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Celebrate Mabon with rum cocktails

As we turn our attention to the next magical potions in our drinks range, we have already started to get excited about how we can use them!

Our latest Mabon Roast Apple Spiced rum is just the first of our final three drinks to complete the Wheel of the Year collection. The cauldron is bubbling away as we speak on the last two drinks in celebration of the upcoming sabbaths.

And of course….we won’t be letting Halloween go by without a big bang as we unveil not only our full extended rum range, but some beautiful new treats just in time for Christmas…

Why not join us and get in the rum mood with some of our favourite Autumn cocktails.

Spiced Apple Rum Mojito

Enjoy a little spicy twist this autumn on a summer mojito with this Spiced Apple Rum Mojito. Mojitos are very customisable, so feel free to add any fruit puree you might like in there too; perhaps some strawberry or pineapple and add this at the muddling stage at the beginning.

Ingredients you’ll need:

To garnish

  • Small slice of fresh apple


  • Fill a tall glass  with cubed or crushed ice
  • Muddle together the lime, mint leaves, any other fruit you’d like, along with the simple syrup
  • Top with the rum and bitters and give it a good stir.
  • Top with more ice if you desire and garnish with a slice of fresh apple and enjoy our spiced take on a classic mojito.

Rum Old Fashioned

A perfect drink for the classicist in your life! Good old-fashioned flavours and simple, delicious notes of aromatic spices make this one a winner for spiced rum enthusiasts.

Ingredients you’ll need:

To garnish

  • Orange Peel


  • Mix together the sugar and bitters in a whisky or rum glass.
  • Add in a single ice cube and stir until the sugar is dissolved.
  • Add a few more ice cubes, half of the rum and stir for a minute.
  • Then, add more ice, the remainder of the rum and stir generously once more.
  • Take the orange peel and twist over the drink to ensure that delicious orange oil infusion is added to your drink.
  • Stir the orange peel in and enjoy.

Magical Dark & Stormy

Ahh, Welsh Witch Spiced Rum and ginger beer; a match made in flavour heaven! This Dark and Stormy is a perfectly refreshing tipple for any day, with the harmonising flavour of our Spiced Rum and delightfully refreshing ginger beer – this delicious drink can be served whenever you fancy a pick me up!

Ingredients you’ll need:

  • 60ml Welsh Witch Spiced Rum
  • Freshly squeezed juice of ½ a lime
  • 150-200ml botanical ginger beer

To garnish

  • A lime wheel


  • Add the rum and lime juice to a tall glass filled with ice and stir.
  • Pour the ginger beer over the top
  • Garnish with the lime wedge and enjoy!

Shop all our Welsh Witch spirits, including our Premium Dry Welsh Gin, Welsh Witch Mabon Rum and Welsh Witch Lammas Vodka here.

What’s more with our multi buy offer you can get any three of our craft spirits for £95. Which means it’s even easier to try the full range of Welsh Witch Rum Cocktails.

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Witch’s Guide to the Autumn Equinox

As we approach the beginning of the Autumn Equinox on the 23rd of September, we invite you today to a guide of all things Mabon, preparing for winter and cosy rituals for the darker evenings ahead. This time of year is perfect for getting your cosy on, chilling out and venturing inwards into your feminine energy.

Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do during this autumn equinox in order to make the most of the changing seasons.

Things to Do During the Autumn Equinox

Mabon is celebrated between the 21st and 29th of September, so right during the autumn equinox. This celebration comes from the changing of seasons and the equal amount of light and dark during each day. Check out our blog on the best ways to celebrate Mabon for some inspiration.

Mabon rituals might include a light ritual, feasting with friends or as simple as setting intentions for the winter months ahead.

Before we come to the end of delicious berry season, get outside and forage some blackberries, elder berries or sloes. This time of year is perfect for finding an abundance of treats in nature, perfect for baking and making into new recipes. Preserving them into jams and syrups to enjoy in the winter is a great thing to do this time of year too!

Remember to change with the seasons

With the changing of weather and the autumn solstice upon us, nature reminds us to always be in flux. Change is welcomed and encouraged in order to grow. This autumn you could try out a new hobby or craft which you can use the darker, winter evenings to refine and improve upon. If you’re the creative type, maybe try your hand at crocheting, watercolour painting or punch needling. If you’d prefer something more athletic, try a new exercise class or find some videos online of yoga, pilates or ballet.

You could even try your hand at becoming a cocktail master to impress all your friends at those Christmas dinner parties – check out some of our favourite Welsh Witch cocktail recipes here.

