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Embracing Gratitude and Setting Intentions for a Fulfilling Year Ahead

As we say good bye to 2023 and start the new year it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past and embrace gratitude while setting intentions for the journey ahead. Gratitude, often described as the key to happiness, has the power to transform our lives and pave the way for a more fulfilling future.

The fundamentals of witchcraft and the passion behind Welsh Witch is the magic of honouring yourself and adopting these positive behaviours. The Welsh Witch strongly believes in trusting yourself, extending kindness and being understanding with others to promote peace and harmony with your surroundings.
The magic of being a White Witch, as a spiritual alternative to help navigate modern life it not only centres around nature, but is deeply rooted in being kind, present and true to yourself. In short it is about happiness from within.

This time of year is the perfect opportunity to adopt a fresh outlook and new behaviours for the year ahead.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is not just a fleeting emotion; it’s a mindset that shapes our outlook on life. Taking a moment to appreciate the positive aspects of our past year can create a ripple effect of joy and contentment. Whether it’s the people who supported us, the challenges that made us stronger, or the simple pleasures that brought us joy, acknowledging these moments fosters a sense of gratitude that extends beyond the immediate present.

In practicing gratitude, we cultivate a positive mindset that helps us navigate challenges with resilience. It acts as a reminder that even in difficult times, there are always aspects of our lives for which we can be thankful. As we express gratitude for what we have, we open ourselves up to more opportunities and experiences that align with our values.

Setting Intentions for the Year Ahead

While gratitude grounds us in the present, setting intentions propels us into the future. Intentions are the compass that guides our actions, helping us align our choices with our values and aspirations. Rather than rigid resolutions, intentions focus on the journey rather than the destination, fostering personal growth and self-discovery.

As we contemplate the year ahead, consider what truly matters to you. What are the values that define your life, and what do you hope to achieve or experience? Setting intentions allows us to clarify our vision for the future and empowers us to make decisions that align with our goals.

The Dance of Gratitude and Intentions

Gratitude and setting intentions are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they complement each other beautifully. The practice of gratitude provides a strong foundation, anchoring us in the present moment and fostering a positive mindset. With this foundation, setting intentions becomes a more authentic and purposeful process.
As you embark on this journey into the new year, take time to express gratitude for the lessons learned, the growth experienced, and the love shared. From this place of appreciation, let your intentions emerge. What do you want to invite into your life? What steps can you take to align your actions with your aspirations?

Throughout the year we will continue to explore and share the magic of authentic living and the beliefs that inspire Welsh Witch. With this placing a focus on how to help set intentions throughout the year.
We hope you stick around to learn more about nurturing your inner witch and how to connect deeper with yourself and other like-minded individuals. In 2024 we hope to spread more witchy goodness to the masses by encouraging more kindness, more appreciation for the abundance of nature and celebration of the self, we hope you’ll join us!

Love & Light
Welsh Witch HQ 🌙

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Guide to Winter Solstice Celebrations

The origins of Yule-tide

Yule is an ancient Germanic tradition celebrated around the winter solstice, which is mostly celebrated today by Pagans – while the more commonly celebrated Christmas traditions are followed by Christians. The Welsh Witch’s Guide to Yule will help explain deeper the ancient traditions Yule holds, as well as ways you can attune with your inner witch to honour this sacred time. With roots in Norse mythology, the tradition favours activities such as honouring light, celebrating the progress of the year and coming together in communities to eat delicious food and drink in the new year. Learn how to celebrate Yule with our ideas and festive tips. 

Since the festive celebration of Yule occurs after the shortest day of the year on the 21st of December to the 1st of January, it serves as a way to welcome in the longer days and appreciate the cyclical nature of the year passing. The celebration lasts twelve days. This is traditionally where the 12 days of Christmas comes from! You’d be surprised how many modern-day Christian traditions are inherited from Pagan celebrations and rituals. One of them being Christmas dinner – in ancient times, animals like cattle often didn’t survive the long and cold winters, meaning that there would be a surplus of meat in the Yule-tide time of the year. This made it easier to eat nutrient-dense meals (oftentimes meat) during this time. These traditions can be seen today in the feasts consumed on Christmas Day. Are you a traditional dinner eater, or do you like to shake it up and eat something totally different?

How can I celebrate Yule?

There are many ways traditionally how to celebrate Yule. Pagans around the world choose different rituals and practices. If you’re a new baby witch that’s intrigued by the traditions, these methods might be a good starting-place if you’re not sure what to try. 

