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Litha Ritual (with cocktails) by Lizzie Burgess

Litha Ritual (with cocktails)

Litha Gin cocktailWitchcraft rituals are always unique and personal to everyone’s individual practice – but I hope you find some fun with this little structure below! If you work with deities, don’t forget to thank them, or if you use elemental energy then you could honour it during your ritual. You can do this ritual on your own, or involve a friend if you’re comfortable, but what’s important really is that it’s fun and meets your magickal intentions.


Cleansing the Space:

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can perform your ritual. Begin by cleansing the area to remove any stagnant or negative energies. Light a bundle of dried herbs, such as sage or rosemary, and let the smoke fill the space. Visualize the smoke purifying the area and clearing away any unwanted energy. As the smoke dances, repeat the following affirmation:
“With the cleansing smoke, I release all that no longer serves. I create a sacred space for joy, celebration, and the turning of the wheel. As this smoke purifies, I invite in the vibrant energy of summer and the blessings it shall reveal.”

Setting Intentions:

Take a moment to ground yourself and connect with the energy of the summer season. Visualize the warm rays of the sun enveloping you and filling your being with vitality. Hold a clear quartz crystal in your hands and infuse it with your intentions for the ritual. State your intention aloud or silently:
“On this joyful occasion, I set my intention to celebrate the summer and honour the turning of the wheel. May this ritual create a space filled with love, laughter, and the essence of the sun. I open myself to the abundance and blessings that this season brings.”

Creating the Sacred Space:

Arrange your ritual tools and ingredients on a beautifully adorned table or altar. Place a vibrant yellow or orange cloth as the foundation, symbolizing the energy of the sun and the warmth of summer. Arrange fresh flowers, citrus fruits, and herbs like rosemary, elderflower heads or mint as offerings to the spirits of the season.

Gin Cocktail Preparation:
Select your favourite Welsh Witch Litha Edition gin and gather the ingredients for your cocktail. As you mix and prepare the drink, infuse each ingredient with your intention for celebration and joy. Whisper or speak the following affirmation:
“In this glass, I blend the spirits of summer. May this cocktail be a potion of delight, carrying the essence of the sun’s embrace. With every sip, I am nourished, uplifted, and connected to the abundant energy of this season.”
Celebration and Gratitude:
Once your cocktail is prepared, raise your glass in a toast to the summer and the turning of the wheel. Express gratitude for the blessings of the season and the opportunities it brings. Sip the cocktail slowly, savouring each moment and allowing its flavours to awaken your senses.
As you enjoy the cocktail, take a moment to reflect on the intentions you’ve set and the energy you’ve invoked. Feel the warmth of the summer sun within you, filling your heart with joy and inspiration. Offer words of gratitude to the universe, the spirits, and the elements for their presence and support.
Closing the Ritual:
When you’re ready, offer a final expression of gratitude and release the energy of the ritual. Blow out any candles, extinguish any incense, and thank the spirits and energies that have joined you. Close the ritual by saying:
“As I conclude this ritual, I thank the spirits/elements/universal energies that have joined me in celebration. I carry the essence of summer within me, and I embrace the abundance and blessings that this season offers. And so it is!”

Allow the sacred space to remain in place for as long as you desire, or dismantle it with gratitude, knowing that its energy lingers within you.

“Sipping the Sun” cocktail recipe

This is a very special “Sipping the Sun” cocktail for Litha, involving all the flavours you can expect with that little bit of magickal-spice added to it!


  • 50ml Litha Edition gin
  • 3-4 ripe strawberries, hulled and sliced
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 330ml water
  • 2 black tea bags
  • 1 fresh lemon, sliced
  • 1 small quartz crystal (cleansed and charged)
  • Elderberries or Strawberries sliced, for garnish
  • Ice cubes


Honey-Soaked Strawberries:

In a small bowl, combine the sliced strawberries with honey. Gently stir until the strawberries are coated in the honey. Set aside to let them soak and release their sweet flavours overnight in the fridge before the solstice.

