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Celebrating International Women’s Day with Jade

Welsh Witch: Jade – A Female Distiller Using Feminine Energy to Spread Her Magic

Today we’re going to talk about the magic of feminine energy and how it has made the Wild Moon Distillery what it is today. The Welsh Witch herself, Jade, is a magical creator of luxurious high quality spirits, yes, but she is also a mother, a witch and an advocate for living authentically, speaking your truth and being one with nature. Jade not only attracts like-minded women, she is helping to spread the word of ancient witchcraft and Welsh folklore through her magical tipples and mythical branding.

When we asked Jade to share more about her experiences as a female distiller, she was keen to tell us of the struggles, rewards and dedication in takes in an industry which has been heavily skewed to male-run businesses for hundreds of years. Her recipes for the botanical spirits here at Welsh Witch Craft Spirits are inspired by longstanding Welsh traditions (such as the Bara Brith inspired Spiced Rum) and celtic pagan folklore (such as the Beltane Gin which has a flavour palette inspired by the Beltane rituals). This was her mission from the start: to redefine what it means to be a witch and why she is proud to be flying the flag for Wales and women. The soft, feminine energy brought to the Wild Moon Distillery is an excellent example of working in harmony with your dreams and spiritual alignment. Let’s have a look at some of the things that make the Welsh Witch so dedicated and inspired:

A team of feminine energy

Here at Welsh Witch HQ, Jade is surrounded by a lovely team of women who help to embrace and embody the ethos of the Welsh Witch and her vision. Jade managed to find these women organically, through various channels and have become an integral part of spreading her message; as if the stars aligned for these wonderful women to come together. Some may say that is the magic of a witch, attracting those who are aligned in their vision of spreading messages of love and authenticity. The Wild Moon Distillery most of the time is a one-woman band, so any help Jade can get from her magical marketing lady Mandy helps to take off some of that pressure, letting Jade focus on making her decadent spirits enlaced with tradition and magic. Sometimes, all hands on deck are needed, and Jade’s husband Sean steps in to assist with the magic too – the joy of this female-led distillery is about cultivating a strong community coming together to make the magic happen.

A mother first, distiller second

Of course, one of the main things Jade juggles daily is being a mother to lovely Aurora. Motherhood of course comes with its own challenges and joys, so on top of running an expanding business, being a mum is no easy feat. Often faced with the time constraints that come with having a young child, business deadlines and strict distilling procedures to follow, Jade sure has her hands full.

Then, there’s the inevitable mum guilt of working before Aurora starts school – there is always finding that balance between work and home life. We’re sure though, that Aurora will be very proud of her mama for the magic she is spreading through her products, her encouragement of authenticity and the homage to her Welsh roots.

Spreading the word about true witchcraft

Through her products and her work, Jade is trying to redefine what it truly means to be a witch. It should be an accessible form of spirituality that is available to anyone. There are many preconceived notions about witchcraft, but the most common one is of what being a witch entails: often people believe a witch is an old, sometimes angry, hag who is portrayed as an isolated figure. This is totally not the case; witchcraft, and witches, are about wisdom, living authentically with nature and honouring energies, cycles and traditions. Here at Welsh Witch HQ, we believe the magic is within you, and is not something to search for or acquire through buying certain things or books; you already have everything you need.

Jade believes that educating about the philosophies of witchcraft is so important, as we have lost so many traditions and ancient ways of thinking. Here on the Welsh Witch Journal, we often explore topics surrounding witchcraft, Welsh folklore and traditions, and energy healing, such as lunar cycles and the Wheel of the Year. If you’d like to know more, subscribe to our newsletter below so you don’t miss out on any posts, and we’d be delighted to have you along for the journey.

Here’s to another delightful year ahead of living with the seasons, spreading magic and honouring the nature that is all around us.

Cariad a goleuni,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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The Meaning of St David’s Day

What is St David’s Day?