Host a party to eat with friends

One of the main ways to celebrate Yule is to do what they did in ancient times! This one many people already do during the festive season anyway: coming together with your community of friends and family and enjoy a feast of different foods. Maybe create a themed evening where everybody brings a different type of dish and you share them out. Or you could try a colour-themed evening – everyone brings a different coloured dish – orange for example could include a curry, a tagine, carrot cake etc. Make it fun, that’s all part of the experience. The wackier the better – consider providing a prize for the most inventive addition! Check out our selection of premium botanical spirits with deep-rooted traditional pagan ingredients and processes for some extra Yule-tide sparkle. 

Being present and remembering the pagan roots of getting together with loved ones will reinforce the importance of these traditions and the community spirit they cultivate when connecting with others over food and drinks. 

Decorate with nature

Find some time during the winter solstice to honour the falling of leaves, the smell of evergreens, the appearance of mistletoe. Try crafting a wreath out of dried leaves and branches; give thanks to the earth for growing them and knowing they will return again next year during the rebirth in spring. Decorate your Yule tree! This tradition is also falsely attributed to Christianity, but actually stems from Paganism. It is ritualistic within Pagan households to honour the tree (sourced ethically and sustainably) by decorating it with lights, handmade ornaments with symbology and natural ingredients such as dried oranges and cinnamon. 

At Welsh Witch HQ we love using dried oranges in our products, around our house and just about everywhere during Yule!

Practice journaling or meditating in the winter solstice

The winter, for many, is a time for reflection and turning inwards. Finding ways to connect with your inner voice is important in honouring the sacredness of these months; what are you grateful for this year? What have you achieved this year? What do you hope to bring with you into the new solstice? Let us know your favourite journal prompts over on our instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits.

Take some time to relax, breathe deeply and connect with the earth around you, thank nature for doing its thing and providing life and nourishment. Write down any thoughts that come to you and honour your voice without judgement. 

Perform a Light Ritual

moon-charge-your-lifeOur Welsh Witch candles are a perfect addition to any witch’s altar!

One of the most important parts of Yule is honouring the presence of light and the gratitude for all it provides. String lights up in your home or safe space, light candles around you and bathe in the light, appreciating its warmth and comfort. Perhaps you might want to spend an evening without electricity, to honour its power and enjoy living by candlelight like our ancient ancestors did. This is a great way to cultivate gratitude by taking away something so readily available for us now, and stripping it back to a much more purposeful way of living for a while. When you switch your lights back on, use it as a way to celebrate the start of the new year and the light it will bring. 


However you choose to celebrate Yule, whether you want to go all in and provide a Winter Solstice feast for your nearest and dearest, or if you just want to light  a few candles and journal on the year’s events, that’s up to you. Paganism encourages you to honour your body and act intuitively, doing what feels right for you. Though if you do find yourself hosting a yummy banquet, might we point you in the direction of our award-winning spirits, perfect to adorn your Yule-tide spread with unique flavours and crafted from the soul. 

We hope you have a magical festive season, however you choose to celebrate.

And we thank you for joining us on our magical journey this year. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2024!

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Welsh Witch’s guide to cocktails this festive season

Christmas time means party season and no party is complete without that perfect cocktail. Are you in need of some mixology inspiration to dazzle your family and friends in your kitchen or at your home bar? Or simply want to get into the Christmas spirit with some festival cocktails.

Cocktails are great way to get into the festive mood for several reasons:

  • Flavour Variety: Cocktails offer a wide range of flavours and ingredients, allowing you to create drinks that are tailored to the theme or season. The flavours can evoke the spirit of the celebration.
  • Visual Appeal: The colours, garnishes, and glassware used for cocktails can be visually striking. When you’re sipping on a beautifully presented cocktail, it can instantly make you feel like you’re part of a special occasion, which enhances the festive mood.
  • Creating Social Connections: Cocktails are often shared and enjoyed in a social setting. Gathering with friends and family to enjoy cocktails can create a sense of togetherness and celebration, making it easier to get into the festive spirit.
  • Creativity: Making cocktails allows you to get creative in the kitchen. Experimenting with different ingredients, garnishes, and presentation styles can be a fun and engaging way to express yourself and set the mood for a festive occasion.
  • Versatility: You can adapt cocktails to various themes and seasons.
  • Memories: Cocktails can become a part of the memories associated with a celebration. When you have a signature cocktail at a special event, it becomes a symbol of that occasion and can trigger fond recollections in the future.

