic pagan holiday in the Wheel of the Year which marks the halfway point between the winter and the spring equinox. It brings the hope of warmer weather to come, and is symbolic of Saint Brigid bringing new fertility, creativity, and the promise of spring. The patron saint of smithwork, Brigid, is celebrated during these times; both in terms of human fertility and the fertility of the land and nature becoming more fruitful as the climes begin to warm.


The Imbolc tradition is celebratory of change; the seasons and weather transforming are honoured to embrace this in-between period. We can use this time to deeply reflect on the winter time that has passed and be inspired about the future. There are many ways how to celebrate Imbolc; this is our Welsh Witch Craft Spirits guide to the pagan celebration.


How to celebrate Imbolc this year:


There are many ways to honour the Imbolc celebrations, and everybody’s way may be different – that is okay. Finding ways that attune with your values, what is accessible to you and what feels right is paramount to making the celebrations enjoyable.


Clean your space ready for the new season


Spring cleaning is an age old tradition – what better time to start preparing for the warmer months ahead than by cleansing your sacred spaces?! Ancient Imbolc traditions paved the way for the fertile agriculture and farming seasons, so people would prepare for the bountiful harvests to come by cleaning and preparing. Maybe a modern alternative would be to have a wardrobe declutter, sell, or donate old toys or books, or even deep clean your kitchen. Whatever you do, try and do it with intention – releasing things that no longer serve you to make room for better things to come.


Visit or bathe in a body of water


Brigid is known for her power of rivers and wells; so it comes as no surprise that Imbolc traditions often include water. Finding a body of water, the ocean or a river for example to bathe in (if you’re brave!) or just to visit and reflect. If the water is frozen, it is also a sign that warmer times are coming, and to give thanks for the changing seasons. Take a cold dip in the ocean and be mindful while doing so – use this cleansing ritual to shake off the dust of winter and embrace the coming of spring with open arms.


Light a fire and set intentions

Our Welsh Witch candles, perfect for intention setting

Bridig is also known as the fire Goddess. Use this time to light candles, set a bonfire or write a letter of intention and burn it. Join up with loved ones and sit around a fireplace together, set intentions for the new season ahead and connect with your community. Our Welsh Witch candles are filled with intention and handmade with love; try lighting one while meditating on how you envision this year to work out for you – what you want to achieve, what you want to feel, etc. Perhaps write a letter of your desires and dreams for this year, then burn it (carefully!) to send it out into the universe.


Be in nature and connect with others


After the cold and harsh winter months, sometimes we find ourselves having become quite solitary. It’s important to use this time to reconnect with the outdoors, enjoy the crisp air and winter sun: head out on a fresh morning walk with a friend or connect with a community group for an activity you enjoy. Finding a group of people you can speak with and discuss your goals and intentions with is a great way to build motivation for the year ahead while also bonding with likeminded individuals.



Try our Welsh Witch Imbolc Edition Gin!

Our magical Welsh Witch Imbolc Edition Gin

Enjoy some magical witchcraft goodness with our beautiful Welsh Witch Imbolc edition gin. This handcrafted gin is filled with natural botanicals and all the love and intentions of the Welsh Witch. Honouring the goddess Brigid, notes of angelica, wormwood and a delectable helpful of blackberries make this the perfect tipple for welcoming in the warmer spring weather.


However you choose to enjoy your Imbolc celebrations, well intentioned activities are perfect for this time of year. Settle in with a good cup of tea or a glass of botanical Welsh gin and reflect on the magic of the cyclical seasons, the wheel of life constantly turning, and know that things are always shifting and changing.


Let us know how you’re spending Imbolc by messaging us at @welshwitch_craftspirits on Instagram!


Welsh Witch HQ x

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What is an empath? The strengths of being a sensitive soul


This month in Gin-you-ary, we’re celebrating what it means to live authentically as yourself and how to step into your magic. Whether this is spiritual, emotional or physical, showing up as yourself unapologetically is what we encourage here at Wild Moon HQ. Today, we will be discussing empaths; what they are, how to know if you are one and what benefits this entails.


So, what is an empath?


An empath is somebody that is extremely empathic; often described as a sensitive type that feels things deeply. If somebody is feeling sad or going through a hard time, an empath often picks up on this energy from others, whether they have been told these feelings or not. They are very intuitive beings that are sensitive to changes in energy and can often sense the tone or mood of a situation clearer than the average person. Often called a “sensitive soul”, empaths are keen at understanding and relating to others’ pain, happiness, suffering, and so forth. 


Our Welsh Witch, Jade, describes herself as an empath

How do you know if you are an empath?

There are many ways to know if you are an empath! Here are just a few tell-tale signs you might have empathic qualities:

You feel drained after being in social situations. Now, this isn’t always the case, but some situations that are particularly intense or emotional can leave an empath feeling depleted of energy or physically tired. You can sense when someone is sad, angry, or just generally off. Empaths have excellent abilities to detect changes in mood; this means you might pick up on something that other people wouldn’t. You can approach the person and offer support if it’s needed, or just let the person know you’re thinking of them. 