The cyclical nature of life and the Wheel of the Year helps us embrace and trust in the natural processes throughout the calendar year. Celtics and pagans remember that each sabbat is necessary and important in order for life to thrive. The same will come back around next year; so while we know it’s sad to see the summer coming to a close, we know that we’ll see it again soon. For now, we can enjoy the marvels of the winter months with cosy recipes, chilly Sunday mornings and the magic of Yule ahead. This change reminds us to be grateful for each moment. Practicing gratitude is a perfect way to give thanks back to nature, especially at the time of the solstice; try saying a little thanks to nature for always providing abundance and a safe space for growth.

Make some time to see the sun set

As is common with the summer solstice, witches and pagans make an effort to watch the sunset and/or sunrise on the autumn equinox. Places like Stonehenge are popular destinations to do this in, but just the act of spectating the sun setting and rising wherever you are (you don’t have to do both, pick one or the other) on the equinox is a beautiful way to appreciate the new solstice. Pagans, celts and other religions have been celebrating these moments for thousands of years.

Have you ever watched the sun set on a Solstice day? Why not give it a go?

Time to embrace Spiced Rum season!

We all know and love this time as filled with pumpkin spice here there and everywhere, but at Welsh Witch HQ this time is all about the Spiced Rum! As we’ve spent the summer enjoying our fruity and floral gins, now is the time to welcome with open arms the warming winter belter every bar cart needs! Our award-winning Welsh Witch Spiced Rum is the perfect autumnal drink, with sugar, spice and everything nice; handmade to perfection in the hills of North Wales. Pair it with a botanical cola, add into a Bara Brith recipe or enjoy neat on its own over ice, this Spiced Rum can fulfil all your whimsical autumnal drink wishes!

Wishing you a happy and healthy Autumn Equinox!

We hope your autumn solstice is filled with joy and magic, as we enter a new season and sabbat. Let us know how you like to spend Mabon and the autumn equinox on our social media @welshwitch_craftspirits; here you can also keep up to date on any new product launches, special offers and even giveaways. You can also shop our full range of award winning Welsh spirits here.

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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Mabon Rituals for Turning Inwards

Celebrated between the 21st and 29th of September, Mabon is one of the eight sabbats of the pagan Wheel of the Year. The festivities are to enjoy the arrival of the autumn equinox; this time being sacred for turning inwards and preparing for the winter ahead. Using this time to reflect after the long days of summer is traditionally what ancient Celts and pagans would do to mentally prepare for the cold and dark nights of the latter half of the year.

The restful times of the autumn equinox and winter solstice are perfect for drying and preserving the rich crops of the fruitful summer months, storing food to enjoy throughout the winter, and preparing warming foods made with seasonal vegetables and fruits. During September vegetables such as pumpkins, squashes and gourds are abundant, meaning rich vegetable pies and stews are perfect for celebrating the transition from summer to winter.

Let’s learn a bit more about the rituals and practices that are used during Mabon and see if you feel called to try any of them.

1. Feast With Loved Ones

Food is a huge part of pagan celebrations, and therefore Mabon wouldn’t be complete without a harvest feast. Gather lots of fresh produce and make a warming dish for loved ones to enjoy together. Give thanks for the abundance of food and good times spent in good company, this is always a beautiful way to bring festivity to any occasion. Maybe suggest everybody bring a plate of food which can all be enjoyed together, or go to town and make a big pot of warming stew made with seasonal veggies and fresh bread followed by apple pie; as long as you use this time to recognise the abundance and sacredness of food and its nourishment, you can enjoy a feast exactly how you feel drawn to!

2. Preserve Harvested Foods For the Winter

Preserving collected harvests for the winter is an ancient tradition followed by many before food was so easily acquired at corner shops or 24 hour supermarkets! This integral process was key to survival for many civilisations, yet it is still practiced by many pagans today in order to preserve tradition. Take blackberries for example, a delicious berry abundant in the months of August and September, but nowhere to be found outside of these months. Finding a way to preserve these blackberries into a jam or syrup is a perfect way to enjoy the abundance of summer throughout the winter months too. Spend a day pickling, preserving or making jams or chutneys with some local or foraged goods and enjoy the rewards later.