Cocktails offer a combination of flavours, aesthetics, and social engagement that can enhance the festive mood. They allow you to be creative, set the tone for your event, and provide a sense of celebration and indulgence that can make any occasion feel more special.

Five festive cocktails to get you started

We are lucky to have some very talented friends of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits with a flair for creating that perfect tipple. They have created some memorable holiday drinks recipes from our range of potions and elixirs.
A BIG thank you to @thejuniperpixie for creating some memorable holiday drinks recipes from our range of potions and elixirs to get us into the festive spirit.


The Holly Jolly Christmas cocktail

✨60ml Original Gin

✨30ml Elderflower Liqueur

✨100ml Clementine Juice

✨Topped up with ginger beer

Pour over ice. Garnish with pomegranate and a sprig of thyme or mint.



Chocolate Rumtini

✨50ml Yuletide Rum

✨50ml Bailey’s Irish Cream

✨15ml Chocolate Syrup

Pour into a shaker and shake together. Shake over Ice and serve in a Coupe and garnish with a Sprig of Mint



Chocolate Orange Espresso Martini

✨50ml Welsh Witch Yuletide Rum

✨50ml Espresso

✨25ml Cointreau

✨10ml Creme de Cacao

✨5ml Simple Syrup


Pour into a shaker and shake together. Serve in a chilled martini glass and enjoy.



Witched Brew

✨60ml Pomegranate Juice

✨30ml Cranberry Juice

✨15ml Maple Syrup

✨60ml @welshwitch_craftspirits Vodka

Pour into a shaker and shake together Garnish with orange.



Wrexham Mule

✨50ml Welsh Witch Lammas Vodka

✨Crushed ice

✨150-200ml ginger ale

✨Few dashes of ginger bitters

To garnish


✨Splash of grenadine

Pour the vodka into a metal mug, julep tin or tumbler. Load up ¾ full of crushed ice, then fill to the top with the ginger ale and stir gently to combine. Add a few dashes of ginger bitters.

Serve with splash of grenadine to add the Wrexham fiery red colour and finish with a squeeze of lime and the wedges on top.


Winter Spiced Pear Cocktail

✨60ml Samhain rum

✨30ml pumpkin syrup

✨Juice of half a lemon

✨One egg white

Shake together with no ice first, then add ice and shake again into a martini glass.


The Chocolate Orange Rumgroni

✨50ml Yuletide Rum

✨50ml Campari

✨25ml Cointreau

✨25ml sweet vermouth

Pour into a shaker and shake together. Serve in a heavy glass with a clementine slice



You can shop our whole range of Welsh Witch Craft Spirits here.

What’s more with our multi buy offer you can get any three of our craft spirits for £95. Which means it’s even easier to try the full range of Welsh Witch festive cocktails.

If you decide to try out any of these cocktails, don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @welshwitch_craftspirits

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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How to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy

Sometimes life is hard enough, without having to deal with negative energy, people who don’t have your best interests at heart or toxic relationships. While these things are less than ideal, there are ways in which you can protect yourself from that negative energy and self-preserve your own wellbeing. Today we’re going to be talking through some simple activities you can do which help to reduce these negative scenarios impacting you. The more you practice these, the better you will get at deflecting these feelings and it’ll be like water off a duck’s back – you’ll breeze through and feel like you won’t be giving anyone else power over your feelings except you.

Make peace with what has hurt you

We’re coming in strong with something that isn’t necessarily easy. That being said, it’s vitally important that you do some digging into who and what has hurt you in the past because otherwise this will continue to negatively affect you and your state of wellbeing. This may not be a job you can tackle on your own, though, and you may need the help of a therapist or counsellor if you’re dealing with sensitive subject matter. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help tackling these things.

Decompress when you need to

Life has its tricky moments, that’s for sure. So don’t be afraid to take some time out of a scenario where you need to clear your head. For example, you may need to step away from a discussion to prevent it becoming a heated argument. You may have got some bad news and you need some time to process it and come to terms with it. It’s important that you take this time to do so, otherwise it may come rearing its head later and catch you off guard. If that happens, it’s okay too, but making sure you aren’t burying any feelings is a good way to not let them overwhelm you. Take the time you need to do what’s best for your wellbeing.

Learn to master your emotions and reactions

Often, we come from a place of reaction, rather than response. That can make for emotional outbursts and blurting out something which may make everything worse. Especially when it comes to talking about our feelings; it’s a common reaction to get defensive and standoffish as a way of preserving ourselves. Mastering our emotions is a key way to not letting negative energy effect is and bring out our unhelpful coping mechanisms. A healthy way to navigate a discussion with a friend, loved one or a stranger, is to calmly approach the topic with open-mindedness. Try and both understand where both sides are coming from, and do so from a place of compassion. Not only will this make discussions much more productive, it helps protect you from being brought down by negative energies.