Typically, empaths are also very sensitive to media, such as the news, advertisements, movies and music etc. You really put yourself in the shoes of the person you’re observing, almost as if you are feeling their pain with them. Watching sad movies is draining for you as you feel the characters’ pain and sympathise with them completely. Checking the news or becoming involved in voluntary charity efforts can affect you tremendously as you soak up the pain and trauma that is presenting itself. 


Is being an empath a weakness?


Often, people think that being a empath, or just being “sensitive” is a weakness, but we’re here to tell you differently. Being an empath is a gift, as it allows you to connect deeply with others and your surroundings and understand the full emotional spectrum of events going on around you. Being able to sense someone’s pain may help them to trust you more, as your concern is genuine and you want to unburden them from their tricky situation. Around the world, empathy is what drives humanitarian efforts. It causes people to create animal shelters, fill food banks with food for less fortunate people. The ability to feel and recognise true pain and suffering is what helps us help others.

Here at Welsh Witch HQ, we are a team of empaths, and that is what gives us strength! Emotions are what make us human, and that shouldn’t be seen as a negative. In fact, it’s a strength to embrace those feelings and using your humility to help others, follow your dreams and be a person that others can turn to who they know will listen and understand. 

Learn to set boundaries!

That being said, it’s important as an empath to set boundaries. Sometimes things can be draining and if you let yourself take on too many negative emotions it can weight you down and destroy your own mental health. Setting boundaries and learning when to say no, take time out and decompress is paramount to maintaining your sensitivity without it becoming a weakness.

There will be times that you can’t always help somebody! The age old saying is true: you can’t pour from an empty cup. Nourish yourself and take care of yourself first, then your empathy will be a strength and you can use your abilities to help others and show your loved ones you’re part of a valuable support network for them. Take some time to journal on your own emotions, rest and relax, do something you enjoy, and learn when to step away from a situation if it’s out of your hands. Consider therapy if you have heavy things you’re dealing with an need an outlet for your feelings and emotions, they are absolutely valid. 


Setting boundaries is important to preserving your own mental health

Being an empath is important for humanity

Now, of course, being an empath isn’t all bad! It means that you can enjoy happiness and joy through others. When someone around you is full of good energy, you can bounce off of this too – what a superpower! It swings both ways, so there are of course positives and negatives to being empathic; but we think it’s a strength in itself. 


So, whether you’re a newly discovered empath, a veteran of empathy or you just know somebody sensitive, give yourself some extra love today. The world is a big scary place sometimes! Our emotions sometimes get the better of us. This Gin-you-ary, we’re reminding you that it’s okay to celebrate all your wins, no matter how big or small! 

Don’t forget, you can check out our selection of botanical tipples here, if you are an empath or know an empath that needs some relaxation and unwind time!

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5 Ways to Celebrate Gin-YOU-ary


Welcome to Gin-YOU-ary!

So here we are, well and truly into our month on Gin-YOU-ary, celebrating all things gin and all things YOU! This year, we’re all about focusing on the magic of you, being authentic and, of course, gin! We are very proud of our selection of Welsh folklore and witchcraft inspired gins, so if you feel inspired too – check out our selection of premium spirits to relax with at the end of a long day!

potions and

Our magical selection of premium tipples available all year round, not just in Gin-YOU-ary!


Here are our top ways to celebrate Gin-YOU-ary to honour yourself and find every day magic in this month!

1. Take a tech-free day on your own or with family and friends

People often get swept up in the digital worlds with social media and the internet and mindlessly scroll (we’ve all been there!). Find some time to detox completely from electronics and take a tech-free day alone or with family and friends to spend some deep quality time to think, talk, discuss, journal – whatever your heart desires. Often, we are so stimulated with information, data and opinions that it is very healthy and useful to take tech-free time to reset, recalibrate and remember our values, goals and dreams. Especially with the pressure of new years’ resolutions, diet culture and expectations to keep up new habits, take some time away from tech (and social media) if you know you have a tendency to compare yourself to others.

2. Schedule a self-care evening

Maybe you quite often schedule a self-care evening into your weekly routine or monthly one. Perhaps they work for you, or maybe they don’t. But often people think of self-care as just hot baths, a face mask and a box of choccies (all fine, of course!), when maybe you’ve been neglecting clearing out that messy drawer, putting off a tedious task that won’t actually take that long if you just do it. Sometimes self care can be doing the hard things to be temporarily uncomfortable to make your life for your future self that little bit easier – that in itself is a more important form of self care. Maybe set a reminder once a month to do those things that you put off, as a way to keep on top of them and then you can fully enjoy moments when you do have a hot bath and some chocolates without the impending doom of looming tasks!