3. Reflect and Give Thanks for The Abundance of Summer

Gratitude is a huge part of pagan philosophy; giving thanks is an essential part of most sabbat celebrations. The continuation of the Wheel of the Year expresses the need for change and growth throughout the seasons. Spend a little while giving thanks for the sunshine that the summer brought, the new experiences and memories, and the abundance of life (food, wildlife, opportunities) that it brought with it. If you feel inclined, a meditation ritual with intention setting and an overarching sense of gratitude is a perfect way to honour the changing of the seasons.

4. Have a Light Ritual

Mabon is a celebration of the autumnal equinox, meaning it is a midpoint between the summer and winter solstices. This balance between the bright days of summer and dark days of winter makes up a large part of Mabon festivities: recognising that both light and dark is needed in order to complete the cycle of the year. Spend an evening during Mabon to light a candle or sit in the dark and appreciate the need for both; this can be extrapolated out into a meditation about needing both good days and bad days, happiness and sadness, in order to have balance and enjoy the full spectrum of life.

5. Set Intentions for the Winter Months

For many, the long and cold months of winter are difficult and hard to cope with. In order to make the most of these times and embracing the change, is to come up with some intentions before the shorter days set in. Make a list of some hobbies or activities you’d like to try during the gloomy evenings so it changes the perspective. Instead of ‘I have to stay in because it’s dark and cold’, it becomes ‘I get to try out x, y or z hobby during these cosy evenings’. This practice is great for maintaining your wellbeing during the (let’s face it) sometimes difficult months, as well as giving you something to work on and achieve. Maybe try out something with friends and create a craft circle or have a new hobby day – the options are limitless!


At Welsh Witch HQ, we recognise everybody is different and will choose to celebrate differently. We encourage you to embrace the rituals you feel most drawn to and that feel most authentic to you.

Embrace what feels good and leave the rest.

We hope you have a magical Mabon and we hope this time is restful, rejuvenating and brings forth prosperity and clarity as we transition into the winter months.

Love and light,

Welsh Witch HQ x

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A Charming Spell Cocktail – Guest Blog

We’re really excited to share this article and cocktail recipe by the lovely team at

Sometimes it feels like we’re under a spell, stuck behind the screen of a mobile device or pc, sometimes we need to break it, charm ourselves with a delightful combination of flavours united together in a Glass of Bubbly Cocktail, utilising Wild Moon’s Gin and Ruggeri’s Prosecco, we’re breaking that spell and offering a helping hand in relaxing with a taste of nature.

Deeply rooted in the tradition of winemaking, the history of Ruggeri began in 1950, founded by Giustino Bisol and his cousin, whose surname, Ruggeri, they adopted as part of the brand for their company.

In the early days, Ruggeri was one of only a handful of producers around Valdobbiadene focused on sparkling wine. Giustino’s son Paolo and granddaughter Isabella have since taken the company forward with the same pioneering spirit.

Ruggeri – Argeo Prosecco DOC Treviso Brut – Tasting Notes

Aroma – “An array of freshly squeezed ripe white fruits, green fruits, green apple, lovely white floral lemon grass, ripe white pears and peaches on the aroma.”

Flavour – “Ripe and delicate white fruits juicy white pears, subtle peaches, green pears and apple skins, with hints of foliage and plenty of wild white floral and blossom characters on the palate.”

Silver Medal in the Spring Fling Category at the Glass of Bubbly Awards 2022

The Gin – Wild Moon

Launched in 2019 by The Welsh Witch herself, Jade Garston, born in a small village in North Wales. A Beltane baby, a May Queen, a Goddess of Love. She cast her spell and created Wild Moon Distillery.

A juniper lead gin with a range of botanicals, bringing intense flavours and refreshing bursts of textures, stimulating the palate. Their Welsh Witch Dry Gin showcases notes of locally foraged gorse flower, coriander seed and bitter orange.

“We’re passionate about constantly creating new drinks that people love and all of our spirits have their own unique processes to make them stand out from the crowd. Being handcrafted in small batches in our North Wales distillery means we can ensure care and attention to every detail and we can remain true to our values.” Jade Garston

A Charming Spell Cocktail


  • Gin
  • Prosecco
  • Elderflower Liqueur
  • Dried Cornflower Petals
  • Limoncello
  • Fennel
  • Lemon Juice
  • Lemon

How To Make A Charming Spell Cocktail

  • Start With A Few Ice Cubes
  • Add A Lime Wedge
  • A Squeeze Of Lime
  • A Dash of Limoncello
  • A Handful Of Dried Cornflower Petals
  • Add Some Fennel
  • 10mls of Elderflower Liqueur
  • Pour In 20mls of Gin
  • Top up with 100mls of Prosecco

Tasting Notes

Aroma – “Sweet vibrant notes of Elderflower with a touch of lemon skin and cornflower petals on the aroma.”