Meditate, exercise, cleanse your space or journal (or all of them!)

Have a space where you can outlet your emotions; negative, positive, the works. Having this outlet is a way to balance those feelings you may have. This outlet will be different for everybody; some people prefer to diffuse those negative energies (picked up from themselves or somebody else) by doing a vigorous workout. Somebody else may prefer to meditate and undertake a visualisation where all of the negative feelings are dissipating and being replaced with love, joy and contentment. Another method is to cleanse those energies with reiki healing, using crystals or having a holistic healing treatment. These are of course not for everyone, but trying something new can never hurt; you may enjoy it! A tried and true practice for protecting yourself from negative energy is by journaling your thoughts and feelings. Having a notebook to put down those thoughts without holding back is a way to remove those thoughts from ruminating in your mind and plaguing you. Once they’re down on paper you’re free to forget about them, to no longer let them bring you down or negatively impact your wellbeing.

Remind yourself that you are full of magic

Now, we know this sounds a little cheesy, but run with us for a moment. Sometimes we all doubt ourselves, right? We all have moments where we feel less than enough. But in order to protect ourselves from negative energy (which may be of our own doing!) is to remind ourselves just how magical we are. You don’t have to be fancy with this, it can be as simple and as regular as brushing your teeth. While you look in the mirror while brushing your teeth, say to yourself “I am worthy, I am loved, I am enough.” You can get as creative as you want here, you can make them specific to a goal you’re working on, an anxiety you may have, and so on. A good way to remind yourself is by making mini affirmation cards or post-it notes in places you frequent a lot, such as on a mirror, or by your kettle. Just little reminders of your inner sparkle and the magic you bring to the world. You could even print out our monthly affirmation cards from our Instagram page @welshwitch_craftspirits.

We are here to remind you how special and loved you are, but despite all that, sometimes negative energy still happens. The important thing is to remember that it will pass and better days will be on their way soon. We hope these have been a useful guide to protecting your energy and ways you can look after your mental wellbeing.

Love and light,
Welsh Witch HQ x

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12 Days of Christmas 2023

We’re pleased to launch our 12 days of Christmas campaign for this year:

Day 1 We’re kicking off with a free gift* for everyone that buys a bottle of Yuletide rum.

This offer runs until the Yuletide celebration on 21st Dec so don’t miss out. No code needed, just order our Yuletide Rum and you’ll receive a free tote bag 😊

* Free gift is a Welsh Witch Tote Bag

Day 2 Did you know we offer 3 full sized bottles for £95?

Shop now

Day 3 We want to shout about our beautifully hand etched glasses. Perfect for celebrating with Friends this Christmas!

We love them and you will too especially as you’re getting 10% off with code YULE10

Don’t miss out!


Day 4 Today we are VERY excited to announce a new addition to our range as an alternative gift option.

We get asked all the time when we are out and about in our Welsh Witch hoodies if we sell them.

From today they are available in on our website in both Adult and Kids sizes.

Adults: Welsh Witch Branded Hoodie – Adult

Kids: Welsh Witch Branded Hoodie – Children

Day 5 We’re excited to launch our limited edition Vodka gift box.

With a full sized bottle of our Lammas Vodka and a beautifully etched Welsh Witch glass.

Hurry though, it’s only available until Christmas!

Limited Edition Vodka Gift Box

Day 6 It’s the birthday of our Award Winning Signature Gin.

And because of this wonderful double celebration, you can get the Signature Gin gift box for only £40 saving you £11 in total.

Only available today – don’t miss out!

Day 7 We’ll be sharing these amazing recipes for 7 festive cocktails!

Coming soon…

Day 8 It’s day 8 of our 12 days of Christmas and today, we’re excited to shout about 3 brand new gift sets including:

You can get all three of these new potion boxes as a bundle for £60! Simply add 3 gift boxes to your basket and the discount will be applied automatically.

Day 9 We’re celebrating rum lovers by dropping the price of our Gold award winning Rum Gift box from £48 to £40.

Only available today – don’t miss out!

Welsh Witch Spiced Rum Gift Box

Day 10 Day 10 For day 10, we want to shout about our gorgeous candles..

