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Welsh Witch on Wrexham: Competition, Challenges & Community

A tale of gins: setbacks and springboards

In December 2019, many moons ago in the North Wales hills, the Welsh Witch distillery bloomed to life, ready to take on the world. Armed with beautiful botanical beverages fit for any occasion, Jade (the Welsh Witch herself) and her magic set to taking the gin-dustry by storm with her mystical branding and winning flavour combinations. Of course, in March 2020, the whole world changed when Covid took over the world and shut down life as we knew it. Welsh Witch had to adapt to running a business without being able to interact with customers face to face and engaging in events and talks to get exposure and increase our brand awareness.

Then… things got even more interesting

Now, if this wasn’t hard enough, in November 2020, we then got the news that two Hollywood A-Listers had bought our local town football club, Wrexham AFC. At first, we didn’t think twice about it, but once we found out who had bought the club, we were a little apprehensive! Of course, one of these A-Listers, Ryan Reynolds, is a major shareholder in global gin company Aviation, and the other, Rob McElhenney, owns a whisky company – of everyone it could have been! Not ideal for a small distillery based in Wrexham!

A short time later, Ryan Reynolds was sending pubs in the area free cases of Aviation gin, and then shortly after that they launched a Wrexham AFC edition of Aviation gin. This was interesting news for Jade as a one-woman band just trying to get the magic of the Welsh Witch distillery out there into the big wide world; but she took it in her stride and continued doing what she does best.

Jade busy making potions in her Wrexham distillery

But, little did Jade know this bump in the road in the shape of two Hollywood A-Listers would be the momentum needed to get Welsh Witch off the ground and put Wrexham on the map and radar of flavour and football enthusiasts alike. We’re very grateful things worked out the way they did, plus: a healthy dose of competition did us good! Our spirits have been going from strength to strength winning awards and enchanting the masses; distilled and brewed in the distillery featuring Welsh and Celtic inspired botanicals and ingredients. You can read more about our Spiced Rum Gold Award right here on the Welsh Witch blog.


Wrexham AFC going from strength to strength

Did you know: Wrexham AFC is the third oldest professional club in Wales! After being taken over by the new dynamic duo in town, the first year they weren’t promoted to the EFL but this has recently changed, hooray! This newfound success prompted a parade around Wrexham, which was a spectacle of community and enthusiasm, something in these trying times that is more important than ever. Keeping up with their male counter-parts, Wrexham AFC Women team have also been accruing achievements left, right and centre, including their recent promotion to semi-professional status following a string of tough wins. Reynolds’ wife and Gossip Girl icon Blake Lively’s premium mixer business is also their latest sponsor (we bet the Hollywood couple always have a G&T ready to go at home!)


Jade has admitted to not being a huge football fan but has always consistently backed Wrexham when the time calls for it. Something she has always admired is the fans for travelling up and down the country; the love and dedication of supporters behind the club is nothing short of heart-warming.

Documentaries and determination

If you’d like some more backstory on the club itself, the documentary Welcome to Wrexham (available on Disney+ and Amazon Prime) is a good insight into the club and its growth and success from the beginning. Hollywood aside, we can attest that the team have played with their heart and soul for the town and continue to do Wrexham proud. Their resilience and determination makes them so entertaining to watch; they are all workhorses and play with all the fire in their bellies just like the Welsh dragon. For that reason Wrexham have gained worldwide fans and recognition, with new fans travelling all the way from the United States to watch them play. And not dissimilarly, Wrexham AFC have scheduled games across the pond where their newfound success we’re sure will be admired and encouraged all the same.


Wrexham community spirit and bringing people together

Of course, we’re not here to throw shade on Reynolds and McElhenney. We’re actually here do to the opposite: to thank them! The effect these two have had on the entirety of Wrexham is heart-warming, inspiring and uniting for the passionate community of Wrexham. And, we can’t lie, Aviation gin is good (but don’t tell anyone we said that!) and we are flavour enthusiasts after all, so we can give credit where it’s due. We feel very lucky to be a part of this exciting time and we’re grateful for all the opportunities it’s given the Wild Moon Distillery.


Our botanical beverages inspired by Celtic folklore are true to Welsh history and traditions

And of course, talking of community spirit; the stadium Wrexham Racecourse Ground is hosting Kings of Leon for an exciting performance just next week! We’re most excited to be welcoming them to our home turf and hope they can soak up the community spirit here (Jade herself will be in the crowd cheering away!). Here’s to hoping it’s a magnificent evening, and maybe they can kick back and enjoy a Welsh Witch gin after the show?!