3. Start a book you’ve always wanted to read

Spend some time this month picking out a book you haven’t gotten around to reading for whatever reason. There’s no better time than the start of a new year to pick up a new beneficial habit, such as reading often. If you’d like to continue your witchy education through reading, there’s many we would recommend: The Green Witch by Ann Murphy-Hiscock is one of our favourites; as well as Untamed by Glennon Doyle which doesn’t focus on witchcraft necessarily, but about living authentically and honouring your power. If you’ve read a great witchy book recently, give us a tag and let us know on Instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits!


What book have you been meaning to read for a while? Give yourself a chance now!

4. Make a vision board

You can do this digitally or physically! Setting visual goals for the year and for yourself is a great way to stay motivated and sit down and ask yourself what you want. Take some time on your own, or with friends, to create a vision board in your own way, to put somewhere in a high contact area. Somewhere you will see it every day. Whether that’s your computer desktop wallpaper, next to your kettle to look at every morning, next to your bed so you can look at it before you go to bed. Add beautiful things to it; add words, how you’d like to feel in this time – for example ‘happy’, ‘relaxed’ or ‘inspired’. You could add recipes of food you want to try cooking, places you want to visit – be as specific as you want. Use this as a manifestation tool to work towards your truest visions every day.


What would you put on your vision board?

5. Create some affirmation mantras to say every day

Write out some affirmations for yourself on post-it notes. This, like vision boarding, is a great way to give yourself of positive reminders throughout the day. Set them as your phone background, set a reminder every day, or journal on them if you wish. If you’re interested in some monthly goodness, our monthly newsletters contain our Welsh Witch x Emily Arizona affirmation graphics which can be used as your monthly phone wallpaper, print for your wall or keep in your purse, whatever works best for you. As long as you keep reminding yourself of your wonder, awe and strength!


And, of course, we don’t need to remind you: you can also enjoy a premium Welsh folklore-inspired botanical spirit (in moderation, of course) to celebrate ‘Gin-YOU-ary’. It is in the name! Our award-winning Original Dry Welsh Gin is perfect for a classy winter evening in with loved ones, we’ll cheers to that!

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Exploring What Witchcraft Really Means: How to Step Into Your Magic


Firstly, a wonderful warm welcome to the new year, a new season of life and a wide-open road filled with opportunities ahead. A lot of our focus this season is going to be on the fundamentals of witchcraft, what being a witch actually means and how to step into your magic and honour yourself. Witchcraft and witches themselves often get a lot of bad rep, and unjustly so; there has been negative connotations to both witches and ‘magic’ in media, literature and folklore for a very long time. We’re here to set the record straight, unpick what witchcraft really entails as well as inspiring those who are interested in practising as a witch, paganism, herbalism or anything similar. There are no rules here, no exclusivity or commitments; what’s important is doing what feels authentic and genuine for you. 


Witchcraft isn’t just crystals, casting spells and stirring a cauldron

So, what actually is a witch?


A witch translates literally as a ‘wise woman’, a term that is often left out of modern knowledge of paganism and witchcraft. Witches are wise because they honour their inner guidance and practise things such as strengthening your intuition and showing up authentically, both of which we’ll talk about in this article and on this blog throughout the year. Popular media and society often defines the fundamentals of witchcraft and witches as an ‘evil’ being or surrounding dark magic; though that’s not necessarily true. It’s this rhetoric that puts people off or gives the wrong impression of paganism, occult and witchcraft in general, when actually it’s much less sinister and actually a lot about honouring nature, inner guidance and belief. Witches aren’t just an easy Halloween costume or pointy hats! We’re humans on a path to knowing ourselves and stepping into our magic every day. 


The Welsh Witch herself, Jade, is a strong believe in trusting yourself, extending kindness and being understanding with others to promote peace and harmony with your surroundings. Kindness is a staple of the witchcraft world, while spells, crystals, divination and herbs may be great, but without the foundations of love, presence and authenticity you won’t have a strong base to start from. Let’s learn together how to truly step into your magic and make 2023 a magical year from start to finish. 


Jade, our Welsh Witch, the owner of Wild Moon

Spreading kindness from within


A large part of the philosophy of being a witch and creating a better world for ourselves, our neighbours, the generations that will succeed us, animals and nature, is to extend kindness in every situation. At the Wild Moon Distillery, we believe that, as well as the fundamentals of witchcraft, you should choose kindness from deep within in any situation. Especially in a world that can sometimes feel difficult and cruel, extending a hand of kindness can make anybody’s day better. Not knowing what other people are going through means that one small act of love can make a world of difference; mental health struggles are a global pandemic – life is too short not to be kind to others. 


More peace and understanding 


Even in the face of narcissism, hate and negativity, peace seems difficult and sometimes ridiculous. But we believe being a witch means honouring freedom of expression and being understanding of others, no matter how hard it feels. Life is too short to spend it being angry at the world, showing up everyday as somebody who makes decisions and exists in peace and understanding is more likely to be level-headed and in tune with the world.