On the 1st of March, every year, St David’s Day is celebrated in Wales and beyond. The day is also known as “the feast day of St David.” The celebration is most commonly associated with daffodils, leeks and the coming of spring and warmer weather. St David, in the sixth century, was a Celtic monk and was believed to be a miracle worker; he is celebrated every year for his altruistic acts and healing abilities. The 1st of March was the day he died, so it is a memorial day for the saint and celebrates all the work he did, as well as celebrating Wales itself and its magnificent rich culture. He died in the year 589 and is still celebrated fondly today.

Throughout the day, many celebrations happen across the country. That can include parades (such as the one in Cardiff) which showcases all of Wales’ wonderful history and culture and bring communities together to enjoy the festivities.

Who is St David?

St David’s last words were recorded as “Be joyful, keep the faith and do the little things” which is a motto you’ll often hear repeated throughout Wales on this special day, with a special emphasis on ‘do the little things’. He is buried at St David’s Cathedral in St David’s, Pembrokeshire, where many people take a pilgrimage throughout the year as well as this special day.

He was known in his life to be a very disciplined individual. As a monk, he spent many hours a day ploughing fields and doing hard labour. As well as this, he also practiced a very plain diet, with no meat or anything of luxury and lived very frugally. This was believed to help with reaching enlightenment. Some people speculated all he ate was leeks (which is where the symbolism comes from today!) while others believed he lived on a simple diet of bread and greens. He did so without complaint and spent a lot of his time teaching and helping the local communities with healing and preaching.

Many religious buildings such as churches, cathedrals and monasteries exist because of St David himself. He eventually became an archbishop of Mynyw (which is now of course known as St David’s).

How is it celebrated?

Of course, everybody’s way of celebrating St David’s Day is individual, but there is no doubt that Wales on the 1st of March is extra patriotic and full of enthusiasm. Some schools may encourage traditional Welsh attire, such as Welsh dresses and black hats or Welsh football and rugby shirts. For those not dressing up, adorning your outfit with the Welsh daffodil or a leek is very common and you’re likely to see lots of them around March time.

Traditional Welsh food, such as Welsh cakes and the Bara Brith are consumed around this time in particular, to honour the Welsh culture and heritage. Foods such as ‘cawl’ (a meat and root vegetable stew or soup) are often eaten together with loved ones around this time too. Food is often a big part of celebrations, whatever the religion or culture, so this is no exception! If you’d like to try out a new recipe, our traditional Welsh Bara Brith and Welsh Witch Spiced Rum Butter Sauce is a great choice!

Ways to enjoy the Welsh day

Even if you’re not Welsh, there are still wonderful ways you can celebrate the 1st of March. Here are some Welsh Witch ways to enjoy some magic of Wales:

Go on a daffodil walk

Of course Wales is associated with daffodils (supposedly because the daffodil flower is very similar to the leek flower – which is the symbol of St David), so finding a lovely trail to walk along in early March is a way to honour your Welsh roots or just appreciate the beauty of spring itself! Look out for the blooming daffodils that pop up everywhere this time of year and say a little blessing for the warmth of spring arriving!


Visit Wales!

If you aren’t Welsh but you’re able to do so, visiting Wales during a time of celebration is a great way to dive deep into the culture and heritage. The 1st of March is an excellent time to visit if you’re looking to enjoy the parades or traditional attire of Welsh culture. Taste some authentic Welsh foods and soak up the festive celebrations! Here’s a little fun fact for you: the oldest monastery in Britain can be found in Wrexham, where Welsh Witch Craft Spirits was founded, called Bangor-on-Dee.

Enjoy some local Welsh magic

Our Welsh Witch Craft Spirits are brewed and created right here in North Wales. Made from local ingredients and healing Welsh water, our premium Welsh spirits are perfect for celebrating the Welsh festive day. You can shop our award-winning spirits here from the Wild Moon Distillery, or in store from several stockists in Wales.

