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12 Days of Witchmas: A Year of Magic

As 2022 draws to a close, what a year it’s been! We’ve had the most soul-nourishing year here at the Wild Moon Distillery; lots of magic made, potions brewed, events, awards, and of course some setbacks and challenges along the way. Reflecting on the year passed, our hearts are so filled with love and we’re ready to spread more goodness and sparkle in 2023; but we can’t do that without first having a roundup of 2022 with our 12 Days of Witchmas!

12 Lunar Cycles


In our creation process, we use the powerful phases of the moon in order to ensure our potions are charged with as much positive energy as possible. Our pure Welsh water is not only charged by the full moon, we use reiki energy to cleanse the spirits before bottling. Each full moon is particularly special in the witchcraft world; it serves as a time to release, reset and enjoy the abundance of the end of the lunar cycle. 


11 (And More) Botanical Ingredients


Our high quality botanical ingredients are key to our award-winning tipples. These, usually locally foraged or acquired, are what make our premium spirits excellent: we pride ourselves on luxurious and decadent flavours that pay homage to our beautiful mother nature.

potions and

10 Posts on the Witch’s Journal


As you may or may not know, this year we launched our brand new Witch’s Journal blog. Whether you’ve been reading since the beginning or this is your very first read, there’s lots to read and get involved with. If you’re looking to delve deeper into the meaning of witchcraft, want to know more about Welsh folklore or you just can’t get enough of our premium spirits, you’re in the right place! Stay tuned for more knowledge, insight and yummy recipes coming in 2023!


9 Spiced Rum Ingredients 


Our award-winning Welsh Witch Spiced Rum contains 9 magical ingredients in order to complete its earthy, spicy and sweet flavour journey. Inspired by the Welsh bara brith (a spiced tea loaf), the Spiced Rum is a tantalising treat for any rum lover; golden and warming, it’ll be a sure winner in any drinks cabinet. 


8 Wheel of the Year Sabbats


Our core collection here at Welsh Witch HQ is based around the Celtic-pagan Wheel of the Year. Our Welsh Witch Jade found inspiration in the pagan celebrations and traditional festivals seen throughout the year, with differing emphasis on different rituals, ingredients and mantras. There are eight sabbats in the Wheel of the Year, and we currently have 6 spirits on offer corresponding to those sabbats. Coming to an end now, is Yule, the final celebration of the calendar year.


Wheel of the Year sabbats

7 Sacred Chakras 

There are seven sacred chakras which are represented by corresponding points on the body. Chakras are energy points which can be opened and recharged, ranging from the crown chakra at the top of your head, to the root chakra at the base of the spine. Our Beltane Gin is made with reiki infused rose water, which is believed to help open the heart chakra, which is the center of deep unconditional love for your surroundings, yourself and others. 


6 Magic Potions


We have six core products in our current witch’s cauldron, handcrafted in small batches for premium taste and quality. Our six magic potions have something for everyone, spicy, sweet, floral, citrusy, classic. Whatever your taste, our elixirs are fine-tuned and rich with Welsh folklore; check out more of our witch’s journal blog for more knowledge and insight!


5 Core Ingredients in Our Dry Gin


Our award-winning Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin has five core ingredients which give it that classic and unique flavour. The main ingredient is pure healing Welsh water, sourced from a local well which has had long-believed healing properties and is only a stone’s throw from our distillery. Juniper led and full quintessential dry gin goodness, our crisp citrus notes and locally foraged gorseflower set our gin apart, honouring the Welsh countryside around us. 


4 Awards Won in 2022


It’s been a magic year for the Wild Moon Distillery, with our products winning us an amazing four awards in 2022! Our most notable award was a Gold Medal in the Spirits Business ‘ultra-premium’ category. This came with such warm words and high praises which we couldn’t be happier about! We also won 3 other awards, which you can read about over on our instagram welshwitch_craftspirits!


3 Years of Wild Moon


With 2022 coming to an end, we’re celebrating our third year of Wild Moon. Ready to enter our fourth, and what an experience it’s been! We’re so grateful for all of the support over the last few years and we’re absolutely ready for 2023; new ideas, new projects and new magic is all coming your way. Watch this space! If you’d like to stay in the loop and not miss out on new launches, discounts and offers and Wild Moon news, sign up to our newsletter today!


2 Drinks Expos


This year we had the opportunity to partake in two food and beverage expos around the UK! These were so much fun, and they gave us an opportunity to network with the public and retailers alike. It’s amazing to be able to do events like this again after the last few years, so it’s invaluable to businesses like ours where we can offer samples, explain the nature of our products and talk about our story and inspirations. 


…And 1 Magical Year


And with that, the 2022 year comes to an end. What a magical year it’s been! We couldn’t be happier. We’re ready for exciting new opportunities in 2023 and we hope you’ll stick around for the magical journey. However your 2022 has been, we hope that the next year brings you peace, stillness and every day magic. 


Blwyddyn Newydd Dda,

The Welsh Witch Team x