Sun Tea Infusion:

  • Fill a glass pitcher with water and add the black tea bags, lemon slices, and a cleansed quartz crystal. Place the pitcher in a sunny spot outdoors, allowing the sun’s energy to infuse the tea. Absolutely get it covered with cling film or a plate to ensure no insects get in.
  • Let the tea steep for 2-3 hours, depending on your desired strength. Once infused, remove the tea bags and lemon slices. Set the pitcher aside.

Cocktail Prep:

  • In a cocktail shaker, muddle (mush up) the honey-soaked strawberries to release their juices and flavours.
  • Add ice cubes and our Litha gin to the shaker. Shake well to combine and chill the ingredients.

How We Witches Serve:

  • Fill a glass with fresh ice cubes.
  • Strain the cocktail mixture from the shaker into the glass.
  • Top off the glass with the sun tea infusion, pouring slowly to control the desired strength.
  • Garnish with a few elderberries, allowing them to float on top of the cocktail.

Final Touch:

  • Take a moment to appreciate the summery appearance of the cocktail, reflecting the energy of the sun and the magick boost of the quartz crystal.
  • Stir gently with a cocktail stirrer or spoon to combine all the flavours.


Savouring the sweet floral notes of elderflower gin, the vibrant flavours of honey-soaked strawberries, the refreshing taste of sun tea, and the subtle earthiness of elderberries. As you sip this enchanting summer cocktail, feel the warmth of the sun’s energy, the healing power of the crystal-infused tea, and the joy of the season. Cheers to a magical summer!

The power of any witchcraft practice lies within your intentions and personal connection to the elements you choose to incorporate. Trust your intuition, adapt these suggestions to suit your preferences, and let your witchcraft practice be a reflection of your unique magick and empowerment.

And so it is!

Until next time xox

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Using the Litha Edition Gin by Lizzie Burgess

Gin has always been a staple for many witches in their practice. With its magickal correspondences of cleansing and healing properties, it can be used not just for drinking. Elderflower is a stunning witchy herb staple that can be used to make delicious summery kitchen spells. So why not use some Litha Edition Welsh Witch Gin to add a little extra magick to your Solstice celebrations? Use it for ritual offerings, adding it to your cauldron or crystal balls, or simply enjoy sipping on a gin & tonic at sunset as you watch the sunset over the horizon!

Love Elixir: Create a love elixir by infusing gin with rose petals, lavender, and a touch of honey. Use it to inspire self-love and attract loving energies into your life.

Healing Bath: Add a few drops of gin to your bathwater along with healing herbs like chamomile and eucalyptus. Allow the soothing properties of gin to amplify the rejuvenating effects of your bath.

Cleansing Ritual: In a small spray bottle, mix gin with purified water and a few drops of essential oil such as lavender or sage. Use this spray to cleanse and purify your sacred space or ritual tools.

Celebration Potion: Craft a celebratory potion by combining gin with fresh citrus juices and a sprinkle of edible glitter. Use it to toast special occasions and infuse them with joyful energy.

Love Spell Sachet: Fill a small fabric pouch with dried herbs associated with love, such as rose petals, jasmine, and cinnamon. Add a few drops of gin to enhance the potency of the herbs, and carry or place this sachet near your heart to attract love.

Healing Tea Infusion: Add a splash of gin to your herbal tea blend during a healing ritual. It can enhance the energetic properties of the herbs and help facilitate physical and emotional healing.

Cleansing Smoke Blend: Infuse gin with cleansing herbs like white sage, rosemary, and frankincense. Use it to anoint or refresh your herbal smoke sticks, creating a potent blend for purifying your space.

Celebration Candle Dressing: Mix gin with a few drops of essential oil and use it to anoint celebratory candles before lighting them. This imbues the candles with positive energy and amplifies the intention behind your celebrations.

Love Altar Offering: Place a small dish of gin on your love altar as an offering to love deities or spirits. This gesture symbolizes your openness to love and invites their blessings into your life.

Healing Crystal Elixir: Create a crystal elixir by submerging healing stones like rose quartz, amethyst, or clear quartz in a jar of gin overnight. Sip this elixir to imbibe the energetic properties of the crystals and promote overall well-being.