Honouring your boundaries 


Being a witch entails protecting yourself when needed to avoid becoming drained, energetically, mentally and physically. Sometimes letting people overstep your boundaries can seem like the easier option than causing conflict in a circumstance. But, a knowing witch remembers to honour their needs and when to say no to an opportunity or situation. This could be as simple as cancelling a plan to rest, or something huge like knowing when a friendship is no longer serving you or a toxic family member needs to be cut off. There are many ways in order to show up for yourself and really learn to trust that you know best for yourself, we’ll explore some of those ways throughout the year through educational posts and guides. 


Showing up authentically


Learning to show up authentically in a world that tries to convince you to do anything but, is a hard skill that few master, but it is an important one to practise. A crucial part of being witch includes honouring your true self and showing up as that person. In situations and circumstances, it takes courage to address them authentically and trusting your intuition. An experienced witch has faith in themselves fully; this is done through deep practise and learning. Sometimes, witches use powerful divination tools such as tarot cards, pendulums or the like; these help a witch encourage guidance from spirit, the universe or whomever they ask, which then helps them to trust their judgement and make their own authentic decisions. However you choose to deepen your relationship with yourself if up to you, as long as you do so from a place of genuine curiosity and patience with yourself while you learn. 


Want to learn more about being an authentic witch? 


Throughout the year, we will be delving deeper into what it means to be a witch, honouring yourself and your needs and fabricating a connection with the universe and others around you to spread kindness and love. We hope you stick around to learn more about nurturing your inner witch and how to connect deeper with yourself and other like-minded individuals. In 2023 we hope to spread more witchy goodness to the masses by encouraging more kindness, more appreciation for the abundance of nature and celebration of the self, we hope you’ll join us! 


Of course, if you’re interested in witchcraft inspired and pagan inspired premium Welsh spirits, check out our award-winning tipples over on our shop. Our lunar cycle prepped, reiki infused, magically botanical Wheel of the Year spirits honour the Celtic pagan sabbats celebrated throughout the year, perfect for a baby witch or someone on an exciting spiritual journey. 


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12 Days of Witchmas: A Year of Magic

As 2022 draws to a close, what a year it’s been! We’ve had the most soul-nourishing year here at the Wild Moon Distillery; lots of magic made, potions brewed, events, awards, and of course some setbacks and challenges along the way. Reflecting on the year passed, our hearts are so filled with love and we’re ready to spread more goodness and sparkle in 2023; but we can’t do that without first having a roundup of 2022 with our 12 Days of Witchmas!

12 Lunar Cycles


In our creation process, we use the powerful phases of the moon in order to ensure our potions are charged with as much positive energy as possible. Our pure Welsh water is not only charged by the full moon, we use reiki energy to cleanse the spirits before bottling. Each full moon is particularly special in the witchcraft world; it serves as a time to release, reset and enjoy the abundance of the end of the lunar cycle. 


11 (And More) Botanical Ingredients


Our high quality botanical ingredients are key to our award-winning tipples. These, usually locally foraged or acquired, are what make our premium spirits excellent: we pride ourselves on luxurious and decadent flavours that pay homage to our beautiful mother nature.

potions and

10 Posts on the Witch’s Journal


As you may or may not know, this year we launched our brand new Witch’s Journal blog. Whether you’ve been reading since the beginning or this is your very first read, there’s lots to read and get involved with. If you’re looking to delve deeper into the meaning of witchcraft, want to know more about Welsh folklore or you just can’t get enough of our premium spirits, you’re in the right place! Stay tuned for more knowledge, insight and yummy recipes coming in 2023!


9 Spiced Rum Ingredients 


Our award-winning Welsh Witch Spiced Rum contains 9 magical ingredients in order to complete its earthy, spicy and sweet flavour journey. Inspired by the Welsh bara brith (a spiced tea loaf), the Spiced Rum is a tantalising treat for any rum lover; golden and warming, it’ll be a sure winner in any drinks cabinet. 


8 Wheel of the Year Sabbats


Our core collection here at Welsh Witch HQ is based around the Celtic-pagan Wheel of the Year. Our Welsh Witch Jade found inspiration in the pagan celebrations and traditional festivals seen throughout the year, with differing emphasis on different rituals, ingredients and mantras. There are eight sabbats in the Wheel of the Year, and we currently have 6 spirits on offer corresponding to those sabbats. Coming to an end now, is Yule, the final celebration of the calendar year.


Wheel of the Year sabbats

7 Sacred Chakras 

There are seven sacred chakras which are represented by corresponding points on the body. Chakras are energy points which can be opened and recharged, ranging from the crown chakra at the top of your head, to the root chakra at the base of the spine. Our Beltane Gin is made with reiki infused rose water, which is believed to help open the heart chakra, which is the center of deep unconditional love for your surroundings, yourself and others. 