Flavour – “Sweet Elderflower lures you with its delicate sensation, you’re then delighted with flavours from dried lemon, wild floral and freshly picked white pears and white fruits palate.”


Written By Oliver Walkey, Director at Glass of Bubbly and Champagne & Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.

Original Post:

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The Wheel of the Year – Creating Magic

The Wheel of the Year is our guiding star here at Welsh Witch Craft Spirits. Passionate about our belief in the magic of nature and the healing power of the earth, the wheel of the year defines the seasons and an abundance of beautiful ingredients to create our hand-crafted spirits.

Having a true understanding of the Wheel of the Year is and why it inspired the Welsh Witch to create her beautifully brewed spirits is the purpose of this blog.
Read on to find out more…

What is the Wheel of the Year?

The wheel of the year is an annual cycle, based on nature and the sun’s transition through the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn & winter.

The Wheel of the Year delves further into the seasons, highlighting solstices, equinoxes and the midpoints between them. These become the 8 sabbats of the year, celebrated by modern pagans with festivals and rituals.
The Wheel of the Year focuses on celebrating and honouring the nature of a turning wheel and continual death and rebirth.


Our very own Welsh Witch, Jade takes her inspiration from Welsh folklore and Celtic pagan traditions and ensures the Wild Moon Distillery focuses on the cyclical nature of life and the changing of seasons.

Why is nature so important to Welsh Witch?

The seasonal sabbats reflect the seasonal flow of nature. Some aspects of Witchcraft say that the spiritual higher realm and the psychical lower realm connect their energies at sabbats.
This energy is at its height during each sabbat and the ingredients we choose for each of our drinks is inspired by the season ensuring the magical energy of the Wheel of the Year is intertwined within them. The energy and high-quality ingredients we use in each of our drinks is what makes them truly magical.

By using the magic in nature, and seasonal ingredients, each flourishing at different points through the seasonal calendar, we can create something beautiful – born out of our love for the local landscapes and the beauty of nature.

However, it is not just the celebration of nature that makes our craft spirits what they are.

They are also infused with the Welsh spirituality of our founder, the Welsh Witch, born under the season of Beltane, the Celtic goddess. It is these magical roots that inspires Wales’ Finest Potions.

Welsh Witch Wheel of the Year Range

We currently have 5 magical spirits which celebrate the first five sabbats, with more coming soon…

  • IMBOLC BLACKBERRY GIN – Honouring the Imbolc celebrations, this juniper led blackberry gin is earthy, award-winning and true to Welsh heritage. Celebrated on the first days of February every year, which marks the halfway point between the winter and the spring equinox.
  • BELTANE FLORAL GIN – Made using reiki infused rose water, this Beltane edition Welsh Witch Gin honours the sweet and spice seen in Beltane fire rituals. To celebrate the birthday of the Welsh Witch, we have crafted this gin inspired by all the elements and magic of Beltane.
  • OSTARA FLORAL GIN – Inspired by Ostara, the maiden goddess awakening in the celebration of the arrival of spring and an expansive new energy. Ostara gin takes inspiration from the spring flower violet for a more floral gin
  • LITHA ELDERFLOWER GIN – This Litha Edition Welsh Witch Gin welcomes the elderflower. The Elder is sacred to the Mother Goddess and is often called the Witch’s Tree, the Elder Mother, or Queen of the Trees. It is protective with wonderful healing properties.
  • WELSH WITCH VODKA – Welsh Witch Lammas Vodka is an elegant crowd-pleaser using Welsh mountain spring water. Inspired by the celebration of Lammas, marks the seasonal turning point of harvest and the first grain which is the starting point of high-quality vodka.

What does the future hold…

You’ve joined the Welsh Witch family at a genuinely exciting time as we complete our range of Wheel of the Year drinks.

We will be creating the last few potions needed to complete the Wheel of the Year range over the next few months, creating many more magical moments for you to experience.

If you’d like to learn more in depth about some of the pagan celebrations throughout the year, our Witch’s Journal blog features some posts on how they are celebrated and how you can get involved!


Shop all our Welsh Witch spirits, including our Premium Dry Welsh Gin, Welsh Witch Spiced Rum and new Welsh Lammas Vodka here.

Love & light,
Welsh Witch HQ x