Cleansing Foot Soak: Add a splash of gin to warm water and soak your feet to cleanse and purify your energy. Visualize any negativity being drawn out of your body and into the water, allowing the gin to dissolve it.

Celebration Anointing Oil: Blend gin with a carrier oil and a few drops of uplifting essential oils like orange or ylang-ylang. Use this anointing oil to bless yourself and loved ones during celebrations, infusing them with joyous vibrations.

Love Divination Bath: Create a love divination bath by infusing gin with rosemary, damiana, and a pinch of sea salt. Bathe in this mixture while focusing on your desire for love, allowing the energy to guide your intuition.

Ancestor Offering: Pour a small amount of gin into a dish as an offering to your ancestors during healing rituals. Express gratitude for their guidance and ask for their continued support in your journey towards well-being.

Cleansing Floor Wash: Mix gin with a splash of vinegar, lemon juice, and water to create a cleansing floor wash. Use it to mop your floors, visualizing any stagnant or negative energies being swept away. Charge the wash with a crystal beforehand, but don’t forget to take it out!

Celebration Cleanse Spray: Infuse gin with celebratory herbs like basil, cinnamon, and cloves. Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle and use it to energetically cleanse and bless your space during festivities.

Love Charmed Jewelry: Anoint your love-focused jewelry pieces with a drop of gin to infuse them with loving vibrations. Visualize the jewelry as a talisman for attracting and nurturing love in your life.

Healing Moon Water: Charge a jar of water under the full moon and add a splash of gin to enhance its healing properties. Use this moon water for various purposes like cleansing, healing rituals, or simply to imbibe lunar energy.

Cleansing Bath Bomb: Combine gin with baking soda, citric acid, and your choice of cleansing herbs or essential oils to create a fizzy bath bomb. Drop it in your bathwater to cleanse and rejuvenate your body and spirit.

Celebration Spell Jar: Create a spell jar filled with dried flowers, glitter, and a splash of gin. Seal the jar and use it as a visual representation of celebration and joy in your sacred space.


Read about Lizzie here

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An intro to Litha by Lizzie Burgess

Litha – Sunflowers, sunbathing and the solstice

It’s peak summertime here in Wales, and we want to bring you the best of the season with our special summertime celebration. Summer is a great time to spend outdoors, soaking up the sun and enjoying nature’s beauty. Whether gathering with friends to celebrate this magickal time of year or spending time alone in contemplation, summertime is a beautiful opportunity to connect with the spirit of nature.

At this special time of year, we take part in Solstice celebrations and offerings to honour the warmth and light of summer. We decorate with sunflowers, wear bright colours, explore our inner light through meditation practices, dance around the fire and make offerings of thanks for the gifts the Earth provides us. We hold sacred space to honour our ancestors and open ourselves to receive what the summer offers. Nature is in full bloom, giving us an abundance of nourishment and magick that we can take with us throughout the year. This is when witches gather to celebrate Litha.

What is Litha?

Litha is a summer solstice celebration, also known as Midsummer. It is celebrated by many Pagans and Wiccans around the world on the longest day of the year and marks the first day of summer. Traditionally it is a time to honour the sun, celebrate fertility, and give thanks for abundance. For secular witches like myself who don’t honour gods or goddesses, it’s a time to be grateful for the warmth of summer and to take a moment to appreciate the earth with all it provides us when the days are at their longest.

At this special time we also pay attention to our dreams and visions. We use meditation and tarot cards for guidance as we explore deeper connections with ourselves, our community, and the divine.

You’ll find that weddings and handfastings are typically planned around this time too – love magick definitely feels heightened in the light of summertime even into the late evenings. Following on from Beltane and Ostara, the wheel has turned and so has our journey.

Litha is a great opportunity to work with the fae, too, as you’ll remember from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Celebrate the abundance and magick of summer by making offerings to the fae folk, honouring their friendship and connection. A small bowl of milk & honey goes a long way!