6 Magic Potions


We have six core products in our current witch’s cauldron, handcrafted in small batches for premium taste and quality. Our six magic potions have something for everyone, spicy, sweet, floral, citrusy, classic. Whatever your taste, our elixirs are fine-tuned and rich with Welsh folklore; check out more of our witch’s journal blog for more knowledge and insight!


5 Core Ingredients in Our Dry Gin


Our award-winning Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin has five core ingredients which give it that classic and unique flavour. The main ingredient is pure healing Welsh water, sourced from a local well which has had long-believed healing properties and is only a stone’s throw from our distillery. Juniper led and full quintessential dry gin goodness, our crisp citrus notes and locally foraged gorseflower set our gin apart, honouring the Welsh countryside around us. 


4 Awards Won in 2022


It’s been a magic year for the Wild Moon Distillery, with our products winning us an amazing four awards in 2022! Our most notable award was a Gold Medal in the Spirits Business ‘ultra-premium’ category. This came with such warm words and high praises which we couldn’t be happier about! We also won 3 other awards, which you can read about over on our instagram welshwitch_craftspirits!


3 Years of Wild Moon


With 2022 coming to an end, we’re celebrating our third year of Wild Moon. Ready to enter our fourth, and what an experience it’s been! We’re so grateful for all of the support over the last few years and we’re absolutely ready for 2023; new ideas, new projects and new magic is all coming your way. Watch this space! If you’d like to stay in the loop and not miss out on new launches, discounts and offers and Wild Moon news, sign up to our newsletter today!


2 Drinks Expos


This year we had the opportunity to partake in two food and beverage expos around the UK! These were so much fun, and they gave us an opportunity to network with the public and retailers alike. It’s amazing to be able to do events like this again after the last few years, so it’s invaluable to businesses like ours where we can offer samples, explain the nature of our products and talk about our story and inspirations. 


…And 1 Magical Year


And with that, the 2022 year comes to an end. What a magical year it’s been! We couldn’t be happier. We’re ready for exciting new opportunities in 2023 and we hope you’ll stick around for the magical journey. However your 2022 has been, we hope that the next year brings you peace, stillness and every day magic. 


Blwyddyn Newydd Dda,

The Welsh Witch Team x


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Get into the Christmas spirit with our Welsh Witch festive cocktails


Introducing our range of Welsh Witch Christmas Cocktails. Christmas time means party season and no party is complete without that perfect cocktail. Are you in need of some mixology inspiration to dazzle your family and friends in your kitchen or at your home bar? Or simply want to get into the Christmas spirit with some festival cocktails.

We are lucky to have some very talented friends of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits with a flair for creating that perfect tipple. They have created some memorable holiday drinks recipes from our range of potions and elixirs.

A BIG thank you to their creators Oli_drinks and thejuniperpixie, who we highly recommend following for more inspirational drinks combinations.


When the Viking met the Witch

The days are short. It’s dark when you wake up. It’s dark when you go to sleep, so here’s a little winter warmer to help you settle in the warm at home. Oli describes this as ‘a floral forward, truly warming serve!’.

1.5 oz Welsh Witch Beltane Gin

0.5 oz Lime Juice

0.5 oz Homemade Honey Syrup

4 oz Freshly Brewed Rooibos Tea

CLICK HERE – to watch Oli’s step by step reel.



Welsh Witch Espresso Martini

This magical twist on the classic Espresso Martini from the Juniper Pixie is guaranteed to get you into the party mood. Using our Imbolc blackberry distilled gin to add a magical twist. The earthy notes of juniper, wormwood and angelica with the bitterness of the coffee make for a great drink.

50 ml Welsh Witch Imbloc Gin

25 ml coffee liqueur

15 ml sugar syrup

35 ml fresh espresso


In a Witch’s Kitchen

When it come’s to Christmas what better spirit than a spiced rum and you wont find one that fits better than our Bara Brith inspired spiced rum. Our silky smooth, spiced rum consists of citrus elements, interweaved in a variety of dried fruits, spices and has often been descripted as Christmas in a glass.

1 oz Welsh Witch Spiced Rum

1 oz White Rum

1 oz Fresh Lemon Juice

1 oz Plum and Peach Shrub

Egg White

CLICK HERE – to watch Oli’s step by step reel.


What’s more with our multi buy offer you can get any three of our craft spirits for £95. Which means it’s even easier to try the full range of Welsh Witch Christmas Cocktails.




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Behind the Scenes: Inside the Magic Mind of the Welsh Witch

This festive season we wanted to share some of our Welsh Witch Magic with a Behind the Scenes view of our Wild Moon Distillery. Traditionally, the word ‘witch’ translates literally as ‘wise woman’, which is exactly what Wild Moon founder Jade is. A one-woman band, she plans, creates and bottles each potion by hand. The love and expertise is evident in the luxurious premium spirits she makes. Jade shares with us some knowledge of her processes, her ideas and some of her favourite parts in our Behind the Scenes dive into the Welsh Witch herself. Want to know how a great idea is brewed? Or what a witch’s favourite potion is to make? Keep on reading!