However you choose to celebrate the day, we hope you have a magical one! Welsh folk are often very proud of their roots, so if you know someone who is Welsh, they’re probably more than likely to indulge you about some facts about their heritage if you ask nicely!

We’re wishing you a merry and magical day, and all of us at Welsh Witch HQ hope you spend it with a full heart.

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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Lunar energy, moon water and charging crystals

With the rise of popularity in crystals, manifestation and moon cycles, it can be a bit daunting if you don’t know where to start with all these spiritual terms. Ultimately, we want to make it as simple as possible if you’re feeling overwhelmed, or if you need a little refresher on crystals, charging them, and harnessing the magic of the moon. If you’re thinking ‘What is moon water and why are people drinking it?’, then look no further!

So, what is lunar energy?

Spiritually, many civilisations have believed in the magical properties of the moon, with each phase having different significance and healing powers. If you’ve recently embarked on a spiritual journey, or are curious about the moon, let’s unpack what happens during each lunar cycle.

Simply put, the waxing and waning on the moon can be a reflection of our own personal experiences, with life in a continuous state of ebb and flow. The moon itself is often viewed as a symbol of feminine energy, reflection and intuitive powers, and with each cycle, we can see through goals, transformations and inner journeys. The energy emitted during the moon’s phases is not to be underestimated – many people find it difficult to sleep during the full moon, or find themselves overwhelmed with emotions. The moon does control the tides, don’t forget – so it’s no wonder it has an impact on our bodies!

The way lunar energy can be utilised varies individually, but if this is new to you, there are some ways you can make a start. A new moon is the beginning of a lunar cycle, when the moon isn’t visible, as it is completely in darkness and not lit up by the sun. This time is great for new beginnings and setting intentions for the month ahead. On the other end of the scale is the full moon (which we all know and admire!) and this is the time for reflection and deep gratitude. It is during the full moon that we can admire our hard work on our intentions from the new moon, and release anything that is no longer serving us.

Using the moon to charge crystals & make moon water

The moon during its full phase is an intensely spiritual power that many people cherish. During this time of the full moon, some people may choose to charge and cleanse their crystals. Crystals are a powerful tool in the spiritual world, since many believe in their innate healing abilities and power to dispel negativity energy or emotions. This means that crystals can become blocked or ‘filled-up’ with negative energy – imagine a bucket which becomes fuller and fuller, and negativity will spill over the edges once it’s reached capacity.

Many people believe that cleansing your crystals under the full moon not only releases those collected energies, but you can charge them with higher frequencies and energies too, to make them work most efficiently. You can do this by laying out your crystals near a windowsill, or outside (if it’s not raining – some crystals don’t like water!) during the night of the full moon. The lunar energy will dispel those negative frequencies and charge up the crystal’s healing power.

You can also use this method to make moon water. Simply leave out a glass of water on a windowsill in the light of the moon, or outside (if you’re not planning on drinking it!) overnight and let the moon do it’s magic. Some people choose to drink this water, and imagine themselves harnessing the divine feminine energy of the moon and its intuition, or you may choose to water your plants, add it to a bath or use it to make a facial or body spray.

How does the Welsh Witch harness the power of the moon?

Here at Welsh Witch, rolling with the seasons and natural patterns of life is a core part of our products. Especially because our core Wheel of the Year range is what we are so passionate about: honouring mother nature and the spectacles she has to offer. That’s why each product is left to distil over an entire lunar cycle, from the new moon, through the waxing phases, to the full moon and the waning phases, in order to harness that inherently feminine lunar energy. Each batch is then filtered through reiki-charged and moon cleansed crystals for high vibrational potions, perfect for the spiritual practitioners in your life who love a luxuriously crafted beverage made with intention and care.

Each routine and practice at the Wild Moon Distillery in Wrexham has been meticulously crafted, for a magical experience that not only tastes delicious, but honours mother nature at every step.

If you’d like to try our enchanting range of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits, you can shop here.

Happy moon charging,
Welsh Witch HQ x