Welsh Witch, to North Wales and beyond

What we do know, is that we’re prouder than ever to be at the heart of the Wrexham community making our potions and elixirs. It’s a wonderful feeling being a part of this place that is full of so many passionate individuals, whether that be for sports, food and drink, or just general Welsh pride. We’re thankful for all of our customers and supporters, wherever you may be – Wrexham or beyond! Jade feels extremely lucky, and it’s a very exciting time in the business journey and we welcome you along for the ride while we continue to expand, make magic and share the wisdom of the Welsh Witch to all the corners of the world.

If any of our tipples have tickled your fancy, you can shop the entire Welsh Witch collection, here.

Everybody is welcome here in Wrexham to enjoy the football, botanical beverages or the good old Welsh fire and enthusiasm!


Love and light,


Welsh Witch HQ x

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How to Celebrate Beltane: The Welsh Witch’s Guide

The beautiful May Day festival of Beltane is upon us and we’re here to spread some insight and ways you can spend this magical day. Our Welsh Witch herself, founder Jade, is a Beltane baby herself so knows all about the Celtic and pagan traditions and rituals. The festivities are a time of inviting in warmth, fertility and anchoring in hope for the future ahead.


What is Beltane?


Traditionally, Beltane has been celebrated by Celtics and pagans as a mid-point between the spring and summer solstices for hundreds of years and puts emphasis on the honouring of nature and changing seasons. As an homage to Mother Earth, Beltane is most notably celebrated with fire rituals, bonfires and light. This is traditionally in dedication to the gods to beckon warmer weather and plentiful harvests in the summer months.


Welsh Celebrations of Calan Mai


Also celebrated on the same day is Calan Mai, the Welsh celebration of May Day. This celebration is known for welcoming the beginning of summer and is very much part of our heritage here in Wales. Together they can be enjoyed hand in hand on the first day of May, as many of the traditions of Calan Mai and Beltane overlap and share similar themes. Singing, dancing and feasting are traditional ways of celebrating the May Day, with maypoles and bonfires aplenty. The Welsh tradition is also known as Calan Haf or Cyntefin and is known in Welsh as the first day of summer. It’s a sign sunshine is on the way!


How to Celebrate Beltane

There are many different ways in which you can celebrate, and of course, it is important to engage in rituals that feel authentic to you. Use your intuition and take what resonates if you’re looking for some inspiration this Beltane.

beltane fire

How will you choose to celebrate Beltane this year?

Get Festive with Florals

With flowers and botanicals abundant at this time of year, many blooming due to the coming of spring, what better way to celebrate than harnessing their magic? Many pagans and celebrators of May Day utilise these flowers by creating wreaths, harvesting flowers to dry or press, decorating an altar with their blooms (picked responsibly of course!). Brew some floral tea, bake some recipes that utilise seasonal flowers, get creative and find a way to honour the seasonal produce! This is a way that interweaves mother nature with our every day and connects us deeply to our environment.


Get Together with Friends and Loved Ones

 Times such as Beltane have always traditionally been a time of coming together, honouring nature and one another and celebrating in unity. Finding a community of likeminded individuals, whether that is online through social media, or through local events, is an exciting way to feel a part of something bigger. Organise a women’s or community circle event, get together with your closest friends for an evening of food, drinks, gratitude and crafts, or plan a meal with loved ones. This feeling of togetherness is a long-standing pagan tradition and it’s a perfect way to welcome in a new sabbat of the Wheel of the Year. Talk about what you’re looking forward to this year, what you’re grateful for, or discuss your worries and anxieties with people you feel safe with.


Eat and Drink Your Way Through Beltane

Of course, many of us are very passionate about good food and drink. What better way to celebrate than with delicious dishes and botanical beverages?! Of course, we’re a little biased here at Welsh Witch HQ, but we’re allowed to be, when founder Jade has worked hard to create the Beltane Edition Welsh Witch Gin, perfect for this day and any other! Packed with natural botanicals and a fiery kick of cinnamon to honour the Beltane fire rituals, our Beltane Gin is a perfect excuse to get together with your besties and share a tipple on May Day (plus, it’s a bank holiday – there’s no reason not to!)


Our magical Beltane Gin, brewed with love in North Wales

Practice a Fire Ritual

So many fire ceremonies and rituals are associated with Beltane; why not give your own a go? Join up with friends and light a bonfire; talk about your intentions and maybe release any negative feelings by writing them on paper and burning them in the fire. You could also write down your goals for the rest of the year and burn those too, as a physical act of manifestation and writing your intentions to the universe. For something more low key, get relaxed and cosy, light a candle (our Gin & Tonic Candle is a great shout!) and reflect on what you’d like this year to bring.


Our Welsh Witch with a lovely candle ready for Beltane celebrations


However you practice Beltane, we hope you have a marvellous May Day. Maybe try a new tradition with friends or loved ones, or enjoy a relaxing evening in with food and good times. Use your intuition and celebrate in a way that feels authentic for you. We’re wishing you all the Beltane blessings from Welsh Witch HQ and sending love and light from North Wales.