Welsh Witch magic: It starts with an idea


With our strong branding presence and identity as an educator on Welsh heritage, paganism and natural botanicals, Jade finds new ideas come easily. When it comes to thinking up a new idea for a spirit, looking at existing stories, folklore and history makes this a natural and organic process. Jade strives to educate people on the magic of Wales, witches and natural ingredients. With the Wheel of the Year collection in full-swing, this gives Jade a lot of inspiration for upcoming launches. She picks colours associated with the pagan sabbats, ingredients used in spells, finds inspiration in the sacred plants and flowers that are in season.


There is lots that witchcraft can offer us in terms of ideas, and is then interweaved with our products here at Wild Moon for authentic and earth-kind spirits that come from the soul.


The Welsh Witch serves to educate folk on the joy and history of Wales. For example, many Welsh people aren’t aware of the history of the ‘Bara brith’ – a Welsh tea loaf made with spices and currants, similar to a fruit cake. The traditional spices and flavours were the inspiration for our award-winning Welsh Witch Spiced Rum, with tangy citrus notes and earthy cinnamon ones in a golden elixir of sugar and spice. (P.S – we have a recipe for a Spiced Rum butter to pair with a bara brith if you fancy trying out a delicious new recipe!)


Behind the scenes: Brewing the potions


The Welsh Witch in her element preparing to brew a magic potion

Making the ideas a reality is one of the best parts for spirit artist Jade, who takes divine inspiration from her heritage and passions. Then, she turns it into a glorious premium spirit for all to enjoy. Once the planning process has come to an end, the fun can really begin. Finalising the plans and expectations, Jade sends her thoughts and ideas to the design team who create the beautiful Wild Moon bottle labels. From there, colours, designs and names are brewed to create a delectable shiny new masterpiece to adorn the apothecary bottles Welsh Witch spirits are housed in. Meanwhile, Jade sets to work on making the magic potions themselves. Her process is extremely intuitive and is a spiritual journey in itself. She uses crystals, lunar cycles and her Celtic pagan beliefs to organically find ingredients that work well together and celebrate the beauty of nature.


Making use of the award-winning Welsh gin as a base for the flavoured additions, Jade experiments with key ingredients to make the new product unique and true to the Welsh Witch philosophy: oozing with history, folklore and natural magic. The base gin itself is a delectable combination of earthy, spicy, citrusy and sweet, so its versatility is perfect for our Wheel of the Year spirits, which focus on each sabbat of the pagan wheel of the year.


Mythical maths and sacred science

Once a small batch has been distilled and tested for ABV and taste, the next stage can commence. The near-completion stage is one of the best parts for Jade: while she has self-confessed she’s not a mathematics whizz, she loves the scientific process of measuring the spirits at each stage and ensuring replication and accuracy in each small batch.


Now the potion has been rigorously tested for quality and delicious botanical flavours, it’s ready to be bottled, labelled, hand-corked and waxed, then off into the spirits market it goes. Ready to be enjoyed by flavour enthusiasts across the nation.


Number magic: the detailed process to make the perfect potions every time


The Welsh Witch’s favourites: process, product, workspace


When we asked Jade her favourite part of the creation process, she had to admit she adores coming up with new ideas and watching her plans come to fruition. Seeing her ideas come to life is the most rewarding part of it: that final stage in her distillery where the corks are in, the wax is on and the shiny labels are glimmering like little stars in the night sky. Jade prides herself on her natural abilities to identify excellent flavours and combinations; this makes the planning process even more exciting as she readies herself for magic to be made.


The product that is her favourite to make is the award-winning Spiced Rum; the black sheep amongst its sisters of gins. The rum being a slightly different process makes the creation that little bit more special and exciting. Plus, it’s hard to not get excited about creating a product that has recently won a gold award in the Spirits Business ‘Ultra-Premium’ Category! Jade feels so proud of her Spiced Rum, and her love and adoration is poured into every bottle of it: it’s her favourite product to drink and to make. So, if you haven’t tried it yet – what are you waiting for?!


Intuitive ideas and potions coming to life

Jade’s favourite ingredient changes, as she’s always coming up with new and innovative flavour ideas. Quite often, finding a new ingredient that works in an exciting way is a rewarding and inspiring moment in the distillery. So, choosing a favourite ingredient would be like picking a favourite child! She loves them all equally and they all contribute to Wild Moon differently in their unique ways.


In her distillery, Jade’s favourite part of her workspace is the bottling and labelling station. Which is understandable, seeing your hard work finally come to its final stage and ready to be sent out into the world. Adding the finishing touches and the final magic is where the Welsh Witch potions really come to life. No detail is overlooked in the distillery; hand-corked and dipped in coloured wax for that apothecary, natural feel before bespoke mystical labels are applied ready for admiration.