We love them and you will too especially as you’re getting 10% off with code YULE10

Don’t miss out


Day 11 On day 11, we want to share a lovely cocktail created by @juniperpixie using our new Yule Rum.


Don’t forget you’ll get a free gift* for everyone that buys a bottle of Yuletide rum.

* Free gift is a Welsh Witch Tote Bag

Day 12 On the final day of our 12 days of Christmas campaign, if you spend £50, we’ll give you a £10 gift card and if you spend £100 online, we’ll send you a £20 gift card.



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7 Festive Gifts for the Goddess in Your Life

With Yule and the festive season fast approaching, we’re going to be discussing the 7 best gifts for the goddess in your life. Embracing all things magic, this is our run down to help you breeze through the gift process with ease. Let’s unpick the best presents from our gallery of botanical beverages.

7. Mabon Spiced Rum

The new kid on the block and ready to shine, our newly-released Mabon Rum is ready to be enjoyed. Perfect for the goddess in your life that is all about their autumnal scents, flavours and cosiness. This roasted apple flavoured rum is a perfect addition to all things cosy; pair with a botanical cola or enjoy in a warming cocktail.

6. Beltane Gin

Our Beltane gin is an award-winning masterpiece from the Welsh Witch, packed full of fiery cinnamon, reiki infused rosewater and a delectable burst of citrus. This gin is a perfect warming tipple, brimming with Welsh-inspired botanicals and the essence of Beltane fire rituals. For the pagan folklore lover, the Beltane gin is a great gift this festive season.

5. Lammas Welsh Witch Vodka

Vodka lovers rejoice! This magical spirit is inspired by the grain harvests of Lammas. Made with healing Welsh water from Ffynnon Beuno, this vodka is brewed with love in the hills of North Wales. A classy and sophisticated vodka, this is perfect in cocktails and enjoyed neat. Our Lammas vodka was even featured on Alan Titchmarsh’s Love Your Weekend.

4. Imbolc Welsh Witch Gin

Perfect for the fruity gin loving goddess in your life, this blackberry infused gin is a delicious seasonal reminder of the abundance of nature. As an homage to the Goddess Brigid herself, this gift to your very own goddess is the pinnacle of divine feminine energy. Brigid is the goddess of fertility and life itself, so this berry-filled gin brings you all the magic of Brigid and her goddess ways.

3. Welsh Witch Spiced Rum

Our award-winning Spiced Rum is a spirit to be marvelled at. Filled with all things sweet, spicy and delicious, this rum is a perfect addition to any spirit-enthusiast’s collection. Gifting this to the goddess in your life reminds them that they are filled with all the fire of cinnamon and hints of whisky, while still embodying the femininity of delicate sweetness. Inspired by the Welsh bara-brith tea loaf, this rum is an homage to the traditional spices and practices passed down through generations.

2. Welsh Witch Original Dry Gin

The first and original spirit from Welsh Witch, our multi award-winning Original Dry Gin. Bursting with botanicals and high-quality ingredients, this gin is an absolute staple for any gin drinker. Smooth and elegant, yet aromatic and traditional, this gin marries locally foraged gorseflower, coriander seed and bitter orange to make a magical gin that delights the senses.

1. Triple Goddess Box – Trio of Welsh Witch Spirits

And if after all that, you still can’t decide, our Triple Goddess Box does all the hard work of deciding for you. Three beautifully displayed miniatures of our best-selling spirits is a perfect way for a goddess to sample all three magic potions. Inside you’ll find our Original Dry Gin, Welsh Witch Spiced Rum and our Beltane Edition Gin; so there is something for every taste. The hardest part will be not keeping them for yourself!

We hope that has made the idea of gift giving this season even easier for loved ones and the goddesses in your life. Spreading joy and magic is as easy as ever with our botanical potions rooted in Welsh folklore. Enjoy responsibly and we wish you a delightful festive season.

Welsh Witch HQ x

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The Origins and Significance of Black Friday

This frenzied shopping day that marks the beginning of the holiday season, is a phenomenon that has transcended its origins to become a global consumer extravaganza.

Each year as retailers we all jump two feet into Black Friday events, but where does it come from?

The Origins of Black Friday

Black Friday’s roots can be traced back to the mid-20th century. The term was initially coined in the 1960s in Philadelphia to describe the chaotic post-Thanksgiving shopping frenzy. It wasn’t associated with bargains or deals; instead, it referred to the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic that clogged the city streets as shoppers and tourists swarmed the area. The term “Black Friday” was not initially seen as positive but rather as a description of the congestion and disorder that accompanied the day.