Get creative with decorations, take part in rituals that feel right for you, and be sure to spend as much time outdoors as possible – it’s summer after all, and we don’t get a lot of this sunshine normally! There are so many ways to celebrate this special time of year, and so here is some additional inspiration.

Litha Correspondences

  • Crystals: Rose Quartz, Jade, Emerald, Sunstone
  • Colours: Red, Pink, Orange, Gold, Yellow, Bright Green
  • Flowers: Elderflower, St Johns Wort, Lavender, Thyme, Mugwort, Sunflowers
  • Foods: Honey cakes, Mead, Strawberries, Bread, Fresh Salads, Dandelions, Chickweed
  • Activities: Sun-bathing (safely), Dancing around the fire or a bonfire, visiting sacred sites and ancient monuments, making offerings to the fae folk.
  • Magick: Divination, Solar Magick, Fire Magick, Candle Magick, Charging tools and cleansings
  • Deities: Aine, Fortuna, Juno, Cernunnos, Pan, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Bast, Ra, Helios, Apollo


About the writer

Lizzie Burgess, a secular divination Bosswitch, runs where you can learn more about divination methods, rituals and resources that help you with your growth spiritually and professionally. Lizzie is currently finishing the upcoming book “An A to Z of Modern Divination”, where they upcycle and modernize ancient divination methods for a more accessible divinatory practice.



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Welsh Witch Cocktails to Celebrate World Gin Day

We don’t all need a reason to celebrate, but if you did – it’s World Gin Day! What better way to spend the weekend than to enjoy a refreshing tipple? If you’re looking for some inspiration, join us in our celebration of the magic and diversity of gin as we reminisce on some of our favourite gin cocktails.


  1. When the Viking Met the Witch


Feast your tastebuds on a delightfully decadent floral and aromatic cocktail this World Gin Day, perfect for those summer evenings with cherished souls. This is a summer version of our favourite winter warming cocktail ‘When the Viking Met the Witch.’ We’ve switched out the hot rooibos tea for cold by letting it cool and make sure to add an abundance of ice before serving. This floral cocktail is perfect for any garden party and feels like a sophisticated twist on fruity iced tea. For this recipe, you’ll need to mix together:


1.5oz Welsh Witch Beltane Gin

0.5oz fresh lime juice

0.5oz homemade honey syrup (or just normal honey!)

4oz freshly brewed rooibos tea which has been left to cool


You can see this delicious tipple demonstrated by Oli at Oli’s Drinks on Instagram here.

Check out Oli’s Instagram reel on how to make ‘When the Viking Met the Witch’


  1. Welsh Witch Strawberry & Elderflower Smash


With Wimbledon right around the corner and British strawberry season in full swing, why not try out our delightful Welsh Witch Strawberry & Elderflower Smash? Our Litha gin is packed full of Welsh-inspired floral ingredients, with elderflower the star of the show. Perfect to sip while enjoying a spot of tennis in the sunshine!


Muddle a handful of fresh strawberries in the bottom of a cocktail glass.


Pour in:

1.5oz Welsh Witch Litha Gin

0.5oz fresh lime juice

0.5oz Simple syrup

…And mix.


Fill the glass with ice, then top with:

4oz Soda water

Sprig of basil to garnish


Stir well and enjoy! We think this winning combination will be our drink of choice this summer.


  1. Simple and Refreshing Cucumber Gin Cocktail


A perfect pair for our Original Dry Gin is refreshing and cooling cucumber and zesty lime juice, delightful and delicate for those that prefer a less sweet cocktail.

Mix together the following ingredients for the perfect tipple to remedy a hot summer’s day:


Muddle a handful of mint and cucumber pieces in a cocktail shaker.


Add 1.5oz Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin and shake, shake shake!


Serve with your tonic of choice and garnish with a slice of lime and cucumber.

Enjoy a delightfully refreshing cucumber gin cocktail this World Gin Day!

Which One is Your Favourite?


We think they all sound delicious! Let us know if you make any of these and tag us in your creations on Instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits; similarly, if you come up with a new recipe we’d love to see it!