Can you imagine that first batch of new products growing from a seed of an idea into a fully-blossomed labelled potion ready for the markets?! No wonder it’s Jade’s favourite part!


The final stage: all of Jade’s hard work coming together as she labels and hand-waxes each bottle


The challenges of small batch distillation


Of course, as with any artisan process, there are always challenges along the way. Whether this is experimenting with different volumes of flavours, length of maturation or weight of ingredients, it keeps Jade on her toes. Everything is always a learning curve. Jade is always refining her process to keep delivering excellence (and keep winning awards!)


For example, the Welsh Witch Spiced Rum: while it’s Jade’s favourite product to make, it’s also the most difficult! During the first stages of creation, there was a lot of experimentation involved to get the clarity and colour perfect. This involves tweaking the weighting of ingredients or the length of maturation to ensure the taste is perfect without the spirit being cloudy. Since the launch of the first Welsh Witch spirit in 2019, there has been a lot of trial and error since then. If an ingredient is even a few grams out, it can change the taste of the entire batch. This is something Jade has learned to perfect in her distillation process over time.


And of course, being an artisanal business with spirits crafted in small batches, that is all part of the charm of buying from small artisanal companies. You know in each bottle a great deal of expertise, trial and error, love, sweat and tears has gone into the process of creating such a magic product.



Jade’s gentle process of bottling the distilled spirits in their apothecary-style bottles





We hope you’ve enjoyed our mystical journey into the mind of the Welsh Witch and how she brews her magic potions. If you’ve been inspired to try our premium spirits and elixirs, you can shop them here. Similarly, if you’d like to view our witch’s storecupboard, you can find candles and glasses to adorn your living space with.

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Welsh Witch’s Perfect Pairs: Winning Drink Combinations


Check out our Welsh Witch Perfect Pairs! Quite often we get questions about which mixers to pair with our premium spirits. Well, introducing the Welsh Witch Pairing Wheel! We hope to make your life easier with our flavour pairing chart to help you pair winning combinations together! Of course, our pairs are a guide and if you fancy adding something totally different, more power to you! Tell us your favourite things to pair with our spirits over on @welshwitch_craftspirits on Instagram.


Welsh Witch and the Pagan Wheel of the Year


Now, we appreciate the cyclical nature of wheels and continuation in our folklore, and in nature itself. Our core collection is based around the Celtic Pagan Wheel of the Year. The year features 8 sabbats – or celebrations – starting with Imbolc in February, entering Ostara in March, Beltane in May, Litha, Lammas on August 1st, Mabon, Samhain and Yule at the end of the calendar year. Celtic pagans have different traditions for each celebrations, for example, you can see how Samhain is celebrated by reading our blog post from last month.

We are in a constant state of evolution and new ideas keep us turning. One of our favourite things is feeling like our products are interconnected in ways much deeper than you might realise. All of our spirits are like a sisterhood. Strong and empowering on their own but still just as beautiful and brilliant when all together. You can mix and match our Welsh Witch Craft Spirits to find your favourites, or order a taster box if you’re not sure yet.


Learning which botanicals pair well with which mixers seems like a task for quite the flavour connoisseur. But, we’re making dreamy flavours even more accessible. We’re opening up a world of combinations that you may never have thought of. For example, our Imbolc Edition Gin (with notes of tangy blackberries) works excellently well with a premium quality sparkling apple juice; a delightful tipple perfect for those autumnal evenings. Our dreamy delicately floral infused Ostara Edition Gin works well with a muted tonic, in order to highlight the flavour of the naturally sourced elderflowers.


Celebrations are a huge part of the inspiration behind the Wheel of the Year gins. Also, it ties in with the cyclical nature of our world and how things are always evolving. We use natural and, where possible, locally foraged ingredients in our products to make them as authentically botanically brewed as possible. We stick to traditional methods as well as incorporating crystals and the lunar cycle in our distillation processes.


What are our Welsh Witch perfect pairings?


 Our easy Welsh Witch Perfect Pairs visual aid to make perfect drink combos every time!

Here at the Wild Moon Distillery, we have a wide range of botanical spirits to tickle your fancy. Whether you are a sweet tipple lover, or prefer something strong and neat. Our magical Potions & Elixirs will be sure to enchant your senses and start a whirlwind of a flavour journey. Keep reading to see which Welsh Witch Perfect Pairs are your favourite!


Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin

welsh witch original dry gin

Shop our award-winning Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin here

Starting with our Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin; our classic bar cart staple that every household needs. Strong, hearty and filled with all the gusto from North Wales. Our juniper-led and Silver award-winning Original Dry Gin is an excellent start your Welsh Witch journey. With notes of coriander seed, citrus and locally foraged gorse flower, it’ll be sure to set your standard for gins going forward. Our gins use pure Welsh water which has mystical folklore intertwined and long believed healing properties; sourced close to our distillery in North Wales.