The Shift from Chaos to Consumerism

Black Friday evolved over the years, transforming from a day of urban pandemonium into a day of consumer opportunity. Retailers recognised the potential to capitalise on the massive crowds, and they began offering special discounts and sales to lure shoppers into their stores. These deals often started early in the morning, and people lined up outside stores well before dawn to snag the best deals. By the late 20th century, Black Friday had become synonymous with extraordinary shopping deals.

The Black Friday Phenomenon

Today, Black Friday has become a worldwide shopping event, extending far beyond its Philadelphia origins. Retailers and consumers alike anticipate this day with excitement. It serves as the kickstart for the holiday shopping season and an opportunity for retailers to generate significant revenue.

Retailers continue to mark Black Friday on their calendars for several reasons:

  1. Boosting Sales: Black Friday typically offers substantial discounts and limited-time promotions, which draw in large crowds of eager shoppers. This influx of customers leads to significant sales volumes.
  2. Clearing Inventory: Retailers use Black Friday as an opportunity to clear out older inventory to make room for newer products, ensuring that their stores remain up-to-date and appealing to customers.
  3. Creating Hype: Black Friday generates excitement and anticipation among consumers. The limited-time nature of the deals and the competitive atmosphere create a sense of urgency, encouraging people to shop.
  4. Tradition: Black Friday has become ingrained in our culture as a holiday shopping tradition. People eagerly await the sales and view it as an essential part of the holiday season.
  5. Online and In-Store Sales: With the advent of online shopping, retailers have extended Black Friday to the digital realm, making it easier for customers to participate, even if they don’t want to brave the crowds in physical stores.

What does Black Friday mean for Welsh Witch

Yes, we want generate interest and excitement in our handcrafted spirits, however we will never use this as a way push a limited range of Welsh Witch products.

We want to use this as an opportunity to offer customers the opportunity to save money and get ready for Christmas.

This year from now until 1 December, helping to spread the magic of Welsh Witch.

Black Friday’s history is one of transformation, evolving from a term describing chaos to a worldwide shopping phenomenon. While the origins of the name might be linked to chaos, the modern Black Friday is now a celebration of consumerism and an integral part of the holiday season for people around the world.

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What makes Welsh Witch Craft Spirits different?

Welsh Witch’s award-winning distillery Wild Moon is a family run business which has been creating spirits since 2019 and currently has 3 of our spirits recognised and awarded by the Great taste awards amongst other awards bodies.

Based in Wrexham, North Wales, the distillery was founded by Jade Garston, inspired by Welsh pagan folklore and a passion for converting high quality natural ingredients into drinks that create magical moments!

Turning that passion into award-winning craft spirits

What makes Welsh Witch different is a distinct connection with Mother Earth in all our processes and a distilling process charged by the moon.
Enchanting drinkers with our natural flavours and premium taste, Welsh Witch is the world’s only distillery to be charged by the moon.

Each bottle is allowed to mature over a full moon cycle, the spellbinding perfection of Welsh Witch is conjured from nature’s purest offerings plus the most magical resource that Wales has to offer – its water.

We take our inspiration from the Celtic Pagan Wheel of the Year which celebrates the seasons, each bringing an abundance of beautiful ingredients to make our hand-crafted drinks.

The Witch behind the magic

It is in fact Jade, the Welsh Witch, at the core of what truly makes Welsh Witch different. Jade, one of the UK’s few female distillers, carries out the entire process from start to finish.
Since making potions as a little girl, she has turned her love of botanicals into a magical line of products which ooze magic and warmth.

This means there is high quality control, small batches of botanical goodness, and an underlying passion for luxurious spirits and ingredients. Each stage of the process – from label designing and branding, to bottling and hand-waxing the corks – requires finesse and expert craftsmanship.

However, the magic she creates is more than simply about the care and attention she puts into it. Her spiritual beliefs that further enrich the process.

Being a Witch is a spiritual alternative to help navigate modern life; it not only centres around nature, but is deeply rooted in being kind, present and true to yourself. In short it is about happiness from within.
It’s this magical outlook and set of beliefs that makes Jade and Welsh Witch crafts spirits so special.

“I’ve always been a deeply spiritual person. From making potions in the bath using garden foliage, to collecting seashells and intriguing stones from the beach. As I grew older, I started collecting healing crystals, using tarot & angel cards and it became a part of life and my love for witchcraft grew stronger.

Sharing Jade’s proud Welsh heritage and personal beliefs

Welsh Witch is more than a drinks brand, it’s Jade’s passion brought to life and allows her to share a magical way of life with the world.