Here’s to a magical World Gin Day and hope you get a chance to try some of our magical potions brewed in North Wales.


Love and light,

Welsh Witch HQ x






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3 Enchanting Gifts For Fathers’ Day

As the summer solstice fast approaches, June is the month to celebrate beautiful plants flowering, the longest day and of course, blooming wonderful dads! Today, we’ll be talking about all things gifts on the run up to Fathers’ Day. Stick around for our top Welsh Witch gift ideas, a delightful cocktail recipe to try out on a lovely lazy Sunday and ways you can celebrate the father figure in your life.


Now, the date for your diary is the 18th June! Not long to go, but fret not: Welsh Witch HQ have you covered for luxurious gifts everyone will love. We’ve got crowd-pleasers and we’ve got delectable tipples for a refined palate; here’s your one-stop shop for Fathers’ Day 2023.


Welsh Witch Gifts for Fathers’ Day Everyone Can Enjoy


Our handcrafted and botanically brewed spirits are a gift straight from the heart. Here in our distillery in Wrexham we use Welsh-inspired ingredients from folklore tales and age-old traditions; perfect for that Dad who loves things “how they used to be”. Staying true to our Welsh roots, our award-winning spirits are just the ticket for the perfect gift for Dad. Check out our top 3 picks:


  1. Spiced Rum Gift Box


A winning combination for a winning Dad: look no further than our Welsh Witch Rum Gift Box. Gorgeously presented in sleek yet minimal packaging, you’ll find our gold award-winning Welsh Witch Spiced Rum and a Welsh Witch rum glass all ready to go for that Sunday afternoon tipple. All you need is some ice and Dad can enjoy our delicious dark rum, with whispers of whiskey and a bara brith inspired spice infusion all on its own, or pair with a botanical cola for that beloved flavour combination we all know and love.

Our Welsh Witch Spiced Rum Gift Box makes for perfect gifts for Fathers’ Day!


  1. Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin


What’s better than a good old fashioned dry London gin? We think not much! So, a great crowd-pleasing gift this fathers’ day is our Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin. Multi award-winning and excellent paired with a mixer of your choice makes for a great gift any gin lover is sure to adore. Delectable lemon peel and gorse flower give this dry gin a sophisticated edge, making for a perfectly refreshing G&T. If you think that’ll tickle your Dad’s fancy, you can check out our Original Dry Gin here.

A crowd-pleasing Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin, perfect for gin enthusiasts


  1. Welsh Witch Premium Glasses


A great gift idea for the man that seemingly has it all is a high quality drinking glass for their tipple of choice. Shaped especially for enhancing the tasting and nosing experience, our Welsh Witch glasses are an excellent addition to any home bar or glass collection. Branded with our magical and mystical branding, it’ll be sure to add a unique Welsh spin to each sip.


However you choose to show your appreciation this Fathers’ Day, we hope that the day is filled with flavour, enjoyment, and magic. If you’re feeling inspired, our full range of magical Welsh Witch Craft Spirits can be found here.


Fathers’ Day Magic Potion Inspiration


Perhaps making Dad a fancy cocktail or recipe is a great way to enjoy the special day; carve out some time and enjoy trying out some things together and find out which is your favourite!


If you’d like to try something new, you could enjoy our Spiced Rum Butter sauce to lather onto a fruit cake or bara brith loaf. Similarly, you could try out one of our simple Espresso Martini cocktails:


Mix the following ingredients together for a Welsh twist on a classic Espresso Martini:


50ml Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin

25ml Coffee Liqueur

15ml Sugar Syrup

35ml Fresh Espresso


You could even try our blackberry-infused Welsh Witch Imbolc Gin for a fruity twist on a classic espresso martini!


Now that’s the treats and tipples sorted, all that’s left is to enjoy the day with your favourite people! We hope the sun is shining and the G&Ts are deliciously refreshing.


If you try any of our recipes or brew a totally new magic potion using our spirits, please tag us on Instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits, we’d love to see them! Finally, we hope you Dads out there have a fab day, you rock!


Sending love and light from North Wales,

Welsh Witch HQ x