To pair with our Original Dry Gin, we suggest a premium quality tonic. This is to compliment the flavours of the complex yet classic herbaceous flavour of the gin. A neutral mixer helps to not mute the flavours of the base too much. If you like dry gins, this should suit you just right. If you’re not so keen on tonic, you can pair it with a premium quality lemonade instead, but in order to taste the crispness of the gin itself, make sure you don’t pick a flavoured lemonade, just lemon based sparkling beverages will compliment our gin the best. Our Original Dry Gin has won numerous awards too, so you can rest assured that you’ll get high quality flavour magic with every sip.


Welsh Witch Spiced Rum

welsh witch spiced rum Shop our award-winning Welsh Witch Spiced Rum

Our award-winning Spiced Rum is quite the talk of the town, having won a gold medal in the Ultra-Premium category of The Spirits Business: Global Luxury Masters Competition. We won’t beat around the bush. Our Spiced Rum is best served neat, over ice, and left to rest for a few minutes before drinking. If that’s your cup of tea: go for it! Alternatively, for our Welsh Witch Perfect Pairs we recommend pairing it with a botanical cola or a premium ginger beer; anything premium in quality will compliment the flavours of our spicy and sweet rum nicely. If you’re looking to gift our Spiced Rum, we have a ready-paired potion box with our Gold Medal winning Spiced Rum plus a botanical cola ready to go. Perfect for the festive season to feel jolly with a warming spicy tipple.


Welsh Witch Imbolc Edition Gin

Our Imbolc Edition Gin in its iconic apothecary style bottle

Our Imbolc gin is our homage to the Imbolc festival honouring the goddess Brigid. She is known for her poetry, crafting and protection. The main essence of our Imbolc gin is blackberries: a sacred plant honoured by Brigid for attracting healing and prosperity. Pair with a fragrant pink Mediterranean tonic to help intensify the botanicals of the spirit and garnish with a sprig of mint. Similarly, a fragrant Indian tonic would also help to bring out the complimentary flavours of the blackberries, wormwood and angelica.

With blackberries being a sweet addition to our botanical gin base, using a tonic helps to balance out the sweetness. If you have a really sweet tooth, a refreshing premium lemonade, ice and blackberries to garnish will go down a treat in the hot summer months. Try them both out and tell us which one you like best! If you’re up for trying something different, try out a premium cloudy apple juice with our Imbolc Gin for all the blackberry-and-apple autumnal vibes!


Welsh Witch Ostara Edition Gin


Ostara signifies the beginning of spring and the blooming of flowers. This gin honours the changing of the seasons with an abundance of violets laying the groundwork for this premium spirit. Celebrating new beginnings and the spring equinox, we think our Ostara edition gin is blooming lovely; if you want to ride the floral train all the way through, pair with an elderflower tonic for a romantic bouquet of flavours. Alternatively, you can pair with a quality plain tonic to enjoy the violet essences on their own.

Our blooming lovely Welsh Witch Ostara Edition Gin

Welsh Witch Beltane Edition Gin

Beltane is a special celebration for the Welsh Witch. Since she is a May baby herself, the Beltane | Calan Mai Edition Gin was the first product in the Wheel of the Year collection. Our Beltane Gin is reminiscent of the fire festivals associated with Beltane celebrations. Inside, you’ll find hints of cinnamon, orange and a touch of florals. This Bronze award winning spirit is a perfect spring and summer drink. And, with floral, citrus and crisp flavour notes, our perfect pairs will set your heart on fire. Pair with a premium quality lemonade for that citrus summer fizz we all know and love. Similarly, a citrus tonic will bring out the fragrant elements and compliment the hint of spice.


Welsh Witch Litha Edition

Up next in our Welsh Witch Perfect Pairs, our dreamy Litha Edition gin is the perfect summer potion to reminisce on all things floral, romantic and ethereal. Litha welcomes the flavours of elderflower as the Mother Goddess honours its sacredness and healing properties. Create a delectable potion of freshness by pairing our sweet, floral Litha gin with a crisp cucumber tonic for a perfect refreshing drink all year round. On a similar theme, a sharp lemon tonic helps to balance out the botanical florals. This helps to create a perfect marriage of sweetness and sharpness.

What are your Welsh Witch Perfect Pairs?

welsh witch craft spirits

Our sisterhood of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits

 It seems there’s an endless possibility of spellbinding combinations when it comes to our Welsh gins and spirits. Whether you like sweet, floral, sharp or herbal, there’s a perfect flavour combination out there dependent on your tastes. So, we’re always on the lookout for the best ways to showcase our botanically brewed potions. If you have a cocktail recipe you’ve made with our spirits or you have a preferred way to enjoy Welsh Witch Premium Spirits, let us know! We’d love to hear about your flavour magic. You can follow us on Instagram at @welshwitch_craftspirits to see what’s brewing in our witch’s cauldron. Keep up to date on the news and blog pages in our witch’s journal, or sign up to our newsletter to stay in the loop with new releases, discounts and delicious recipes.