From the moment of business conception, Welsh heritage has been weaved into Jade’s business from the get-go.

Jade is very proud of her roots, she wanted to bring the cultural folklore (the Mabinogion) and age-old traditions of Wales to the modern-day consumer. Intertwined with a rich dedication to paganism and spirituality, the luxe spirits created by Welsh Witch are both a marvel for the eyes and the tastebuds.

Through her spirits, Jade hopes to bring forth more education around spirituality, witch culture and her love of her hometown Wrexham, in the beautiful country of Wales.

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The Bewitching Cocktail – Guest Blog

We’re really excited to share another cocktail recipe by the lovely team at

This Cocktail may end up casting a spell on you, but you won’t be wanting a cure, we’re delving deep into the world of witches and witchcraft with Wild Moon Distillery and exploring the heard of Prosecco with Ruggeri, uniting two separate drinks from two different parts of the world can be exciting, showing the world that no matter where you come from, we can all enjoy a glass of bubbly together.

Let’s first meet our two players in this cocktail, the Prosecco and Vodka, we’ll start with the Prosecco.

Ruggeri – Argeo 

Deeply rooted in the tradition of winemaking, the history of Ruggeri began in 1950, founded by Giustino Bisol and his cousin, whose surname, Ruggeri, they adopted as part of the brand for their company.

In the early days, Ruggeri was one of only a handful of producers around Valdobbiadene focused on sparkling wine. Giustino’s son Paolo and granddaughter Isabella have since taken the company forward with the same pioneering spirit.

Aroma – “An array of freshly squeezed ripe white fruits, green fruits, green apple, lovely white floral lemon grass, ripe white pears and peaches on the aroma.”

Flavour – “Ripe and delicate white fruits juicy white pears, subtle peaches, green pears and apple skins, with hints of foliage and plenty of wild white floral and blossom characters on the palate.”

Silver Medal in the Spring Fling Category at the Glass of Bubbly Awards 2022

The Vodka – Wild Moon

Launched in 2019 by The Welsh Witch herself, Jade Garston, born in a small village in North Wales. A Beltane baby, a May Queen, a Goddess of Love. She cast her spell and created Wild Moon Distillery, which has now expanded its range of Premium Spirits with a unique Vodka. Inspired by Welsh pagan folklore, this vodka is the 6th premium spirit to be released by the distillery.

Wild Moon’s new vodka is made using distilled Welsh water from the Ffynnon Beuno Welsh mountains, tying in with Celtic paganism roots of the Welsh Witch Spirit collection.

Their process involved trickling the vodka through reiki charged crystals such as aquamarine, amethyst and moonstone crystals for energy cleansing to balance and complete the process. Each bottle is hand-corked and waxed in a distinct apothecary style that the brand is known for.

Our new vodka is an exciting addition to our collection, it’s been in the making for some time and we’re really pleased to launch it to the public. We’re passionate about constantly creating new drinks that people love and all of our spirits have their own unique processes to make them stand out from the crowd. Being hand crafted in small batches in our North Wales distillery means we can ensure care and attention to every detail and we can remain true to our values. – Jade Garston

The Bewitching Cocktail


  • Vodka
  • Prosecco
  • Wild Garden Herbs – Mint – Rosemary -Thyme – Fennel
  • Lemon Juice
  • Lemon

How To Make The Bewitching Cocktail

  • Start With A Few Ice Cubes
  • Add A Lemon Wedge
  • A Squeeze Of Lemon
  • Drop In A Mix Of Wild Garden Herbs – Mint – Rosemary – Thyme – Fennel
  • Pour In 15mls of Vodka
  • Top up with 100mls of Prosecco

Tasting Notes

Aroma – “A mystical sensation of an earthy variety, including the forever together rosemary and thyme with subtle lemon skin and a growing share from the mint on the aroma.”

Flavour“Bewitching flavours of smooth herbs, minty with a dash of lemon, rosemary and thyme with ripe white pears, smooth and warming vodka and delicate floral characters on the palate.”


Written By Oliver Walkey, Director at Glass of Bubbly and Champagne & Sparkling Wine Writer, Focused on Bringing the Exciting and Fascinating World of Bubbly to You.

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Does Alcohol Make a Good Gift?

Today we’re going to be talking about all things alcohol and whether or not it makes a good gift in the run up to the festive season. Here at Welsh Witch Craft Spirits, we’re all about the magical experience which unfolds within the bottles of our handcrafted drinks. Each sip is a journey through Celtic pagan folklore and Welsh-inspired botanicals to tickle those tastebuds.

The short answer, to ‘does alcohol make a good gift?’, is YES! But of course, it is a lot more nuanced than that. We’re going to be unpicking the best way to gift alcohol and some alternatives to spirits as well.

Understand the gift recipient

This is probably the key takeaway from this discussion. Of course, alcohol is a great gift for many, but understanding the recipient is the best way to make a decision whether or not alcohol is a good gifting choice. Does the gift recipient like alcohol, is the first question to ask. Is it something they would enjoy, whether with friends or of an evening with a meal? If yes, this is a good start.

It then becomes a matter of ‘what alcohol do they like?’ and you can branch into one of our delicious hand-crafted gins, rums, or vodka too if that’s more their taste. If you’re not sure, an Original Dry Gin is a good choice – a crowd-pleasing staple that most alcohol enthusiasts can appreciate. We also have a selection of gift boxes which include a full size spirit and a branded Welsh Witch glass for that extra luxe experience.

Choose your potion

Our Wheel of the Year range contains a delicious range of gins, vodka, and rums. There is sure to be something for everyone! Of course everybody’s tastes are different, but if you know the person you’re gifting, there are some simple ways to pick the perfect potion for them. Try and pick up on the gift recipient’s drinking habits before purchasing a gift:

  • What do they normally drink?
  • Do they prefer sweet or dry spirits?
  • Are they a flavoured spirit person or do they prefer a classic simple spirit?

Answering these questions will help you figure out the perfect Welsh Witch potion for them.

If they are into rum, our sweet and spiced classic (and award-winning!) Spiced Rum is a great choice. This smooth rum is a great evening tipple and can be enjoyed in a multitude of ways. With a whisper of whiskey too, this rum is a perfect gift for someone who enjoys their spirits neat, as it’s best enjoyed neat over ice and left to rest. Our brand new Mabon Roasted Apple Rum is a delicious flavoured alternative to the classic spiced rum. Enjoy the autumnal delights of warm apple pie in a smooth delectable tipple, perfect for those with a sweeter tooth.

If your gift-receiver is a big gin fan, well – you’ve come to the right place! Our selection of high quality gins is ripe for the picking. Brewed with love in North Wales, our gins vary from sweet and fruity, to floral and delicate, to classic and refreshing. Our Beltane Gin is a fiery yet floral blend of cinnamon and reiki infused rosewater, finished with a citrusy burst. The Imbolc Gin is a delectable blend of blackberries within a juniper-led base; bursting with flavour and perfect for a fruity gin enthusiast. For a floral gin lover, our Litha Gin is elderflower based and our Ostara Gin is violet based. Last but by no means least, our Original Dry Gin is perfect for just about anyone! Refreshing and sophisticated, this award-winning tipple was our first Welsh Witch spirit, rich with history and Welsh-inspired botanicals.

Finally, our Welsh Witch Lammas Vodka is our final pick, perfect for the vodka lovers out there. Smooth and unassuming, this simple yet classy spirit is perfect for those cocktail makers out there. Infused with Welsh water and bundles of the Welsh Witch magic touch, this is a perfect stocking filler for just about anyone.

If you’re not sure, just ask!

Of course, this might ruin the element of surprise, but sometimes asking is better than gifting alcohol if it’s not desired. For example, someone could be taking time away from drinking alcohol, recovering from a substance addiction, or avoiding alcohol due to a medication, for example. If you’re not sure, asking the recipient (or a closed loved one of theirs) if they would enjoy an alcoholic gift is probably a safe bet, as you don’t want to end up sending the wrong message and making a gift faux-pas.

Our witch’s store cupboard also contains gift items which aren’t alcohol. We have cocktail inspired candles which may be a good option, as well as Welsh Witch branded glasses, which can be used for any drink, alcoholic or not.

Get gifting ready with our Welsh Witch Craft Spirits

Whether your gift recipient is a tipple enthusiast or an occasional special-occasion drinker, our spirits will be sure to bring delight and magic. Filled to the brim with luxurious botanicals and Welsh folklore, it’ll sure be a great talking point! Not to mention, our hand-corked, waxed and bottled spirits look absolutely divine on any drinks shelf. Labelled with our mythical and magical branding, our eye-catching designs are sure to spark joy with anybody interested in magic or folklore too.

You can shop our full range of botanical delights here.

Wishing you a magnificent festive season from everybody here at Welsh Witch HQ x